All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1206

There is no doubt that Zhang Cheng is obviously more inclined to obtain some useful information through lower level channels than directly reading those deliberately retained.

Although most of these information are processed more than twice, and even some are simply unreliable rumors, it is always much better than being misled.

You should know that first-hand information often means building an understanding of the whole spiritual world in your heart. If you make a mistake in this step, you will always make a mistake later.

Although it is not impossible to change, it is bound to take many detours.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng would rather screen the parts he thinks useful bit by bit from countless complex and cumbersome information, rather than contact the rulers of the city too early.

Just as he patiently read the copied memory fragments, a violent mental fluctuation suddenly came from the distance.

Obviously, a fierce battle broke out somewhere in the dark lane area, and the powerful force can be clearly felt even far away.

"What happened there?" Zhang Cheng threw away a memory that didn\'t have much value, raised his head and asked the creature with beautiful female faces nearby.

The latter hesitated a little and quickly responded: "it\'s an intruder! This is his fourth attack on the dark lane area in recent time to plunder the spiritual power of the weak."

"Intruder?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

After all, the dark lane is a hunting ground. Except for these dominant guys, no one will regard it as a writer or a place to live forever.

Since they are not regarded as writers, they naturally will not have a sense of identity or regional identity and cohesion. Anyone can enter the dark lane or leave at any time. There should be no words like "intruder".

"Yes! Intruder!" the creature with a beautiful female face nodded. "Like you, he suddenly appeared in this city. According to the information we got, he seems to have made some kind of deal with the Lord of Morlock, allowing them to enter the memory bank, read those ancient memories and find the answers to some questions."

"Memory bank?!" when Zhang Cheng heard the word, his pupils suddenly contracted.

Because of this deja vu behavior, he suddenly thought of an old friend, who broke his hand for the same purpose.

"Why, are you also interested in the memory bank?" the crystal like life seemed to notice something and floated forward a little.

Zhang Cheng glanced at each other\'s language meaningfully, pretending to shrug his shoulders carelessly: "I\'m not interested, just curious. Can you tell me about the memory bank and the intruder? The more detailed, the better!"

"Memory bank, as the name suggests, is the place where memory is stored.

No one knows how long Lord Moloch lived, let alone how many powerful enemies he killed, and the memories of the enemies he killed are intact in the memory bank.

So if you want to get knowledge, or clues to some ancient secrets, memory is your only choice.

But there is a small problem. The city Lord is not a generous guy. On the contrary, he is so stingy that he will never miss any opportunity to get benefits.

So if you want to enter the memory bank, you must give something that makes Moloch feel valuable in exchange.

As for the intruder, I only know he has a companion.

At first, neither of them was strong, or even quite weak.

But I don\'t know why, since entering the memory bank, every time he appears, he will become more powerful than before.

Now the cannon fodder on the periphery is a little. There\'s no way to take him. "

While saying these words, the crystal like creature was flashing two different colors of shimmer all over.

This may be an emotional fluctuation, or it may be launching some unknown ability. In short, it is different from those flesh and blood bodies. It is more like artificial creation than natural birth.

At least, so far, we have not encountered a second similar life form in the spiritual world.

"I see..." Zhang Cheng showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and then smiled and nodded his head. "Well, it seems necessary for me to meet the intruder and ask him if he knows what I\'m looking for."

The voice just fell!

He threw down the memory fragments piled on the table and walked directly to the place where the battle took place.

About ten minutes later, a familiar figure finally appeared at the end of the dark alley.

I saw that the slightly tired starter was looking up and sucking the spiritual power scattered around. With each sip, he would enjoy narrowing his eyes.

When the last bit of spiritual power was sucked clean, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and muttered to himself: "no matter what kind of world, the growth of power is always pleasant. In particular, the unparalleled pleasure is unmatched by any spiritual and material enjoyment."

"Are you addicted?"

When he found that he was an old acquaintance, Zhang Cheng immediately came out of the corner with an undisguised surprise in his tone.

Because he also felt that taste, he knew very well what kind of adverse reactions would occur if he swallowed spiritual power for a long time and frequently.

"It\'s you?! you\'re here as expected!" the initiator was obviously startled, but after seeing the true face of the comer, he soon relaxed.

Although they are rivals to each other, in the current environment, cooperation is undoubtedly more attractive than confrontation.

"Yes, it\'s me. Answer my question, are you addicted?" Zhang Cheng\'s eyes twinkled with a deep light.

The initiator quickly shook his head and denied, "no! It\'s not addictive. I just enjoy the feeling of getting stronger and stronger."


Zhang Cheng didn\'t speak. He just stared into each other\'s eyes and said in a positive tone after a full minute: "No! You\'re addicted. You can\'t extricate yourself from that unparalleled spiritual pleasure. If I\'m right, your old friend must have never taken spiritual power, but just drew a little nourishment from you to maintain his own existence, right?"

"What do you want to express?" the initiator narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

"What I want to say is... You have unconsciously fallen into a trap. Think about it carefully and you will soon understand."

"Damn it! It\'s him! He\'s been luring us from the beginning!"

"Who is he?"

"It\'s Moloch!"