All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1151

Leshan City, once the capital of a small principality, was forcibly annexed by Harrison. After several reconstruction and expansion, it finally became the most prosperous and important city along the river, and even served as part of the responsibilities of administrative and military center.

However, as the huge country fell into civil strife, it failed to resist Kelvin\'s brutal army.

After a period of symbolic resistance, the frightened nobles took the initiative to send envoys to negotiate, and announced their surrender to the tyrant on the condition of retaining their titles, personal safety and property safety.

Therefore, despite the short war, the city has not been seriously damaged, and the residents in the city have not lost much. Coupled with the people fleeing from other places, the business and trade activities in the whole region have recovered rapidly.

Looking down from the highest arrow tower in the city, you can clearly observe that the number of busy hawkers and endless crowds in the market is even more than before the war, and the transportation of goods is also particularly frequent.

In particular, the saoro palace, known as the palace of art, holds banquets almost every night. The bright magic lights can be seen even hundreds of meters away.

No one living in the city did not know that the host of the banquet was none other than the royal highness of the princess who killed his own father by himself.

For the young and beautiful princess, most people\'s inner feelings are extremely complex.

Both strong anger and contempt, because she cut off the possibility of the country\'s last recovery, but also a little gratitude, because she kept the last pure land in this chaotic era, so that people eager for peace can have a safe life.

Queen, in this situation full of war and chaos, it is not an easy job.

What\'s more, she is just a puppet queen. She doesn\'t even have an army loyal to herself. She depends entirely on Kelvin\'s support.

In order to make up for her biggest weakness, she had to try her best to win over those nobles who took refuge, try to use each other\'s strength to form a kind of political capital, and then reach into the army bit by bit.

Violence is not only the basis for a monarch to master power, but also the basis for a country to maintain its own stability.

If a monarch cannot control the army, the real power is no longer in his hands.

If a country\'s army is not in its own hands, it cannot have an independent will and cannot develop according to its own will.

Obviously, this new country is actually a puppet, a buffer zone deliberately supported by Kerwin in order not to stimulate the sensitive nerves of his neighbors, just to swallow it at the right time.

The young princess hopes to get rid of control and really establish her own country. One day, she even defeats her brothers and sisters and restores the brilliant Empire created by her father.


With the beautiful music played by the harp, countless bright men and women in the gorgeous palace are holding hands and stepping on happy dance steps.

They looked so carefree, as if they had forgotten the ongoing war across the river.

Perhaps, as a saying goes, the only lesson that mankind has learned from history is that it has not learned any lessons at all.

After enjoying a few days of peace, the nobles and scholars selectively forgot the suffering when they fled and began to germinate again.

In this regard, the young girl who had just changed from a princess to a queen could not help sighing slightly and muttering in a voice that only she could hear: "no wonder the country created by her father is about to perish. What can I expect from such nobles and ministers?"

"Don\'t lose heart, your majesty. You still have a chance to turn things around and get everything back on track." an old man, covered in a hood, stood behind and whispered comfort.

"Oh, really? Will your majesty Victoria give me back the part of the land she occupied when Kelvin is dead?" the queen looked up into each other\'s eyes, with an undisguised irony in her tone.

Influenced by politics and conspiracy, she had long seen through these in the name of helping herself. In fact, none of them had a good heart.

Either they want to use their own hands to eradicate the tyrant and divide up the land he occupies, or they just want to muddy the water and see what is cheap to pick up.

"I\'m sorry, I\'m afraid you\'ll have to talk to his majesty Victoria in person after Kelvin\'s death." the old man took off his hood and showed his old and wise eyes.

He was no one else, just isorte, who had disappeared for some time.

Although there was no change in appearance, in fact, the small bottle was mixed with divine blood, which had been prepared into medicine and drunk by him.

Now, the huge vitality contained in the old body is ready to come out, but it has not been fully absorbed for the time being.

"Ah, a delaying tactic. Maybe after Kelvin\'s death, his Majesty\'s appetite will be quite scary, won\'t it?" the girl sneered at herself.

No doubt she knew very well that she was just a puppet and had no room for bargaining.

Or you can choose to be the wife of a tyrant all your life and let the other party play with and humiliate you. Maybe when you lose your use value, you will be quietly disposed of, just as your father used to dispose of those disobedient small monarchs.

Or do some tyrants, and then negotiate with those kings, especially the most powerful Queen Victoria, and then regain a relatively independent status and autonomy after paying a certain price.

Of course, even if you want to use your ass, the price will definitely be very painful.

As the saying goes, the lesser of the two evils is much better than the former.

Isorte smiled and nodded: "Her appetite is really scary, but I guarantee that the rest is enough to make you a real queen. In addition, I just got the news that Kelvin is coming back at a very fast speed. Because he heard that you will share a room with young and handsome young people of one or two years every night recently. In this world, some men\'s possessiveness is very terrible Yes, it makes people lose their mind. "

"You mean... My dear husband doesn\'t have much army?"

"That\'s right! He\'s so arrogant that he thinks the garrison left in this city is enough to control any situation. How, can you test the tone of the officer who worships under your skirt and launch an assassination and military coup?"

"I will..."