All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1150

"The goddess of darkness? It sounds very imposing, doesn\'t it? But I don\'t make complaints about why she added so many titles to her. After all, the only thing she controls is a dark one." Zhang shrugged her shoulders and Tucao.

However, he can understand that the other party may have to do so.

You know, this kind of hanging a long list of titles is usually not to raise their own status, or to frighten their opponents, creating an illusion of "I\'m stronger than you", or "I\'m more professional than you".

In any case, even in the information age of knowledge explosion, ordinary people still can\'t distinguish which knowledge is true and which knowledge is fabricated.

The only thing that can be identified is the fame of various experts and professors, as well as the University and academic achievements of each other.

In other words, people pay more attention to the credibility of the knowledge provider than the content of real knowledge.

Especially for those things that are too professional and even incomprehensible to ordinary people, it seems that in addition to listening to the explanations given by experts and professors, it is impossible to find out the truth in a short time just by relying on a few words from books or the Internet.

As a result, a large group of fake experts and professors came into being, and even some swindlers who secretly stuffed private goods and advertised in the name of discounted science popularization.

This is still the case in the era of information explosion, especially on this backward planet with serious lag in message transmission.

Without a long list of bluffing titles, how can those foolish people believe in a goddess who has just emerged and has been suppressed by the nobles?

Therefore, even for the convenience of missionary work, Musa must disguise herself as tall.

Belief struggle is not a war in the ordinary sense!

She needs to deal with complex and changeable people!

The independent thinking of intelligent life determines that they are fickle. Maybe one second they are still praising someone loudly, and the next second they will push this person into hell by cursing and spitting.


For the sake of giving them sufficient benefits, the relationship between God and believers will be maintained for a long time to form a stable and powerful secular church.

With the church, we can absorb more resources, eliminate those forces hostile to ourselves, and bring in the neutrals bit by bit.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhang Cheng. After confirming that the second half of the plan is not out of his control, he returns to the magic tower and monitors the every move of all important people through the magic mirror.


At the same time, Kerwin, who escaped from death, is hiding in a strong castle and constantly reading the information sent back by his spies.

Half an hour later, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, smiled bitterly and cursed, "damn! The danger has finally been lifted! The terrible darkness over the city has disappeared. There is nothing left except the dead body."

"Are you sure? I don\'t think supernatural phenomena on that scale will leave nothing behind." Baron kellenster expressed strong doubt.

As one of the witnesses and survivors, he witnessed the black energy in the sky, and also saw countless human soldiers swallowed up by darkness.

That terrible power can never be countered by manpower.

"I\'m pretty sure! The spy has entered the central area of the city and returned safely. No matter what happened that night, it\'s a thing of the past. Our enemy has disappeared, that\'s it." Kelvin couldn\'t wait to settle the matter.

After all, the loss of so many troops all at once is definitely a bone and muscle injury for him. Even the neighbors who were not kind to him began to be ready to try to get rid of the tyrant.

Therefore, even for the sake of the political situation, he must suppress this matter as soon as possible and create an illusion of his own victory.

"Oh, well, I hope you are right. But I always have a hunch that this matter will not end easily." Baron kellenster sighed slightly, without refuting his loyal monarch.

Kelvin was obviously very satisfied with this attitude. He threw the dense notes on the table into the brazier, and then asked without looking back: "has my dear wife done anything unusual these days?"

"She seems to be very keen on holding dances and salons, dancing and chatting with those nobles who have taken refuge. However, as a hostess, she has nothing to blame for doing so. Moreover, dances and salons really make your newly occupied land very stable, without nobles, mob riots and tax resistance." Baron kellenster spoke out what he knew without thinking.

"PROM and salon?" Kelvin asked with a subconscious eyebrow. "She\'s in frequent contact with those people?"

"Well... I\'m not sure. According to the spy\'s description, most of them are young nobles without real power. These people admire your wife\'s wisdom and beauty rather than ulterior motives. You know, there are many young people who are dazzled by the so-called love in the court."

While saying these words, Baron kellenster raised his head and secretly glanced at the monarch, as if he saw a light on the other side\'s head, a green light

Of course, as a man with the same green light on his head, he quite understands Kelvin\'s mood.

You should know that in the chaotic aristocratic circle, marrying a young, beautiful and sociable wife itself means surrounded by green light, and even the king\'s Queen is not immune from vulgarity.

Through this close communication between the body and the mind, families will form a close alliance in private, which will secretly affect politics and even the direction of war.

"Damn it! How dare she?"

Kelvin is obviously different from his number one dog leg and sees it as a naked humiliation.

"I\'m sorry, I\'m afraid I\'m sorry to inform you that she has been in the same room with at least three handsome young men for more than two hours. No one knows what she has done in it." Baron kellenster took a letter from his arms and gently put it on the table.

Kelvin picked it up and just glanced at it, and a flame of anger burst out of his eyes.

Lonely men and women in the same room!

Apart from some indescribable things, what else can there be?

He is not stupid enough to believe that his wife is appreciating each other\'s talents.

There can be no pure friendship between men and women. Unless both of them are very ugly, one of them will have a strong desire for the other.

Feeling that the green prairie above his head was already thriving, Kelvin finally couldn\'t help tearing up the letter and shouted at the knight guarding the door, "prepare the horse! Start now! I\'ll go back in five days!"