All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1152

Late at night, a senior officer who looked about 30 years old and had two moustaches, carefully led by the maid, sneaked into the Queen\'s bedroom through the dark and narrow corridor.

When he saw the admirer lying in bed, only wearing close fitting light pajamas, he immediately knelt down on one knee, covered his chest and said in a disgusting way: "ah, my beautiful queen, your beautiful face makes me intoxicated. If you can, please allow me to kiss your hand and offer my loyalty and life."

"Of course, my loyal servant." a trace of contempt and disdain flashed in the Queen\'s eyes, but she soon stretched out her right hand and let the other party kiss on it.

As a woman, she knew how to use her identity and beauty to achieve some goals long ago.

Now it\'s just a step further, starting to draw the men who originally belonged to Kelvin to their side bit by bit with the help of men\'s innate lowest and most primitive desires.

After all, reproduction is one of the most fundamental needs of all life, and it will even be firmly engraved in the depths of genes. Once it happens, it is absolutely beyond the control of reason.

Look at the officer\'s excitement at the moment

Doesn\'t he know what a tyrant will do to a man who wears a green hat?


He clearly knows!

But in front of him, he was born noble, had extraordinary beauty and figure, and had the knowledge and temperament that ordinary women could never have. He couldn\'t control himself at all.

After the hand kissing ceremony, he felt the softness and fragrance left on his lips. The officer felt that his soul was trapped. He inquired with a bitter smile and asked, "my majesty, do you have any orders to call me late at night?"

"Command? Can\'t I call you without command?" the queen winked playfully.

Hard to get has always been a perfect means for women to deal with men.

I don\'t know if men have a special hobby. They know it\'s a hard to get trick, but they still can\'t help bumping into it. It\'s like a male spider jumping into a female spider\'s web and finally being eaten by the other party.

The officer obviously didn\'t realize that he was about to face a choice. He quickly shook his head desperately: "how! Whenever you want to see me, as long as you tell me, I will appear in front of you."

"Very good! I\'m satisfied with your answer. Now come and sit on the bed." the queen patted the white bed.

You don\'t have to ask. This is a signal and also a temptation. In order to let the prey drop their guard and fall into their own net.

"Really... Really? Can I?"

The officer affected by hormones was so excited that he quickly came to the bed and enjoyed the perfect face and eyes of the dream lover.

Looking at the beating heart on her chest, the queen pursed her mouth, showed a playful smile, reached out her hand, touched each other\'s cheek, and whispered, "tell me, in your mind, who is more important than Kelvin?"

"Of course it\'s you! Your order is even higher than my life!" the officer gave the answer without thinking.

"Really? What would you do if Kelvin wanted to get rid of me?" the queen continued to guide the topic calmly.

"Get rid of you? Why? He is your husband. Shouldn\'t he protect you?" the officer subconsciously frowned.

He is not stupid, but blinded by the so-called "love".

"No, you don\'t understand. He\'s an extremely possessive enemy. Look at this letter. He\'s going back at a great speed. I\'m afraid he\'s heard about what happened between us." the queen threw a forged letter to the other party.

Without saying a word, the latter immediately picked up and swept one, his face turned pale, and his hands even trembled slightly.

There\'s no way not to tremble!

The reason why tyrants are famous throughout the continent is that Kelvin never let go of any enemy against himself.

Spy on his wife?

Even having an affair with his wife?

Just thinking about the anger of a tyrant makes people shudder.

Will die!

Really will die!

And will die very miserably!

With fear, reason soon overpowered desire and regained control of the brain.

"Your majesty! Please help me! I... I have a family and children." the officer fell down on his knees and begged bitterly.

"Family and children? Why didn\'t you think of them when you praised me? Sorry, poor little, I can\'t save you now. Only you can save you." the queen held her chin and appreciated each other\'s ugliness with interest.

From then on, her last favor for men disappeared, replaced by naked use and play.

"Save yourself?" the officer raised his head with a confused face.

"Yes, save yourself. If I remember correctly, you have an army of 1500 people under your command, right? This time Kelvin came back with less than 100 followers. Think about it. If you seal the gate in advance and kill him in the urn City, who will dare to settle accounts with you."

Then the queen bent down, stretched out her fingers and gently scratched each other\'s chin.


The officer subconsciously swallowed his saliva and finally realized what the woman who had played a love game with herself for a long time was going to do.

Use yourself and your troops to kill the tyrant!

Then grab the class and power!

What\'s more terrible is that at this point, he has no way back.

Even if it is to expose the Queen\'s plot to Kelvin, Kelvin will never let him go in the end.

On the contrary, if the assassination is really successful, he can not only become an important minister under one person and above ten thousand people with his merits, but also break through the boundaries, climb up the dream bed and become the Queen\'s pillow lover.

"OK! I\'ll do it!"

Inspired by the hopelessness and a bright future, the officer finally made up his mind and was ready to take a gamble.

But what he didn\'t know was that he had just left the palace on his front foot, and another officer who also held 1500 soldiers on his back foot was taken into the bedroom.

The same method, the same means

The queen easily secured two-thirds of the city\'s troops in just one night.

She was very clever. She didn\'t try to win over those guys who were loyal to Kelvin, let alone the commander-in-chief of the urban defense army.

On the contrary, she chose those senior officers who had a lot of soldiers but did not enter the core circle, and most of them were young people with strong hormone secretion.