All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1149

Women wake up faster than expected.

In less than ten minutes, her breathing and heartbeat suddenly accelerated, followed by the seemingly nonexistent divine power began to spread around, and finally formed a dark field.

"She\'s waking up!" Ellens whispered.

"Well, I know that she is not only waking up, but also trying to create her own supernatural power. I have to say that she is indeed a lucky person who is favored by the dark and has an incredible affinity for this power."

Just as Zhang Cheng spoke, the newborn goddess finally slowly opened her eyes and the whole person floated gently as if she had no weight.

Her dark black eyes without white eyes are so special, like a bottomless spring to absorb the thoughts and souls of the people around her.

After a full minute, she asked in a condescending tone, "who am I and who are you?"

"Why, don\'t you remember your name?" Zhang Chengfei asked with a smile instead of giving a direct answer.

"Me?" the goddess subconsciously frowned, as if searching her memory, but soon shook her head blankly. "I don\'t remember! I seem to have forgotten a lot of things, but have I forgotten all of them? My head is in a mess and I can\'t remember anything at all."

"What about me? Do you remember who I am?" Zhang Cheng continued to guide each other\'s thoughts.

Through observation, he can basically judge that the other party has almost lost more than one-third of his memory. Only when this number is reached, his thinking will become confused, so that many things can still be remembered, but he doesn\'t know why he can\'t connect them in series.

We should know that memory is not a separate thing. It is closely related to each other. Some are connected by someone, while others are connected by time and a specific event.

Once the key parts of these series are forgotten, even if most of the memory is still intact, it can not be read out smoothly.


There was a strange light in the goddess\'s eyes. About two or three seconds later, a strong divine impact suddenly burst out. At the same time, she roared angrily: "it\'s you! You damn bastard! You not only played with me like a chess piece, but even abandoned me. I want you to pay the price, the price of blood."

"Let me pay the price? Is it up to you? Maybe just becoming a God has given you some inexplicable self-confidence. Maybe memory has made you forget the insurmountable gap between us. Well, if you don\'t care, I will make you recall that humiliation and fear again."

With the last word blurted out!

Zhang Cheng manipulated the vines on the branches of chaos and directly tightened the naked goddess into a big font of shame.

The remaining vines were not idle. They kept beating on the surface of the delicate skin. In the blink of an eye, the skin opened and the flesh burst. The divine blood dropped down along the thigh and was absorbed by the bark to form light black stripes.

"No! How dare you do this to me! I am the goddess! The goddess in charge of darkness! I am the only true God in the world!"

As a powerful life beyond the limits of mortals, God is born with a strong self-esteem. In particular, he can\'t stand any form of humiliation. Otherwise, he will have an anger that he can\'t restrain.

This is why all mortals who violate the God\'s bottom line will be cursed without exception, and may be passed on to future generations.

Unfortunately, the new woman did not know that the man standing in front of her was actually a higher master than God.

In the eyes of the master, the so-called God is just a small ant that can be crushed to death. There is no need to where the mortals in their mouth are "noble".

The so-called high ground and low level of life are not much different from civilization.

Higher civilizations will discriminate against and enslave lower civilizations, and even do not recognize each other\'s intelligent race, but regard it as a livestock like cattle, horses and sheep, an animal that can be tamed and raised.

Similarly, in the eyes of higher life, no matter how many lower life died, it is just a fuzzy number, just like human beings inadvertently step down and kill a large number of ants, they will simply lower their heads and count how many, and they won\'t care what the ants who survived by chance feel.

There may be a few guys who have enough to support and jump out and shout boring slogans such as "defending the survival rights of ants" and "protecting the ecological environment", but most people look around as if they are busy and follow what to do.





It just depends on a psychology, an emotion called "Empathy".

Of course, having long regarded human nature as a bone without any meat and fed it to the dog, Zhang Cheng no longer has a little sense of the same kind, but regards himself as a separate and special independent body.

He firmly believed that he was special and unique, so he completely ignored the crazy and angry curse of the goddess. In this way, he allowed a binding avi to last for more than three hours until the other party was tired of scolding and closed his mouth and endured silently. Then he sneered and said ironically: "Ah! It seems that your memory has deteriorated a little. It took you three hours to re realize the gap between us. Now tell me, will you still fulfill the contract you signed with me?"

"Do I have a second choice?" the goddess raised her head slightly, her face full of naked anger and hatred.

"That\'s a good answer. In that case, I\'ll let you go first. Remember, do your business well and I\'ll pay close attention to your every move."

After that, Zhang Cheng gently waved his hand, and the incredibly tough vines loosened in an instant, throwing the goddess violently on the branch of the tree.


The newborn goddess obviously didn\'t want to talk nonsense. After smoothing her injuries with divine power, she immediately opened the portal to get in and escape from this dangerous place as quickly as possible.

Just as she stepped in, Zhang Cheng suddenly asked: "By the way, have you thought about your God\'s name? If not, I can give you a little advice. After all, becoming a God means saying goodbye to the past. You\'d better not occasionally use the name of a mortal, otherwise those guys with ulterior motives will trace your past and spy on the mystery of becoming a God. Don\'t underestimate mortals. As far as I know, there are more than one God planted in their hands Two. "

"Thank you for your concern! From today on, I am Musa, the goddess of darkness! I will be integrated with the initial darkness of the world. I am the night and keep it secretly..."

Then the goddess who gave herself a new name crossed the portal and disappeared without a trace.