All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1143

"Great creator, are you finally back? Who is this guy? Your servant?"

Allen\'s slightly astringent and strange voice soon echoed in the depths of their minds.

After a period of study and observation, it is obvious that he is no longer as naive as when he was just born, and gradually began to have his own thoughts and cognition.

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "yes, it\'s me. Next to me is my servant. Tell me how you\'ve been recently and whether you\'ve learned a lot of interesting things."

"Aha! Of course, I\'ve learned a lot. Have you seen those interesting lives under the tree? I gave them the enlightenment that they can only use tools and communicate with gestures and sounds. Maybe it won\'t be long before they will establish a civilization, a civilization different from those who call themselves human outside."

Ellens, who was forcibly purged of his memory, was like a child, happily reporting on his small achievements, completely unaware that his every move had long been closely monitored and was within the scheduled plan from beginning to end.

"Well done! I\'m pleased with your growth. Now, I have an arduous task for you." Zhang Cheng pointed to the woman who is still in a deep coma. "From now on, you will weave a dream in her spiritual world, a wonderful dream, and arouse another personality in her subconscious mind. Tell me, are you sure?"

"Is this a challenge?" Ellens said with a trace of excitement.

"You think it is. But don\'t forget, don\'t make any mistakes. This woman is very important to me, very, very important." Zhang Cheng warned seriously.

"I see! I promise!"

With this sentence, a huge spiritual energy wrapped the naked half human and half god woman, began to weave a false dream in her brain, and then went deep bit by bit until she dug out the secret hidden in the deepest memory.

Appreciating the way the woman was unconsciously trapped in it, Zhang Cheng narrowed his mouth to show a meaningful expression, turned and asked isorte, whose face was constantly changing, "do you know what I want to do?"

"No, I don\'t know." the latter quickly and cautiously shook his head. "I don\'t know. I think the way this fruit speaks sounds a little familiar."

"Hehe, did you find it? But don\'t say it, or I will be very angry." Zhang Cheng made a threat without concealment.

As a smart man, isorte naturally would not choose to take great risks to make a quick and decisive guarantee: "I swear, I don\'t know anything, I don\'t see or hear anything."

"I like your cleverness. I hope you can keep it. Now leave. I still have some important things to deal with alone." Zhang Cheng waved his hand straightforwardly, indicating that the other party can leave.

"As you wish, great master." Isolde knelt down on one knee and solemnly gave a big gift.

Today, he finally realized how terrible the mysterious man who never got angry and never yelled at his servants was.

That kind of terror is not only madness, killing, tyranny and death, but also some deeper and incomprehensible parts.

Seeing each other\'s old back gradually disappear at the end of the lush vines, Zhang Cheng touched his chin and muttered, "I hope this guy doesn\'t do stupid things. I don\'t have many chess pieces in my hand now..."

The voice just fell!

He raised his hands and injected energy and soul into the huge chaotic tree, even his own dark will.

He is eager to build the planet into a weapon, a powerful weapon that only belongs to him.


At the same time, at the far end of the universe, Gru, together with the masters of the mixed faction, is carefully observing Zhang Cheng\'s every move through an unknown ring device.

As real eternal life, they don\'t need energy or rest. They just stare at the picture in front of them.

I don\'t know how long later, a master who looked like a stone suddenly asked, "do any of you see what he really wants to do? Especially the tree, I have an inexplicable vigilance every time I see it."

"I don\'t know! After all, he comes from three-dimensional space. His way of thinking and understanding of the universe are different from those of us who have been born in the high-dimensional universe. Normally, the three-dimensional universe can never produce domination. Because the life living there is too low and limited, and it can\'t even observe the shadow of the high-dimensional universe. Can there be Interestingly, this time, two masters were born at once, and they were themselves in the parallel universe. Such a coincidence, there must be something hidden behind me that we haven\'t found yet. "

Another huge master expressed his views without thinking.

"What puzzles me most is that he is actually manipulating the aborigines of the planet by some obscure means, rather than directly conquering and transforming with pure power." another master questioned.

"Ah! I think I can give you an explanation about this." Gru volunteered and waved his insect like upper limbs. "In his home planet, a very interesting social form was born, a society in which power and wealth affect each other, which is very similar to the aborigines on this planet. Maybe this reason led him to feel like returning to his hometown, so he planned to play a small game."

"You mean... His seemingly meaningless actions are actually an act of interest and killing boring time?"

"That\'s right! Please remember what he did after his arrival. At any critical moment, he will choose to focus on the plan and resolutely eliminate the targets that threaten the plan."

"I see! As long as we eliminate those seemingly meaningless actions, we can analyze the secrets behind chaos."

"I think the most important thing is the tree and the fruit on it. I don\'t know why, I always have an ominous feeling."

"Damn it! If he is not the master! We can peep through time and space into the infinite will. No matter how many kinds there are, we can always find one or two of the most likely ones."


With the fierce discussion among the masters of chaos faction, the master of order faction has quietly arrived less than a light-year from the planet.

Looking at the huge chaotic tree that was about to penetrate the atmosphere from a distance, he couldn\'t help laughing and mocking: "what an ugly creation! It seems that he is right. Such a threat must be eliminated in the bud as soon as possible."