All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1142

"So... What are you going to do to her?" Isolde\'s eyes showed undisguised greed and desire.

Of course, this does not mean that he is interested in the beauty and body of the goddess, but is extremely eager to get the mystery contained in the body.

As an old man, he has long passed the age when he is vulnerable to physiological impulses. Instead, he is full of desire for knowledge and strength.

Especially those who can prolong life and pry into the mystery of immortality, he will be restless and want to find out.

"Oh? What do you think I should do to her?" Zhang Cheng turned his head and asked with a smile.

Isorte hesitated a little, and quickly responded cautiously according to his inner agitation: "I think she will be an extremely rare experimental body, which may be used for you to carry out a series of complex research."

"Hehe, you want me to break her up on the experimental platform, don\'t you?" Zhang Cheng bluntly put on his little tricks.

Because the old man never hid his ambition, and even repeatedly proposed some ways to prolong his life.

But out of a kind of evil interest, he never agreed. He just gave a small amount of potions and magic items to improve his life potential.

You know, if these things are used on young people, they can naturally greatly increase their life expectancy. If they can be used on an old man whose life is about to come to an end, it can only be said that nothing is better than nothing.

But the more so, the strong desire not only did not disappear, but became more intense.

Feeling the beating heart in his chest, isorte took a deep breath, bent down with a bitter smile and bowed deeply: "Master, please don\'t play with my nerve. It\'s so fragile that it may break at any time. I\'m afraid you don\'t know. At this moment, I have an impulse to take her away, and then hide and study day and night until I find a way to become a God or obtain eternal life."

"You are very honest, I like your honesty. And you are not stupid enough to put this idea into practice. The most important thing for a mortal is to have self-knowledge and understand that the line can never be crossed. But unfortunately, I can\'t meet your requirements. This woman is a crucial part of the plan. She will decide the future of the whole world."

With that, Zhang Cheng raised his head and looked into the distance.

His eyes belonging to the master passed through time and space, as if he saw countless possibilities in the future.

But unfortunately, time is only an illusory thing after all. What really plays a decisive role is still space, matter and energy.

"Well, it seems that I\'m going to miss this opportunity." Isolde sighed regretfully, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

How can you be reconciled!

Seeing the mystery of immortality and becoming a God is close at hand, but you can\'t even touch it. Anyone will have an indescribable psychological gap.

Unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, all rash actions are no different from suicide.

So he resolutely chose patience instead of joking about his life.

However, Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t want to disappoint this useful chess piece. He gently cut the skin of the woman\'s arm with his fingernails, squeezed out a few drops of dark purple blood mixed with ordinary and divine nature, put them into a transparent crystal bottle and threw them away: "here, go."

"This... This is?!" Isolde stared with surprise.

"A bottle of blood between gods and mortals. You can take it back and study it a little, and even use it to make a magic potion. Remember, beware of divine erosion. Although this thing can give you many powerful powers, abilities and long life, it will also have incalculable side effects in the future." Zhang Cheng explained carelessly.

"Understand! Thank you for your kindness and generosity! I will keep it in mind." isorte quickly put away the precious divine blood.

If you observe carefully, you will find that his hands hidden under his broad robe have been clenched into fists with excitement, and are still shaking slightly.



an ecstasy!

Even he didn\'t know how to describe the impact of the high-speed flow of blood in blood vessels.

Ignoring the old man\'s gaffe, Zhang Cheng directly picked up the naked changing goddess, tore open a space channel and drilled in on the spot.

Isolde saw this and went in with him.

In the blink of an eye, they appeared under the huge tree of chaos.

Since it has begun to breed fruit, this huge tree has no obvious growth these days. Only the rhizomes are more and more developed and exaggerated, and all of them are covered by strong roots within hundreds of kilometers.

Some animals that mutated under the influence of the chaotic tree even began to have preliminary wisdom and thinking ability, gathered on the roots and treetops, and established their own homes.

Although it is still very primitive and low-level, it is qualified to be reluctantly called intelligent life.

It is estimated that after a long period of development, they have not replaced the aborigines living on this planet.

"Here is..."

Isorte raised his head and was shocked and speechless.

After all, he knew more or less about the giant tree, but it was one thing to hear and another to see with his own eyes.

The feeling of blocking out the sky and the sun and not seeing the top at a glance is not something that a small mortal can bear.

"Ah! It\'s the chaos tree I planted. How about it? Is it particularly magnificent and spectacular? It won\'t be long before it will replace the planet under its feet and become the habitat of countless creatures. Come on, I\'ll take you to see the fruits of the chaos tree. By the way, I\'ll tell you why this woman is so important."

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng began to climb slowly up along the vines around the trunk.

Because the woman is emitting amazing dark energy all over, she attracted many powerful monsters along the way, but she didn\'t get close to Zhang Cheng, who also exudes more terrible momentum.

I don\'t know how long it took, maybe a few hours, maybe a day or two

When isorte, who felt about to collapse, stepped on the top of the trunk, suddenly found a strange fruit in front of him, constantly trying to invade his brain and spy on the most private part of his memory.

"Damn it! What the hell is this?" he couldn\'t help but step back vigilantly.

"Relax, this is the fruit I mentioned to you. It not only has independent thinking and consciousness, but also has terrible spiritual power." Zhang Cheng comforted and put the naked woman under the fruit.