All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1144


With a deafening noise, a villager located in a remote mountain village on the border of the Kingdom witnessed one or two huge silver light masses arc in the sky, and then hit the hillside more than ten kilometers away.

The huge impact and vibration even led to terrible landslides. One third of the top of the mountain was broken at an incredible speed.

Such a doomsday scene, not to mention a group of villagers who have never seen the world, even those knowledgeable scholars will be stunned.

Affected by the vibration wave, several dilapidated old houses in the village collapsed directly, and poultry and livestock were frightened and roared.

Fortunately, because most people came to the open space to watch the light falling from the sky, no one was injured.

As the most prestigious and oldest person in the village, the old village head tried to keep his eyes wide open and wanted to observe the situation inside through the dust.

Somehow, he suddenly had a strong foreboding that the light falling from the sky might bring unimaginable terrible disaster to the village.

"Village head, don\'t we need to send a few people to have a look? Maybe there will be some treasures." a young man suggested according to the excitement in his heart.

Like most of his peers, this young man under the age of 18 is full of all kinds of adventure stories. He is extremely eager to gain strength one day, leave the place where he was born and go to the outside world.

To do this, we must first have enough money to buy at least the necessary armor and weapons for adventurers.

Normally speaking, for a farmer, whether it is iron weapons or armor, it is a real luxury. Even if he doesn\'t eat or drink for three or five years, he may not be able to afford the cheapest one.

But now, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is in front of us.

As long as you get the thing falling from the sky, no matter what it is, it will certainly arouse the interest of the noble masters in the nearby castle, and even exchange a lot of money.

"No! Don\'t go there! It was dangerous that day!" the old village head refused without hesitation.

Because compared with young people, old people always tend to be conservative and unwilling to take any risks.

Because of this, most of the time, the rights of the whole society are concentrated in the hands of older people. Only they can ensure stability and balance. When young people are in power, the society tends to become turbulent and radical.

"But the things falling from the sky may be worth a lot of money, enough to get us out of poverty." the teenager explained excitedly.

"Remember, son, nothing in this world is more important than life. You see opportunity and wealth from that light, but I feel danger on the contrary."

When the old man said this, he looked into the young man\'s eyes, hoping to dispel each other\'s unrealistic delusions.

Unfortunately, the biggest characteristic of young people is rebellion. They are unwilling to accept the experience taught by their elders. They are more willing to explore the whole world with their own feet, bit by bit, even if they will eventually hit their heads and blood.

The boy didn\'t even bother to argue with the old village head. He turned around and winked at his daily friends. Then he took two pitchforks as a weapon to defend himself, surreptitiously climbed over the wall and ran towards the distant hillside.

When they arrived at their destination, they were shocked and speechless by the huge impact crater in front of them.

Because this impact crater is not like an ordinary impact crater, which is a hemispherical concave surface. On the contrary, it is like a cave formed by being hard inserted into the ground by a thick and long stick.

The impact cross section is less than 20 meters, but the depth is indistinguishable to the naked eye.

In the deepest part of the cave, you can vaguely see the silver light shining continuously.

"Damn it! I think we have to go down and have a look. Has anyone of you brought a rope?" the young man who felt his heart beating licked his lips and turned back to ask his companions.

"Of course! Man! How can we forget to bring the rope if we are determined to be a glorious adventurer."

Without saying a word, another young man took off the thick and long hemp rope hanging around his neck and tied one end to a stone weighing dozens of tons.

When he finished all this and was ready to tie the end to his waist and explore the drill hole, the silver light suddenly jumped out of it.

Next second


A living young man turned into blood and meat and burst open!

Needless to ask, he was smashed to pieces by the silver light.

Before the rest of the country boys reacted, the silver light finally showed his true face.

It was a shadow wrapped in energy all over the body, and two disturbing eyes could be vaguely distinguished in the middle.

"What a primitive and backward place! Most importantly, it is full of disgusting smell of chaos. The planet should be purified, purified by the power of order."

With a cold whisper, he finally noticed the young people around him who had been frightened and trembled, as well as the broken meat scattered on the ground.

"Ah! Some lower life, maybe I can get some information from their memory."

Then the light around the shadow\'s body expanded rapidly, enveloping all the surviving young people.

About two or three seconds later, he returned to his original state and went straight to the dense forest.

As for those young people, they have already become idiots and fools with dull eyes and no saliva.

Needless to ask, rough memory reading has permanently damaged their brain and soul.

Adventure is always accompanied by danger and opportunity.

But most people\'s nature determines that they only selectively see opportunities and ignore dangers.

Just like buying lottery tickets, there is only one in ten million chance of getting rich overnight, but everyone who chooses to buy feels that the lucky one is himself.


At the same time, Zhang Cheng, sitting on the chair in the top room of the magic tower, suddenly opened his eyes and grinned excitedly and said, "ha ha ha! Here it is! Finally it is! The first master with unknown origin. He neither hides his identity nor hides his strong hostility. Let me try the power of some cards in your hand."

The voice just fell!

He tore open the passage directly and came to the bottom of the chaos tree. He stood still and looked into the distance.

If nothing happens, this is the battlefield where the two fight.