All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1141

"Hehe, do you feel the darkness bred in this land? Although I know that woman will do some unexpected things, I didn\'t expect that she was crazy enough to kill her faith and replace it."

Shortly after Kelvin and his party left, Zhang Cheng appeared with isorte.

His eyes were filled with appreciation as he appreciated the huge area shrouded in black fog.

There\'s no way not to appreciate it!

We should know that ordinary people are always subconsciously bound by the group concept and bind themselves firmly with the whole society. Few people can jump out of this circle and observe and think from a higher angle.

Because from the needs of civilization survival and development, when the individual power of intelligent life is not enough to cope with various dangerous situations, it will naturally gather together, and make use of the advantages of quantity to better survive and reproduce.

This convergence is precisely the germination of the birth of sociality.

Although sociality can bring better team coordination, it can also greatly weaken individual consciousness.

Especially when some behaviors or forces are far beyond the understanding of the same kind, all kinds of slander, jealousy and curse will follow. They either give up their original plans and plans to integrate into the majority of people, or completely separate from the society. Finally, they will be regarded as heterogeneous or black sheep and subjected to ruthless irony and ridicule.

In such an environment, if you have a firm will and can clearly understand what you are doing, there may be a glimmer of hope to surpass yourself.

But if you hesitate a little, you will lose everything in the end.

There is no doubt that this crazy woman is the kind who refuses to bow to society and drifts away from the edge of the so-called civilized world from beginning to end.

Blessed by the dark forces, she always knew that she was different from those ordinary people, so even in the face of a real God, she still chose to kill each other resolutely instead.

This perseverance, courage, madness, and a very clear understanding of herself make her look so special and different.

Isorte carefully grabbed a little mysterious substance floating in the black fog with his hand wrapped in magical energy, and immediately exclaimed in surprise: "unbelievable! Is this the energy generated by the visualization of darkness? I simply don\'t know what language to describe it."

"It\'s pure, isn\'t it?" Zhang Cheng turned and asked with a smile.

"It\'s more than pure! It\'s more amazing than any magical energy I\'ve ever touched. Can you tell me what that woman is doing in it now?" an excited expression appeared on isolt\'s old face.

There is nothing more worthy of cheering and cheering by the caster than finding a new energy.

Because this means a new research direction and the birth of countless new spells.

He even felt that if one day he could control darkness like other magical energy, he would complete a leap, a leap from quantity to quality.

"That woman..." Zhang Cheng\'s eyes seemed to go through the thick fog and look directly at the broken city. After a full minute, he replied meaningfully: "she is completing a transformation! A transformation from mortal to extraordinary! Do you know what God is?"

"I don\'t know." isorte shook his head gently.

"God is a collection of strong faith and will. It can be born out of the strong desires and desires of countless mortals, or it can be personal self transcendence. But no matter which one, it will eventually fade away and bid farewell to its past. From the perspective of life, this change is far more than a mother giving birth to a baby from scratch. This also means being a mortal When you become a God, your character, thoughts and ideas will change dramatically, even contrary to those of ordinary people. How about you? Are you interested in enjoying the transformation of a dark goddess from zero distance? "

With an evil smile on his face, Zhang Cheng offered an invitation.

It can be seen that he is in a good mood at the moment, and there is a little excitement.

After all, in the original plan, it was not expected that this woman would kill the God of darkness and replace her.

More interestingly, this small accident will lead to uncertainty in the follow-up, just like the butterfly effect. Although it is unlikely, it will still change the final result.

"It\'s my pleasure!" Isolde bent down without thinking and bowed deeply.

This opportunity is a dream for him. If he can pry into the mystery of immortality, it is worth paying no matter how much.

Without tasting the taste of aging, I can never understand why so many powerful old people, without exception, are eager to live a long life, to become young, and to die will never come.

"What are you waiting for? Come with me."

Without saying a word, Zhang Cheng took the lead directly into the black fog.

Where he passed, all the fog wanted to meet natural enemies, retreated and dispersed very quickly, leaving a very narrow passage.

Aesop, who followed, was trembling for fear of meeting those boiling energy.

They walked through the darkness for more than 40 minutes, and finally saw a naked woman soaking in purplish red liquid, constantly venting her violent energy.

And those mists are the result of these energy scattered and splashed.

Before he saw it with his own eyes, isorte could not believe that a woman could get so much energy. It seemed that she was born a son of darkness, and her every move could make the dark energy around fluctuate.

Standing outside the diaphragm formed by the dark divinity, Zhang Cheng touched his chin with great interest and appreciated the woman\'s rapidly changing body and soul. It took about two or three minutes to evaluate: "pure! Persistent! Crazy! You have almost all the qualities that all successful people should have. Maybe I should give you a chance, don\'t you?"

"Opportunity?" a flash of light flashed in isorte\'s eyes.

"Yes, opportunity. You know what? Many people like to talk about fate. Some people obey fate and think it is something that can\'t be escaped anyway. There are very few people who firmly believe that fate can be changed and controlled. The result is that the former is mediocre and has been struggling to live all his life, while the latter keeps trying all kinds of possibilities until he is discouraged and accepts them The so-called "fate" arrangement. None of the above people understood the true meaning of fate, but the woman not only understood it, but also regarded it as closely related to the sense of responsibility and mission. Finally, with a trace of luck, she achieved her present appearance, a goddess in transformation. "

While saying these words, Zhang Cheng gently opened the divine diaphragm with his hand and stroked each other\'s smooth and delicate skin like silk