All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1140

"This... This is the embodiment of the dark power, the dark god born from the chaotic clock?"

The woman looked up and stared at the huge figure in the sky. She didn\'t gather around the gods she served like the souls of those dead believers;

There was no army outside the city that belonged to the tyrant. It was almost frightened. Before the order was issued, it couldn\'t help but start to retreat madly.

After all, for mortals, the level of gods is too high. Even a glance will produce strong awe and fear beyond words.

But somehow, there was no joy or excitement in her heart, but a strong loss, as if she had just lost a very important thing.

The dark god ruva obviously noticed the woman standing alone in the middle of a sea of fire. He bent down and asked in a very friendly tone, "what\'s the matter, my voters? Are you excited and unhappy to see me?"

"No, I\'m very happy. But I don\'t know what\'s going on. I always feel that something is missing. It\'s like..."

The woman paused suddenly, and a terrible light burst out of her eyes.

The God of darkness was undoubtedly aware of this and immediately began to retreat vigilantly.

But before he withdrew far, the woman jumped up at a very fast speed, and the holy sword in her hand suddenly burst into an incomparably sacred and bright energy fluctuation.

Next second


A ray of light that was countless times brighter than the sun was released, causing unimaginable trauma to the huge body.

"Ah!!! How dare you?" the dark god roared and swung his scepter to try to kill the stupid mortal who offended himself.

But unfortunately, no matter how powerful he looks, he is just a new God who has just awakened from chaos. His power is still very limited and can\'t resist the power of artifact at all.

In just one second, most of his face was defeated by the positive energy opposite to the dark forces, showing a large amount of flesh and blood blurred burning marks.

"Ah! That\'s right! I finally want to understand why I am so lost. What I want is not a God at all, but the darkness itself. You are too superficial and fragile to represent and carry the darkness itself." the woman grinned nervously.

"What? You say I\'m too shallow and fragile?" ruva roared angrily.

"Isn\'t it? Look at your consciousness and body mixed with countless mortal beliefs! You don\'t deserve the depth and purity of darkness! No! You\'re not the desire in my heart all the time! So I\'ll destroy you and replace you. Only I, the child who has been cared for by darkness since childhood, can be entitled to be named darkness."

After that, a woman pounced on her like a mad dog, constantly splitting and seizing the divinity of each other with the help of powerful artifacts.

As for those mortals who have only the soul state, they can only watch her destroy their last hope bit by bit.

The battle lasted very short. Within a quarter of an hour, the newborn God of darkness, ruva, was dying and fell to the ground.

He has not even had time to gather the souls of believers and build a country of his own.

"Sorry, you let me down."

With these cold words, the woman completely ignored her injuries and ran through the chest of the dark god with a holy sword, killing the first and last real God in the world.

After all this, she carefully dug out the black beating heart in her chest, pursed the corners of her mouth and muttered, "since even God can\'t be satisfied, I can only meet myself. Come on, great darkness, please listen to my request and integrate with me. From today on, my name is darkness, which represents all the sins and evils in the world."

The voice just fell!

The black heart burst and burst, releasing a thick black fog all over the sky, completely swallowing the warlock kilometer.

In particular, the soldiers who were retreating hurriedly outside the city were immediately wrapped in. Only Kerwin\'s high-rise managed to escape the coverage of the thick fog with the protection of magical power.

Looking at the unlucky people struggling at the edge but still swallowed by the black fog, Kelvin couldn\'t help shivering: "damn! Who can tell me what the hell happened?"

"It\'s like... It\'s like those guys awakened their gods!" one of the attendants responded trembling.

"God?!" Kelvin was stunned. "Does God really exist in this world?"

"Don\'t ask me, I don\'t know. Maybe there is, maybe not. But it is undeniable that the huge figure suddenly appeared in the city, whether God or not, is definitely something we can\'t resist." Baron kellenster decisively gave his own judgment.

As a soldier who is keen on destruction and killing, this is the first time that he has a strong fear of something, as if every cell in his body is warning to escape as quickly as possible.

"But what about my army?" Kelvin glanced at the darkness not far ahead.

Of course, the army he refers to is not the human soldiers, but the iron puppets who have not had time to mobilize.

"Give up, I\'m not sure I can come out alive after walking into the black fog. In addition, I suggest you\'d better step back quickly, and God knows if it will continue to spread around." as he said, Baron kellenster picked up a stone and endured it in the distance.

At the moment when the stone comes into contact with the black fog!

It seems that it was directly dissolved into powder by some magical force.

In such a dangerous and strange situation, not to mention other people, even Kelvin hurried back more than ten meters away, and finally reluctantly nodded: "you are right! It seems that I underestimate the enemy this time. Whether it is God or not, we can\'t cope with it. We need allies, many, many allies..."

"I believe that the neighboring countries will stand with us when they hear this news. After all, such things with unknown origin but incredible power are full of uncertainty and danger. As long as they exist for one day, the threat will never be eliminated." Baron kellenster echoed.

"Well, let\'s go. With the intelligence we have, we should be able to dominate the alliance. Maybe this defeat is not a bad thing. At least we first know what the threat is."

As Kelvin spoke, he turned over and rode on the war horse, and ran in the opposite direction without looking back.

He had a premonition, an ominous premonition that something terrible was about to happen, and it was likely that the mysterious "master" was playing tricks.