All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1139

"Sacrifice... Sacrifice yourself?!"

"Are you crazy?"

"If we all die, the whole church will fall into chaos! The tyrant will never miss such an opportunity. He will kill us all."

"That\'s right! We must not do such crazy things! Maybe... Maybe it\'s enough to stick to it for a few more days and kill more enemy soldiers."


For a moment, the high level of the church was frightened by this amazing remark.

You know, they may have some forced elements when they first joined the church, but with the discovery that the gods they serve can give themselves strength, everyone\'s inner ambition and desire are aroused, eager to take this opportunity to gamble and successfully change their destiny.

But now, this crazy woman wants them to commit suicide when they see the hope of success?

How is that possible?

No one will be willing to sacrifice their precious life at this time!

In contrast, they are more willing to encourage believers to work hard with the enemy. Just like most senior organizations, they always regard the bottom as cannon fodder and consumables.

"Why, don\'t you want to die for the great God of darkness?" the woman\'s eyes were full of cold chill, sweeping everyone present.

"No! It\'s not that we don\'t want to die for the great dark god! It\'s that things haven\'t been so bad! Madam, please keep calm, we still have time." another older man stood up and tried to comfort.

Unfortunately, women don\'t want to listen to this nonsense at all.

Before everyone reacted, she suddenly pulled out the holy sword, directly stabbed the guy closest to her, and then said grimly to the rest: "coward! This is your so-called piety to the God of darkness? It seems that I indulged you too much!"

"Damn it! You madman! Look what you\'ve done?"

With shock and roar, the body of the poor victim was swallowed up by the black fog at a speed visible to the naked eye, followed by a huge hand to hold the soul tightly and forcibly drag it into the black vortex.

Because the whole process was too fast, after the black vortex disappeared, people finally came back to God and realized that this was not a death in the ordinary sense, but a complete disappearance from the soul to the body.

"My God! You... You..."

The old priest who had tried to dissuade him was trembling all over, as if he couldn\'t believe what his eyes saw.

But the woman didn\'t think at all. She gently wiped the blood stained on the holy sword and said in a tone without any emotion: "no one can escape sacrifice! Whether it\'s me or you. The God of darkness will awaken, and he will bring faith and real faith to the world. Those false gods and nobles will disappear in front of boundless divine power."

"No! This is not the doctrine of the dark god! Absolutely not! It\'s you! It\'s you madman trying to take your evil idea as the will of the gods!"

"That\'s right! We don\'t accept it!"

"Kill her! As long as she dies! The holy sword will become ours! The credit for awakening the God of darkness will fall on us!"

"What are you hesitating about? She\'s just a person!"

At the instigation of several interested people, the guys with red eyes showed a ferocious color.

Originally, some people were dissatisfied with the whole church\'s obedience to a woman, but now it finally broke out completely. Some even began to use the simple magic obtained from the gods in an attempt to seize the control of the church.

Unfortunately, they have no idea how stupid their actions are and how powerful the enemy they want to deal with.

In the blink of an eye, the woman waved the holy sword and harvested more than one-third of her life.

No hesitation!

No mercy!

No sympathy!

She just wants to kill now!

Want to use blood, life and soul to make up for the lack of divinity of the dark god and make him obtain a complete divinity.

Under this kind of efficient slaughter, all the church leaders who thought they were in a dominant number died without holding on for a few minutes.

But this sacrifice is obviously far from satisfying the hungry God of darkness.

So, the woman did not stop, directly released the full potential of the holy sword, and shrouded the whole city with a huge magic mask.

Just when everyone didn\'t understand the use of this black smoke, a heart rending scream began to reverberate over the city.

Ruthless killing!

Desperate death!

These sad believers did not expect that the lady who behaved like a saint would suddenly hurt the killer.

In less than two or three hours, there was no living thing in the whole city except her.

Including rats and cockroaches in the sewer, they were cleaned up under the slaughter of the holy sword.

"What happened in the city?" Kelvin quickly got out of the tent and stared at the city that suddenly fell into silence.

"Sorry, we don\'t know yet. Before they get close to the wall, all the spies will be caught and dragged in by black hands, and then disappear without a trace. If nothing happens, they will probably be killed by some evil magic." an officer quickly stood up and explained.

From the panic expression on her face, it is not difficult to see that a woman\'s crazy behavior not only frightened her own people, but also shocked her opponents.

At least Kelvin has no intention of taking this opportunity to launch an all-round attack.

Just when there was a slight commotion in the City camp, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly made a rumbling sound.

Next second

A huge figure tore the dark cloud and came out of a swirling black hole.

He is so huge, wearing a black velvet robe, holding a weapon like a scepter in his hand, and his eyes reveal the purest darkness from the beginning of the world.

At first, the giant glanced at the scattered corpses in the city, his face immediately looked sad, and took the initiative to say, "sacrifice! Great sacrifice! I will remember you, pious people. Now, come on, gather around me. I promised to create a perfect world after your death, a country belonging to the gods alone."

With the voice of aria, many dead bodies on the ground began to float white and transparent souls.

They gathered around the giant as if they had found their way home. Their faces were full of excitement and joy. That was the excitement and cheers of believers when they saw their faith in gods