All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1136

At the port of the island kingdom, groups of parasitic ordinary people are busy loading all kinds of materials.

In just a few months, weapons, armor, grain, arrows, explosives, and some special items transformed from existing magic techniques have all been gathered to prepare for the upcoming invasion war.

Unlike human beings, they have endless desires and selfish nature, but communicate with each other through a spiritual network platform and absolutely obey the collective consciousness.

In this way, in terms of efficiency and organizational ability, it is easy to get rid of other intelligent races.

"Report! Warehouse 15 is full of materials."

"There are still 12 boxes of steel ingots in warehouse 12. Please send them as soon as possible."

"The flour in warehouse 3 is partially damp and needs to be transferred to a dry place for treatment."

"Two cans in warehouse 33 were bitten by rats, and a small amount of grease leaked. There is a risk of fire. Please send someone to deal with it as soon as possible."


With a large amount of information appearing on the mind network, those responsible for this work began to follow up and deal with it in an orderly manner, so all this is like a precision machine. Everyone controlled by the parasite is a part of the machine. If it breaks down, another will replace it immediately.

It can be said that from the beginning, this country was a fully functioning war machine.

Relying on their innate knowledge and the improvement of existing technology, those small insects have successfully improved the scientific and technological level of the island, far behind other countries on the surrounding two continents.

Normally, a country like this, which has initially entered the firearms era and has a formidable artillery fleet, is definitely enough to support the glorious hegemony of the British Empire from the 18th to the 19th century.

Unfortunately, these two uncertain factors, magic and gods, make these small parasites full of vigilance and awe, and even dare not penetrate the inland. They just establish a stronghold for collecting and transmitting information.

They did not know that their every move had long been seen by Zhang Cheng in the magic tower at the other end of the sea, and commented with a smile: "these little things are really cautious! As creators, when do you think they will start to attack the mainland?"

"I don\'t know! Don\'t forget, the essence of these little guys is chaos, which means they can\'t be predicted. Every time they invade a planet, they will make some changes to ensure that they are integrated with the surrounding environment, rather than directly exposed to hostile eyes. Caution is a necessary prerequisite for the survival and sustainable development of a race, otherwise it\'s easy Early exposure to danger, "Gru replied carelessly.

He visited the magic tower again. Now he was sitting in a chair like the same human, sipping hot mint tea.

It can be seen that today\'s spirit seems to be very relaxed, as if the previous danger no longer exists.

"But your children are too slow. If they go on like this, when the dark god is awakened, their poor technological leadership will soon be crushed by the power of faith." Zhang Cheng undoubtedly noticed this change in attitude and pretended to be a kind reminder.

But Gru doesn\'t care about spreading insect like limbs: "It doesn\'t matter. Anyway, even if they invade now, they can\'t equal the chaotic tree you planted. I have to say that you are really crazy and bold enough to create an unprecedented miracle with the core of a planet as nourishment and the dead souls as seeds. A manifestation of chaos. All masters including me , they are very interested in your plan and are eager to see the final results. "

"Oh? Do you know what I want to do?" Zhang Cheng asked in an uncertain tone.

"No, we don\'t know, but that\'s why we\'re curious. Because you\'re different from all of us, especially here." Gru tapped on his head. "You are a madman with countless wonderful ideas! Madness gives you unimaginable courage, and unrestrained gives your thoughts wings. No matter what the final result is, I will offer my sincere admiration. The whole universe is more wonderful because of you."

"Ha ha! So can I be a little proud?" Zhang Cheng asked with a laugh.

But there was a dangerous look in his eyes, as if he would turn over in the next second.

"Don\'t get excited and calm down. Remember? I\'m not your enemy. On the contrary, your enemy has never been us, but another yourself. According to the latest news, that guy has taken the taboo. I believe you can hear the news of a master\'s death in a short time. The real death..."

In saying these words, Gru\'s tone revealed boundless heaviness.

No one knows better than him what it means for the whole universe and other masters once a master really dies.

It will be an earth shaking war!

No compromise!

No negotiation!

Some just fight endlessly!

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing and said sarcastically: "Taboos? In my opinion, there are no taboos in this universe! The so-called taboos are just a group of cowards who are afraid of death and change, so they try to cover up the existing objective laws. Since the masters can be killed, they can\'t be called eternal. Since they are not eternal, where are the taboos? Tell me, dear friends, you are afraid of death Afraid of death? "

"Of course! No life is not afraid of death, even if I know where to go after death. Maybe you are right. Since we can be killed, what is the right to call ourselves eternal. The subsequent nothingness is another form of existence of the universe, and the erased part is also part of the whole huge cycle. The universe is deeper and more complex than we understand , we can\'t represent the will of the universe. At most, we can only be regarded as the controller of a small number of rules. Please continue your research and experiment and use the results to prove to us that you are right and we are wrong. "

After that, Gru stood up and tore the space and disappeared directly from the three-dimensional universe.

Looking at the slowly closing crack, Zhang Cheng smiled and said to himself, "prove? I will! Soon, you will see with your own eyes what is the absolute truth and what is the real posture of the universe..."