All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1135

"Hahaha! Fight? It\'s fantastic! She really didn\'t escape the fate of becoming a chess piece."

Through the picture in the magic mirror, Zhang Cheng clearly saw the scene of the general mobilization of the whole city and couldn\'t help laughing wantonly.

There is no doubt that the woman chose to give in under the situation he created, rather than create a miracle against Kelvin\'s army.

From this point alone, it is not difficult to see that she can not become the bright hero in many stories who will succumb to even the most powerful enemy.

On the contrary!

The cruel reality made her understand the painful cost of becoming a bright hero, so she resolutely chose to become a dark hero and build her own great cause with other people\'s blood and death.

"Master, are you sure these crazy guys can really awaken a dark god by sacrificing two cities?" isorte came in from the outside with a curious light in his eyes.

No way not curious!

As a powerful caster, he has clearly realized that there is no so-called true God in this world so far.

The gods enshrined in those temples are actually created artificially, either to meet the spiritual sustenance of ordinary people\'s ignorance and stupidity, or to collect money or participate in political activities. Otherwise, if there are gods, they will send down divine punishment and chop all greedy and licentious clergy to death.

The real God may not necessarily respond to the prayers of mortals, but he will never allow anyone to swagger and cheat under his own name.

"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows." Zhang Cheng shook his head noncommittally. "You should understand that sacrifice is an extremely stimulating way of divinity. It\'s like when you fall asleep, someone splashes ice water on your face. Whether you can wake up does not entirely depend on how low the ice water temperature is, but also on whether you are tired and whether you sleep very dead."

"I see... I think I understand." a thoughtful expression appeared on Isolde\'s face.

But before long, he couldn\'t help asking, "since it\'s a gamble, why don\'t they choose to fight a safer defensive war? As far as I know, most of Kelvin\'s main players didn\'t come back with him. If they defend the city, they should have a great chance of success."

"You don\'t understand and can\'t understand the way of thinking of religious believers after they fall into fanaticism. They are irrational and never analyze from an objective point of view. They only blindly believe what they are willing to believe. Now, there is only one way for these dark believers to wake up the gods and let them help themselves kill all their enemies. In their eyes, God is everything Yes, it\'s your biggest dependence and patron. So every time when faith collapses, countless guys who can\'t accept the reality choose to commit suicide. Well, not to mention these stupidity, tell me about the queen you assisted. Are you ready to give Kelvin a hard blow recently? "

Zhang Cheng changed the subject and took the initiative to mention Victoria\'s private moves.





The script he created is moving in an orderly manner in the established direction.

Except for the parasites who are hiding on the island, climbing technology and preparing to roll out, everything else is under control.

When the insects parasitic on human beings cross the sea to launch war, they will be surprised to find that the world is not the world they know, but a crazy world full of danger and chaos.

"Ah! That young girl has done well. She has contacted Kelvin\'s fiancee. It is estimated that there will be concrete actions in a short time. Now think about it, two women full of hatred are really terrible. If I were Kelvin, I would regret provoking them." isolt joked with a half joking tone.

It is not difficult to see from the banter in his eyes that he is in a state of schadenfreude at the moment.

After all, it is quite ironic that a tyrant whose heart is full of attention to male supremacy is defeated by two young and beautiful women.

If it is really successful in the end, it is estimated that Kelvin will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

Later, whenever someone mentioned two strong women, he would pull Kelvin out to whip the body and laugh at him that he couldn\'t even fight two women.

But these people will never understand that the real reason for the tyrant\'s failure is not to offend women, but to offend the man who seems harmless but actually is a real dangerous element.

"What about the plan? What specific plans do they have?" Zhang Cheng tapped the armrest of the seat with great interest.

Isorte shook his head helplessly: "There is no specific plan yet, just a channel for exchanging information and information. I think they need some time to get to know each other and gain mutual trust. Only when there is a foundation of trust can they start planning the next action. You should understand that women are always very patient. They will retaliate against someone, Planning for years, decades or even a lifetime. I don\'t want to taste the feeling of being stared at all the time. "

"Ha ha, terrible woman." Zhang Cheng pursed his lips with a playful smile. "You know, many men think that they are stronger, smarter and more intelligent than women, but in fact, when they are really against a woman, they will soon find that women are far stronger than men in some places. Especially when they give up everything and devote themselves to one thing, you will find that women are more tolerant than men And willful. "

"You\'re right! I suddenly realized how wrong I was. Fortunately, my wife died more than ten years ago, and I didn\'t plan to marry another one, otherwise I might have to open one eye even when I sleep." isolt sighed with a bitter smile.

But after sighing, he immediately toured around and pretended to be casual and asked, "by the way, where\'s Allen? Why haven\'t I seen him lately?"

"Ellens? I gave her a long-term task. You won\'t see him for a long time." Zhang Cheng replied meaningfully.

"Mission? Is it important?" isorte said cautiously.

"Yes, very important. It can even be said that all these things are not as important as what he is responsible for. Because he is the most critical part of the whole plan and will bring unprecedented changes to the world..."