All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1137

"Praise you! The great God of darkness!"

"Please accept our pious sacrifice! Listen to the pain and cry of these unbelievers!"

"Water and comfort your divinity with their blood and soul!"

"Come on, dark believer! Cut the enemy\'s throat! Dye the city red with blood!"


With fanatical chanting, in a city that had just been captured, countless twisted faced invaders held up butchers\' knives and launched an unprecedented massacre regardless of men, women, old and young.

No mercy!

No forgiveness!

Not to mention allowing some people to join the church and become dark believers as before.

Like crazy, they cut the throat of each living person, appreciated each other\'s falling in a pool of blood, and desperately tried to cover the bleeding artery.

But unfortunately, it was completely futile. Within a few minutes at most, they either died of excessive blood loss or suffocated because the blood blocked the trachea.

The most terrible thing is that every person dies, the air in the city becomes gloomy, and the sky seems to be shrouded in a dark cloud. It is gloomy and can\'t see the sun at all.

As the initiator of all this, the woman looked up and silently stared at the sky, feeling the extremely strong negative emotions gathered together, as well as the huge virtual shadow hidden behind the dark clouds leading to another space.

without doubt!

That more and more substantial shadow is the dark god ruva who is about to awaken from chaos.

Now he has a preliminary mind and knows that those things are good for him and those things are harmful to him.

In the process of crazy swallowing, he did not forget to feed back part of his divine power to the following believers.

Every guy who felt his growing strength knelt on the ground and shouted loudly to praise the great God.

At this moment, they realized that the God of darkness was not fictional, nor were they the false gods enshrined in the temple.

On the contrary, he is a real God of darkness who can communicate with believers and give them feedback.

As long as they are pious enough and contribute enough to the church, they can get corresponding feedback and rewards.

"What a wonderful sight! I\'m only the last step away from success..." the woman pursed her mouth and muttered obsessed.

However, before she was happy for a while, a dusty scout rushed over from a distance on his horse, fell to the ground with a straight plop, and reported in a hurry: "Madam! The enemy... The enemy is coming! The vanguard of Kelvin\'s army is less than ten kilometers away from us. There are five thousand infantry, two thousand cavalry, five hundred steel puppets, and a large group of countless monsters."

"What? Why is it so fast?" the woman\'s pupil contracted suddenly.

"He didn\'t attack the city we occupied! Instead, he bypassed it directly and planned to destroy the main force one by one. Get ready quickly. We have no chance to escape."

The voice just fell!

The Scout turned his eyes and fainted, and dark red blood seeped from the side of his clothes.

You don\'t have to ask. He was badly hurt. If he hadn\'t held his breath, he would have died on the road.

"Damn it! The tyrant is coming! What should we do next? Retreat to attack the next city? Or..." another senior church official asked carefully.

"No! We don\'t have time to attack the next city! Close the gate! Throw all the bodies outside! Get ready to defend the city! This time, we\'re afraid we\'ll have a bloody battle with the enemy. For the great God of darkness, even if we fight to the last person, we must not retreat. Don\'t forget that the God is watching us in the sky." The woman held up the holy sword and cheered up her morale.

"For the great God of darkness!"

"For the church!"

"For pious faith!

"Fight with the tyrant!"


Under the double stimulation of language and miracles, these crazy people who have lost their reason completely ignore the fatigue signals sent by their bodies and once again devote themselves to vigorous defensive preparations.

In only two hours, most of the bodies were discarded outside the city. At the same time, a large number of civilian houses were demolished and stones and wood were moved up the city wall to give the enemy a big surprise.

Since almost all the residents of the whole city were killed, they don\'t have to worry too much about the back.

By the time the vanguard cavalry arrived, the city had become a veritable fortress of war.

Although the blood stains in many parts of the city wall have not dried up completely, the church army standing above is in full readiness, emitting bloodthirsty light all over.

At this moment, these guys have no fear. They are full of how to die in the most heroic way, and then return to the arms of the gods to enjoy the beautiful life after death.

"Oh - my God! These madmen have just captured a strong city, and they are not slack at all? And what\'s the matter with those mountains of corpses? They shouldn\'t..."

Speaking of this, the cavalry commander choked.

Because he saw a young face, impressively his own nephew.

"Sir, please calm down and don\'t be impulsive. We are cavalry and don\'t carry any engineering equipment."

The adjutant next to him was obviously aware of this and immediately took the officer\'s arm for fear that the other party would give any irrational orders.

"Hoo..." the cavalry commander took a deep breath and replied in a gloomy voice, "don\'t worry about me. I\'m calm. Since these bastards don\'t even let go of their teenage children, they naturally have no value to live. Go and inform your majesty Kelvin that there are no more his subjects in this city."

"You mean..." the adjutant\'s face changed slightly.

"That\'s right! I mean to let his tyrant side be fully revealed! Since our enemies want to stick to it! Why don\'t we meet their wishes?" the cavalry commander opened his mouth and showed his white teeth, which made people feel gloomy and terrible.

The adjutant trembled subconsciously, turned around and shouted at a herald: "idiot! Didn\'t you hear the order given by the adult? Go and carry it out!"


The herald answered quickly and ran in the direction of the big army without returning on his horse.

But anyone who is not an idiot can feel the killing intention from all over the cavalry commander, even without covering up.

He will sacrifice his dead relatives with the blood of the enemy!

If there is no accident, it will be a war without prisoners, an outright Massacre