All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1134


Dark red blood

In the secret room under the temple, the woman is carefully cutting open the wrists of the captives whose eyes are full of fear and despair, allowing their blood to flow slowly along the grooves on the ground, and finally forming a complex mysterious pattern.

Needless to ask, she is using her fresh life to carry out the most primitive, cruel and bloody sacrificial activities, just to awaken the God of darkness as soon as possible.

As the war continued, she began to hear an unusually vague voice echoing in her mind.

Obviously, this sound is a strong sign that the dark god begins to produce self-consciousness and the second injury is about to wake up.

After confirming this, women will quietly take some prisoners to the most hidden corner of the temple every once in a while, and comfort the irritable divinity by killing them.

Of course, this is not without cost. Almost every sacrifice, her hair will turn a lot white. Maybe it won\'t take long to exhaust her vitality.

But for her paranoid, nothing in the world is more important than waking up the God of darkness, even if she sacrificed her life for it.

Some people live not to enjoy a luxurious life, nor to pursue wealth and status, but for something called "ideal" and "obsession".

As a lucky child who was shrouded in darkness or blessed from urination, she dreamed of seeing the embodiment of darkness with her own eyes, that is, the God born from darkness.

Now, in order to achieve this goal, she not only abandoned the past, but also gambled on her future.

Watching the six prisoners die bit by bit, the expression on the woman\'s face was full of piety and fanaticism. With a voice that only she could hear, she prayed to the statuette placed in the Shrine: "the great God of darkness, I dedicate the blood, life and soul of these mortals to you. May you come as soon as possible."

"Hehe, do you think this scattered sacrifice can stimulate divinity and awaken a God from chaos?"

With a familiar voice, Zhang Cheng suddenly crossed the portal and appeared in the basement with a pungent smell of nosebleed.

"Is it you?!" the woman\'s pupils suddenly contracted.

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "That\'s right! I feel the boiling divine power and the increasingly clear dark power. The God you serve is awakening. If nothing happens, he will break away from chaos and appear in the world as a real God in more than ten or twenty years. Unfortunately, I can\'t wait that long, and you can\'t wait that long. Why don\'t we speed up a little What about speed? "

"How do you know I can\'t wait so long?" the woman asked with a sneer.

"Don\'t put on airs in front of me. You know your own body best. Although the holy sword strengthens your body, your soul is getting worse and worse in the continuous erosion of divine power. In up to five years, you will collapse because you can\'t bear the divine power. Of course, you still have a thousand chances to transform yourself into the Holy Spirit at the moment of collapse." Zhang Cheng broke through each other\'s disguise with a smile.

"Hum! A guy without faith like you can never understand what miracles a voter with devout faith can create." the woman was not angry after being exposed, but just a painless sarcasm.

Because she knew that she had no way to take the man in front of her for the time being, and she was not even sure whether the powerful holy sword would obey her will if she started.

"Hehe, maybe. Why, don\'t you want to listen to my advice? You know, although this method is full of dangers, it can bring huge benefits once it succeeds. Please remember that divinity is a thing that needs blood and soul to comfort to thrive. If you want the gods you serve to wake up quickly, do according to the contents of this letter. Don\'t forget, you and your church don\'t have enough time. When those ambitious guys complete the established strategy, 100% will turn around and deal with you. At that time, you will be the target of public criticism and accept the malice from the whole world... "

After saying this, Zhang Cheng left an envelope on the table and disappeared without a trace.

The woman stared at the place where the other party had just stood for ten minutes before carefully opening the envelope.

As a result, after reading only two lines, the whole person began to tremble and was obviously frightened by the content inside.

You know, she dared to spread the plague in a densely populated city, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, and the prosperous city became a ghost in a short time.

But now, even people like her who have no scruples still feel fear, which shows how amazing the content is.

I don\'t know how long it took

Maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours

She finally relaxed her nervous tension, narrowed her eyes and said sarcastically, "contribute to a city and sacrifice all the residents in it? It\'s thanks to you! If I did this, I\'m afraid the dark church will be labeled evil immediately and can never be taken off. No, I won\'t let you get what you want."

The voice just fell!

The closed basement door was suddenly knocked, and a nervous and urgent voice came through the crack of the door: "female... Madam! No! The tyrant! He... He led the army back! According to the spy\'s return, he will arrive here and attack us in two days at most."

"What?!" the woman\'s face suddenly changed.

She was not a fool and immediately realized that she seemed to have no choice from the beginning.

It is impossible to defeat Kelvin\'s army of monsters and steel puppets just by a group of temporarily assembled mobs.

Two days is just enough for the church to concentrate on occupying small towns around the base, and then complete the cruel and bloody sacrifice ceremony.

Either wake up the God of darkness, or be crushed by the oncoming Army

These two roads were all in front of her.

For a moment, women were in a dilemma.

Fortunately, indecision was never her character. After careful consideration, she immediately rushed to the people outside the door and said, "gather all believers who can afford weapons! In an hour, we will pull out, give up defending the city and attack the nearby Mecca town."

"Enter... Attack?" the man outside the door was obviously stupid and couldn\'t believe that the church leader would make such an incredible decision.

Don\'t ask! Hurry up and do it! This is our last chance to turn defeat into victory! For the sake of the dark god, every believer must make sacrifices, great sacrifices... "

"I see! I\'ll go right away!"