All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1133

It was several days before a passing soldier found out that Harrison had been killed.

I have to say, it sounds a little ironic.

After all, the warring sides were fighting in his name, but as the only orthodox king, he was not found until his body began to rot and stink after his death.

What shocked everyone was that the dagger inserted on the body was the birthday gift Harrison gave to his beloved daughter, with the princess\'s name and casting time engraved on it.




Everyone who heard the news couldn\'t understand why the princess, who was far away from the center of power, took great risks to assassinate her loving father.

Even many conspiracy theorists believe that this is a frame up.

But soon, the princess who fled to Kerwin camp took the initiative to stand up, admitted her patricide, and announced that she would become queen and take the occupied area as her own land.

For a moment, everyone realized that all this was the conspiracy of the "tyrant".

Before long, the crown will be reasonably and legally worn on Kelvin\'s head through marriage.

According to the aristocratic tradition, no one can regard him as a nouveau riche, but as a prince or king.

From a legal point of view, the Queen\'s husband can share half of the Queen\'s rights.

In addition, Kelvin himself holds the power, so the so-called queen is just a puppet. It is also to make the young princess have no way out to kill her father.


Appreciating those malicious curses, Kelvin sat in the castle just knocked down and asked his beautiful young fiancee with a smile: "honey, how are you feeling recently? Shouldn\'t you be tortured by those rumors and can\'t sleep? Do you want me to go to your room tonight and spend a wonderful night with you?"

"Hum! Thank you for your kindness, but no need. I\'m not so fragile, and I won\'t be tortured crazy by some boring comments. You don\'t want to step into my door before the formal wedding." the princess glanced at her fiance with a sneer.

Obviously, the relationship between the two is more like two enemies who come together for interests than their father.

In particular, the latter is eager to strangle the former one day and hang each other\'s heads on the city gate for all kinds of scavenging birds to eat.

And at the thought that the other party would lie on her body and do some disgusting things, she couldn\'t help but want to vomit.

I believe that as long as she has the opportunity, she will not miss to seduce other men and put on a green hat for her future husband.

"Hehe, I like your reserve and character. It seems that we are getting better and better together, aren\'t we?" Kelvin is not an idiot. He knows the disgust of the beautiful woman in front of him.

But so what?

In the face of powerful power and power, it\'s not necessary to kneel down and let yourself play with it.

If he had changed to the past, he might not hesitate to take the toughest measures, first enjoy the seductive body, and then slowly adjust until the other party completely surrendered.

But now, he began to like the sense of achievement brought by conquering a woman spiritually.

As a saying goes, for men, the opposite sex that is too easy to get, no matter how beautiful, is not worth cherishing. On the contrary, those women with arrogant character, although not necessarily beautiful, can bring an unprecedented sense of satisfaction in the process of conquest.

Although it sounds a little cheap, this is the most interesting part of human nature.

The princess pursed her lips, smiled and said sarcastically, "yes! A tyrant, a vicious woman who kills her father, we really match each other. But I have a question. When are you going to give me the right you promised?"

"Don\'t worry, honey, I haven\'t conquered the last two cities and three castles for you. When all of them are conquered, there will be a grand ceremony to ascend the throne, and then you will be the queen worthy of the name. Similarly, our wedding will be held on the same day. At that time, all the countries in this land will be the targets of hunting for you and me." he said, Kelvin raised his glass and took a sip of Mead, his eyes shining with a light called ambition.

"You\'d better hurry up. I\'m a little impatient." the princess urged with a deliberately casual look.

"Of course! For a week at most, I promise I will wear the crown for you. In addition, I look forward to your service in a queen\'s dress on the night of the wedding."

After saying these suggestive words, Kelvin stood up and deliberately focused on each other\'s tall chest and slender waist. His expression was full of ambiguity and provocation.

However, just as he had just stepped out of the tent, a knight who had recently taken refuge could not help spitting: "bah! What is he! He dared to humiliate you face to face! Your highness, please give me a chance. I will recruit an elite assassin and send him directly to hell."

"No! You don\'t understand! He\'s not as rude and stupid as he looks. I\'m sure if you send someone to assassinate him, you won\'t hurt him a hair, and you\'ll be uprooted by taking the opportunity. Now we have to be patient, patient and patient until the right opportunity or a strong alliance comes..."

Before the princess\'s words were finished, a servant ran in from the outside in a panic. His eyes kept looking around, as if he was afraid that someone would see him.

"Parker! Why are you here? Didn\'t I ask you to keep an eye on the movements of the army outside?" the knight quickly shouted.

The young attendant quickly took out a sealed letter from his pocket and explained in a low voice, "Sir, it\'s not that I disobeyed your order, but that a mysterious man suddenly stuffed this letter into my pocket. His movements were so hidden that I didn\'t have time to see his appearance."


The princess quickly took it over and opened it. A trace of joy immediately appeared on her face.

"Your Highness, what\'s written on it?" the knight asked curiously.

The princess quickly squeezed the letter into a ball and threw it into the nearby brazier. She calmly replied, "no, nothing. It\'s just a greeting from an old friend. Go ahead first. I\'m going to write a reply to this old friend now."

"Well, if you need anything, please tell me at any time. I\'ll be outside."

The knight was obviously aware that his loyal monarch had something to hide from himself, but he didn\'t dare to ask more. He honestly chose to avoid it.

When they walked out of the tent, the princess breathed a sigh of relief and muttered, "unexpectedly, it was the personal letter of Queen Victoria! It seems that getting rid of Kelvin and swallowing his power doesn\'t have to wait for more than ten or twenty years as originally planned..."