All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1132

At night, it always gives people a mysterious and quiet illusion, as if there are unspeakable dangers and sins hidden.

But in fact, the night is no different from the day, only there is not enough light, so the visibility is very low. When the line of sight is blocked, it will inevitably produce some psychological fear.

I don\'t know when, the night gradually has a close relationship with a series of disgusting behaviors such as conspiracy, intrigue and so on. And

Even when doing these things, they subconsciously choose night instead of day.


After a day of fierce fighting, most of the soldiers in the barracks outside the city have had dinner and returned to their tents to rest. Early tomorrow morning, they will continue to work hard for the civil war that will not end. Except for the occasional slight groans and screams of the wounded, the whole camp is quiet, Only the patrol occasionally makes a sound of footsteps.

No one noticed that two uninvited guests sneaked into one of the tents.

No one else lived in this tent. It was Harrison the great who fell into a deep coma after poisoning.

It has to be said that as a model of a generation of great kings, his current state is not good at all. He not only emits a stench all over his body, but also doesn\'t know how long he hasn\'t taken a bath. Moreover, he is as thin as a wood. He even needs to use up all his strength to breathe. It seems that he can swallow his last breath at any time.

Obviously, due to the rapid deterioration of the domestic situation, the warlords who support princes and princesses fight against each other, resulting in his utilization value becoming lower and lower.

Now, no one cares about the life and death of the once famous "Lion", leaving him alone in the corner of the barracks, not even a servant responsible for cleaning and feeding.




Looking at Harrison at this moment, the princess had a complex look in her eyes.

After a while, she sighed slightly and said sarcastically: "My dear father, I\'m afraid you never dreamed that you would end up like this in the end? It\'s a sad difference from a king who dares to disobey orders to a dirty and smelly old man like a beggar. But it doesn\'t matter. Hold on a little longer and I\'ll help you end your pain right away. Maybe for others, death is full of happiness The unknown and fear, but for you, death is closer to liberation. "

"Your Highness, please hurry up. We don\'t have much time left." the assassin at the door turned and reminded.

"Don\'t worry, relax. Look at the appearance of the OROS lion now. Do you think anyone cares about his life or death? What\'s more, you don\'t think killing your own father needs a little sense of ceremony, otherwise my fiance will be very disappointed."

Then the princess walked slowly to Harrison\'s side, took out a small bottle of dark green medicine, and poured it into the mouth of the dying old man.

In less than a minute, Harrison, who was lying quietly waiting to die, suddenly began to twitch violently. Finally, he suddenly did it and spewed out a mouthful of black blood: "cough! Cough! I... where am I?"

"Ah, dear father, you finally wake up. How about the taste of poisoning?" the princess took out a white handkerchief and wiped the residual blood on the corners of her mouth for the old man. Does it taste bad? "

"Yes... It\'s you? I remember I was hit by an arrow! Yes! I was hit by a despicable and sinister poisonous arrow! I almost died! Where\'s my minister? Where\'s my general? Did they catch the assassin?"

Harrison\'s brain was obviously in chaos. He didn\'t realize how much had happened during his coma, let alone that he had lost his most important power.

"Ha ha! Catch an assassin? You are so naive. My brothers, as well as the seemingly loyal generals and ministers, have now regarded you as a dead man and are fighting endlessly for your huge legacy. Those small countries that surrender are ready to move and don\'t encroach along the border. And your fiance Kelvin, who you selected for me, has occupied a large area now Land, it is estimated that he will win a certain legal crown soon. "The princess laughed wildly and vented her deep depression these days.

"What?! how dare they! I\'m not dead yet!" Harrison struggled, his skinny face twisted with anger.

He has always been extremely conceited. He never thought that his ministers and would betray himself. What\'s more, he can\'t imagine the collapse of the huge empire he built.

The princess smiled, shook her head, pointed to the dirty and dark tent around and said, "wake up, father. Open your eyes and enjoy your place. My brothers have long regarded you as a useless dead man."

The voice just fell!

When he heard Harrison\'s wow, a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, the whole popularity trembled, and his eyes burst out the last vitality.

There is no doubt that he will soon come to the end of his life.

But the princess obviously couldn\'t watch her father die slowly. She directly pulled out the dagger she carried with her, walked quickly to the front and directly inserted the sharp blade into her chest.

No hesitation!

No hesitation!

Some are just resolute and decisive!

"You... You..."

Feeling the sharp pain from his chest, Harrison opened his mouth and wanted to say something several times, but he couldn\'t say it in the end. He slowly swallowed his last breath with reluctance and regret.

"Farewell, father. I wish you peace in the world of the dead. Besides, don\'t worry about me. I\'ve prepared for the best and the worst."

With these sad words, the princess released the blood soaked dagger and said to the assassin waiting at the door, "I have finished the last thing according to Kelvin\'s requirements. Now take me away. That dagger will become evidence of my killing my father. From tomorrow on, I will become a notorious bastard like him."

"As you wish..."

The assassin bowed slightly and ignored the sarcastic part of the other party\'s tone.

Anyway, a woman who has just killed her biological father is undoubtedly quite dangerous, both mentally and physically.

Although he had great confidence in his skill, he was unwilling to provoke such a terrible woman.

Soon, with the help of the cover of the night, they quietly passed through the military camp one by one, rode two horses hidden behind the woods, ran all the way, and fled the place stained with blood before the sun was angry.