All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1131

Obviously, for this world that has never produced a real God, no one will know what kind of power faith is, let alone the relationship between gods and faith.

Although the woman always had a strong wariness of Zhang Cheng, she finally believed the saying that "faith needs blood baptism".

Before long, she began to order the church to form an army. While Kelvin was still wantonly invading other countries, she began to attack the surrounding towns like crazy. She didn\'t care about sacrifice. In just a week or two, she doubled the ruling area.

With the expansion of the territory, the number of believers began to increase, especially those veterans who had participated in the war. Their faith began to become more and more pious, which was hundreds of times stronger than those who did nothing in the city.

Needless to say, those veterans regard religion as the only placebo in the face of the fragility of life and the imminent death.

After all, if there is a God above your head, you can reasonably push everything to the God.

Fear of death?

It doesn\'t matter. Just pray to the God. If the God thinks you believe in piety, he will bless you to survive.

Want to be rich?

It doesn\'t matter. Continue to pray to the gods. As long as you are pious enough, the gods will protect you and make a lot of money.

Over time, God has become a symbolic symbol, a sustenance for the future and a better life, and a spiritual and ideological anesthetic.

Often the poorer, the more painful and difficult it is, the more mortals will have a strong and firm belief, because this is their only chance to change their destiny.

Just as the woman took her church army around to attack the city, far away in the war-torn capital, the beautiful young princess was being interrogated by her brothers.

The oldest of them, even more impolitely, asked loudly, "my dear sister, can you explain why your fiance suddenly crossed the border and is wantonly killing the nobles and robbing their land?"

"I have warned! Kelvin is a poisonous snake and may send troops at any time during civil strife, but have any of you listened? For that chair and crown, you have forgotten that this is a great country created by your father, and that if we do not unite, countless enemies will swarm in, constantly encroaching on our territory and weakening our strength." The princess didn\'t save face for her brother at all, so she opened the last fig leaf.

If she had a choice, she would never marry the ugly Kelvin, let alone cooperate with each other to carve up her motherland.

But there\'s no way!

As a young princess with neither real power nor military support, the only resources she can use are her young and beautiful appearance and noble blood that seems noble but has no egg use.

"Damn it! What do you know? It\'s about orthodoxy! It\'s about the lives and future of countless subjects. The Empire must not fall into the hands of a tyrant who kills his father! We have all fought for justice and justice so far." the oldest Prince scolded angrily.

The essence of his political game is that he must shout the most noble slogans and do the most despicable things.

But the princess did not eat this set. She disdained to curl her mouth. She did not intend to continue to argue, but chose to remain silent.

She knew that these guys called themselves, not to denounce Kelvin for tearing up the agreement and launching a blatant invasion, but just to find out how much each other\'s appetite was.

After all, most of the vassals to the west of the river supported the other two successors, and even fought endlessly for this, hoping to completely overwhelm each other, and then unite their forces to march towards the capital.

It can be said that at this point, there is no place in the whole country where there is no war.

For ambition!

For power!

For wealth!

Every noble who participated in it was doing his best to win the final victory.

As for whether those competitors are invaded by foreign forces, they don\'t care about their own business. They even want the other party to die. They have to save themselves extra effort.

Under the feudal system, the selfishness of the nobility was reflected incisively and vividly at this time.

"Calm down, my dear brother, don\'t scare our dear sister. Don\'t forget that Kelvin\'s flag this time is to protect his fiancee. If she is really ill or injured, it will be a trouble for all of us." another slightly younger Prince warned meaningfully.

"What do you think we should do?"

"Of course, send messengers first! Anyway, Kerwin is our nominal ally. What if he is willing to help us quell the rebellion and cede some land. Don\'t you think the territory of this country is too large and it takes time and effort to rule?"

"Well... It seems reasonable. Who do you think is the right messenger?"

"Let Morris go. He had seen the tyrant with his father before."




In just a few words, the princes settled the matter of sending envoys to negotiate. The whole process did not solicit the opinions of the young princess at all.

Even at the end, both sides didn\'t say hello. They didn\'t want to be brothers and sisters, but a group of strangers United for interests.

It is estimated that they are also wary of each other and calculating with each other to ensure that only they can become the final winner.

Seeing the brothers leave with their entourage, the princess slowly stood up and asked without looking back: "what have I asked you to prepare? How are you doing?"

"Ready! You can do it yourself at any time!"

A dark figure slowly emerged from the corner, and the voice was indifferent without any emotion.

"Good! Let\'s do it tonight. Remember, when I kill my father myself, I must escape within two quarters of an hour, or both you and I will die." the princess clenched her fist and the light called "consciousness" flashed in her eyes.

Patricide is undoubtedly a felony against ethics.

But she would rather bear this sin than like a statue for the rest of her life. It can also free the unconscious father early, rather than become a tool used by her sons and daughters.

"Please don\'t worry, I\'ve arranged everything." the shadow leaned slightly and soon disappeared into the darkness again.

Staring at the darkest corner of the room, the princess took a deep breath and murmured in a voice that only she could hear: "bear a bad name and become an accomplice to the tyrant. Is this my destined future? It sounds a little ironic..."