All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1122

"Hurt?" the maid suddenly raised her head and showed a pair of smiling faces with strange expressions. "No! You\'re wrong! Who would hurt a humble and helpless servant like me? On the contrary, it\'s you, the hero holding the holy sword and the chosen son of heaven favored by darkness. You\'re about to meet the choice of fate!"

"Who are you?"

Hearing this sudden speech, the woman suddenly stood up, pulled out the holy sword with amazing energy and put it on each other\'s neck. The whole person looked nervous and scared.

Because she knew that such a frightening remark should never come out of a maid\'s mouth.

To be exact, how could a maid know such a secret thing.

"Ah! You\'re panicking! You\'re afraid to embrace your own destiny! It doesn\'t matter who I am, but what choice you have to make next. You know? Almost all countries and major cities on this continent already know how great a threat you and the dark church you founded are to them. There are only two ways in front of you right now, one The article is to go underground and endure cruel repression and stigmatization like a street mouse until one day most civilians will be scared out of their wits when they hear the name of the dark church. Tell me, is this the result you want? "

The girl raised her chin slightly, revealing a sense of pride and madness that did not accord with the maid\'s profession.

There is no doubt that she is not talking at this moment, but is controlled by another powerful magical force.

"What about the other one?" the woman narrowed her eyes and smelled dangerous all over.

"Another natural way is to hold high the flag and open the prelude of the times like all heroic stories. Either kick away all stumbling blocks that dare to block your way forward, and finally complete your strong desire, or be brutally suppressed to achieve a tragic epic."

When she said these words, the girl opened her arms as if she wanted to embrace something that didn\'t exist at all, and her tone was full of enthusiasm.

As for the clerk standing at the door, he had long been so frightened that he stood there trembling all over.

Even if he didn\'t understand the magic power, he realized that the maid who had been locked up for several days was no longer the ordinary peasant girl, but an extremely dangerous madman.

Fortunately, the other party didn\'t do anything, otherwise the office staff in the city hall may have begun to rot and stink.

The woman was silent for a few seconds and quickly responded with a sneer: "of course I choose the latter! No one can dominate my destiny! Not even your master! Bring him a word for me. One day I will take back everything that belongs to me."

"Provoke your master?! hahaha! I appreciate your courage and despise your ignorance and arrogance. You don\'t understand your master\'s greatness at all, and you don\'t know that he has power that no God can have. The dark god you try to awaken is just a small bug that can be crushed to death in your master\'s eyes. Well, I don\'t want to attack you. I even look forward to it One day you stood in front of your master and challenged yourself. Goodbye, dark believer, I will take your words with your master intact... "

With the last word coming out of her mouth, the young maid suddenly began to twitch violently.

Next second


The real body expanded in an instant, and finally burst into a sky of blood mist and broken meat.


Such a cruel and bloody scene, the clerk couldn\'t help holding the wall and began to vomit. In three or two times, he took off his robe covered with blood and broken meat, leaving only a pair of close fitting shorts.

In contrast, the woman was much calmer, didn\'t even wipe the plasma on her face, sneered and muttered: "darkness is the supreme power in the world! Nothing can be greater than it! And the God of darkness will be the most powerful God. Even if he is not yet, I will personally send him to the throne in the clouds."

After that, she directly put a heavy leather bag at the clerk\'s feet and disappeared at the end of the corridor without looking back.

The latter spit out everything in his stomach, immediately picked up the leather bag and opened it. He found that it was full of golden coins, which was the 1000 gold coins promised before.

In addition, there is a silver ring at the top of the gold coin.

When he put the ring on his finger, he found that he had disappeared out of thin air. To be exact, he had entered a state of invisibility.

There was no doubt that he was ecstatic.

Because on this planet with relatively backward technology and civilization development, there are neither various infrared and electronic scanning detection equipment, nor a large number of magical anti stealth devices. The only thing that can deal with invisible units is some animals with keen sense of smell.

However, these animals are quite troublesome to raise. They are far from like dogs on earth. Ordinary people can\'t afford to raise them except rich nobles and businessmen.

So with an invisible ring, he not only doesn\'t have to worry about being chased, but also can enter those places with lax defense and go hand in hand.

At the thought that he didn\'t have to work hard for the rest of his life, as long as he lay at home and enjoyed his life, the clerk couldn\'t help but be ecstatic and ran to his home, hoping to share the good news with his beloved wife.

But as soon as he got home, he found something wrong.

For example, a pair of stranger\'s boots appeared at the door of the room, and there was a fierce collision sound in the bedroom.


A bad feeling began to reverberate in my mind.

In order to find out the truth, he carefully put on his stealth ring, gently pushed open a crack in the door and looked in.

As a result, the picture inside immediately congested his brain and turned his eyes red.

At this time, reason was completely defeated by impulse without holding on for almost a second.

The clerk didn\'t even bother to say a word of nonsense. He pulled out the short sword he carried for self-defense and passed the dog men and women on the bed from the back.


Dark red blood splashed on his head and face!

But I don\'t know why, he didn\'t feel the nausea at all, but had an inexplicable pleasure.

As a saying goes, the ups and downs of life come too fast. It\'s really exciting.

With a complex mood of sadness, loss, excitement and metamorphosis, he simply cleaned up his salute, and then set foot on the road of escape alone.

Most importantly, from this sudden killing, he found that he actually enjoyed the stimulation of piercing the skin and flesh with a sharp blade, and he was not so angry about his wife\'s betrayal before