All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1123

"Master, I\'ve done what you ordered. The woman knows clearly what challenges she will meet next. But interestingly, she wants to challenge you and vows to take back everything that belongs to her."

Ellens stood in the room on the top floor of the magic tower and reported to Zhang Cheng, who was sitting in a chair and lost in thought.

Obviously, he was the one who controlled the maid just now, and he was also the one who finally killed the maid in an extremely cruel way.

To be exact, he did an experiment on the poor girl.

Zhang Cheng undoubtedly knew what the young man who once had a sense of justice and compassion had become. He smiled and nodded: "Well done. Continue to pay attention to the follow-up development. If anything interesting happens, remember to inform me at any time. Remember, don\'t do too much fearless interference, let alone help that woman. The so-called faith is actually the combination of will and faith. Usually, if a person doesn\'t encounter pain, suffering and despair, his faith will never reach the level of piety However, if a person can still retain his faith with all these energies, the strength of his faith alone is worth a hundred or even a thousand ordinary believers. "

"So... Do you want to use this way to force ordinary believers to become devout believers and provide more faith power for the dark god?" Allen asked in an uncertain tone.

He didn\'t know much about gods. He didn\'t even touch the threshold.

After all, a real God has not been born in this world for the time being. Even if there is, it is still in a very ignorant state and has not awakened to have its own independent personality and consciousness.

"No! Not only that! God has never been as powerful and omniscient as mortals think. On the contrary, the character and behavior of gods often depend on the strong obsession injected by mortals when they wake them up. I don\'t want the dark god ruva to wake up as a god advocating peace and beauty, but a god full of hatred and hatred for the whole world. He should be A corrector, a disaster from the sky, and a god of destruction to the letter. To get such a God, we must first make his believers hate the world. "Zhang Cheng gently knocked on the armrest of the seat and casually said something that was enough to make countless people\'s hair stand on end.

Compared with those who are taught by society and rules to lose their edges and corners and will only obey the existing order, he undoubtedly prefers those who dare to shout out "it\'s not me that\'s wrong, it\'s the world".

Because these people are easier to be incited, used and become pawns under his control.

Ellens nodded thoughtfully: "I see. You want to shape a dark god how you expect. But I don\'t understand. What\'s the use of such a God for you? If he hates the world, he will inevitably create a lot of killing and destruction, which will have a very fatal impact on your layout."

"As I said, those arrangements are only for testing and collecting data. The real good play starts now. Don\'t ask too much. Bury this under the root of the chaotic tree for me. Be careful, it\'s a little hungry recently. Don\'t be swallowed by it."

Zhang Cheng didn\'t explain much, but handed over something shaped like a fruit core.

"This is..." Ellens carefully took it over and felt the very familiar energy inside.

"It\'s just a seed. You just need to plant it." Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth slightly, with a strange light in his eyes.

The last time he showed this look, he still regarded the youth as an experimental mouse. This time, of course, is no exception.

No anger

No fear

Without compassion

No sense of belonging

There is no so-called "friendship" and "family affection"

With the deeper and deeper integration with the main string, he can clearly perceive that those things that could not belong to the "personality" are gradually disappearing and replaced by a kind of indifference that refuses people thousands of miles away.

In his heart, he refused to integrate into any group and to communicate emotionally with anyone, just like a precision machine, although he occasionally did some random things to pass the time.

To be exact, not only he, almost all masters are this virtue.

Perhaps it is the price that must be paid to become a part of the rules of the whole universe, or it may be that as the highest life, they disdain to communicate with lower life and become what they are now over time.

Zhang Cheng is not sure whether this change is good or bad, but he believes that he will get the answer from another himself next time.


At the same time, after learning that she was about to face pressure from all over the world, the women immediately gathered more than 20000 armed believers, attacked and occupied the cities under the tyrant, and announced the establishment of a * * * * country.

It has to be said that her move undoubtedly made the originally chaotic situation more chaotic.

"Asshole! Who can tell me what the fuck is going on? A bitch who doesn\'t know where she came from can lead a group of Dalits to kill my life and occupy my city." Kelvin waved his fist angrily and roared at his men.

He couldn\'t believe it in his dream. Just when he concentrated his efforts on the massive invasion after Harrison the great fell into a coma, there was such a big mess in the rear.

A woman wants to build a * * * country?

Start kidding!

He has not been crowned king and created his own dynasty!

"Sorry, sir, we are incompetent. It was not until an anonymous letter a few days ago that we learned that an organization claiming to be the dark church is spreading rapidly in the bottom democracy. Not only we, but also several other countries around us have realized the seriousness of the problem and have taken the initiative to encircle and suppress. What everyone didn\'t expect is that they put a large number of weapons and weapons without saying a word The equipment was transported into the city and launched a rebellion to capture the city. At present, we don\'t have enough troops in the rear. Unless you are willing to give up the invasion plan, we don\'t have enough troops to capture a city with tens of thousands of people. "

A guy dressed like an aristocrat in armor knelt on one knee and described the whole thing from beginning to end.

"That is to say, I either give up my readily available prestige and a large area of land and go back to counter the rebellion, or I will let them go first, and then turn around and clean them up slowly after the war is over?" Kelvin looked a little gloomy.

"That\'s right! Temporary patience is for a better future! What\'s more, those rebels can only capture one or two cities at most, which can\'t become the climate at all."

"All right! Let them be proud for a while! Give me orders! Let the assassin start at once! I\'ve had enough patience! It\'s time to let the old lion out!"

"As you wish!"
