All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1121

"Letter?" the woman\'s face showed curiosity.

She could not imagine how a letter could expose the dark church that had been hiding in the dark to the sun.

You know, even she herself can\'t know all the secret meeting places scattered everywhere.

The clerk quickly nodded and explained: "Yes! It\'s a letter, an anonymous letter. We don\'t know who it was. We only know that it suddenly appeared on the desk a few days ago, detailing the threat of the dark church and the huge number of believers. To some extent, you have threatened the rule of many cities and will naturally become the object of suppression and suppression."

"What about the letter? Show it to me!" the woman asked further.

She had a premonition that the crackdown on the church might be a conspiracy to force herself not to grow slowly in the dark, but to stand in the sun to meet the hostility from the whole world.

No matter those temples that are used to accepting donations from believers and enjoying a luxurious life, or aristocrats who are used to controlling power from above, they will never allow a new rising force to snatch resources from their own hands.

It can be predicted that the dark church will usher in the most difficult period next. If it can survive, it will naturally have a vast sky. If it can\'t survive, it will lose the original good situation, break up into parts, leave densely populated towns and turn to rural activities with weak ruling power.

"Just a moment, please!"

The clerk hurried to the Lord\'s desk, completely ignored the old man\'s angry eyes, opened the drawer and turned out a slightly yellow envelope from the innermost.

When the woman saw the purple wax seal left on the envelope, her pupils suddenly contracted, grabbed it, took out the letter inside and read it carefully. The more she saw the back, the more ugly her face became.

The reason is very simple. The above not only lists in detail the number and scope of activities of believers that even her founder does not know, but also more than 100 accurate secret activity strongholds.

If it had only been suspected before, it would now be 100% certain that this was a huge conspiracy.

People who write anonymous letters know more about the development of the church than even the top leaders in the church.

As for the faint magic energy emitted by the residual purple wax seal on the envelope, she also let her know that the other party is definitely a very powerful caster, otherwise she can\'t afford this expensive Magic Candle.


Terrible silence!

Everyone in the room felt strong depression and anger like a volcano about to erupt.

It took several minutes for the clerk to carefully test: "female... Madam, I have answered two questions. Do you think you can give me a thousand gold coins and let me leave?"

"Ah! Don\'t worry, I\'ll give you the reward you deserve. But before that, tell me who first found the letter." the woman shook the letter in her hand with a chilling smile on her face.

"I... I don\'t know. It\'s said that a maid in charge of cleaning first found it. Later, I don\'t know why, she suddenly became a little crazy. Now she is being detained in a room originally used to store sundries." the clerk said everything he knew.

Whether it is betrayal or betrayal, as long as the first step is taken, there will not be too much psychological pressure and burden behind.

Because he knew he couldn\'t turn back. The only thing he could do was to take a lot of money and leave the area ruled by tyrant Kelvin as soon as possible.

"Servant? Interesting. I want to see her." the woman threw the letter aside and signaled the other party to lead the way.

"Please follow me..."

Although the clerk wanted to refuse, his reason was constantly reminding himself not to refuse any request made by the other party, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable and he honestly chose obedience.

At the moment he turned around, he suddenly felt an inexplicable thrill.

Next second

All the people left in the whole room were swallowed up by the black smoke gushing out of their bodies, and finally turned into ashes flying in the wind.

Their death was so strange that the clerk opened his eyes and covered his mouth with his hands for fear that he would make an inappropriate sound and follow the former.

The woman seemed to do a trivial thing and threatened with a voice without emotion: "See? This is the end of being an enemy of the dark church! The great dark god is the only true God in the world, and any secular power is not worth mentioning in front of him. When he wakes up, the whole world will tremble. Come on, I still have many mysteries to figure out."

"Yes, madam." the clerk humbly bent down and bowed deeply.

It is not difficult to judge from those frightened eyes that he has been frightened and has a strong awe of the dark church that doesn\'t know where to come from.

Through the dark and narrow corridors and stairs, they quickly came to a warehouse in the underground storage room.

Before the clerk took the key to open the door, he heard a woman laughing wildly and chanting: "Chaos! Destruction! The prelude to the end is opening! Tremble! Humble mortals! There is not much time left for you! The towering giant tree will soon cover everyone\'s head. War, killing, chaos and death, we are just a group of sad ants..."

"Madam, she\'s crazy. She\'s so crazy that she won\'t even eat rice or drink water. She just says some crazy words that normal people don\'t understand." the clerk reminded with disgust on her face.

"Crazy? Maybe! But in my opinion, she saw something she shouldn\'t see rather than crazy."

After that, the woman directly pushed open the heavy wooden door, looked at the godless eyes of the young maid, and asked in an extremely gentle voice, "tell me, child, what do you see? Who put the letter on the table?"

"Ah!!!!!!" the maid who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old suddenly hit a smart, as if she had just woke up from a nightmare. The whole person quickly curled up in a ball, shook her head desperately and shouted: "no! I didn\'t see anything! I didn\'t see anything!"

"Relax, don\'t be afraid, no one can hurt you with me." the woman continued to soothe each other\'s emotions patiently.

She knows that in the current situation, the best way is to let girls gain a sense of security and have a strong dependence on themselves. Otherwise, relying on the threat of violence will not only fail to get the desired information, but may also make the situation worse.