All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1120

"Kneel down!"

Instead of killing the officer, the woman who rushed to the front stopped the horse and looked down at each other in a way that almost violated the common sense of physics.

Her eyes were so terrible that the officer looked at each other for a second and immediately knelt down trembling. She felt that her body didn\'t sell her control at all.

"Take me to the ruler of this city!"

Obviously, the woman had no intention of wasting time, and ordered directly in a commanding tone.

Although the officer has been struggling in his heart and trying to refuse this unreasonable request, he subconsciously nodded and responded very humbly: "please follow me. Sir will deal with government affairs in the inner room."

With that, the two people who should have been hostile walked through the main door and disappeared at the end of the quiet corridor.

Such a strange scene, not to mention the crowd on both sides of the road, even the lucky guards couldn\'t help but show a frightened expression.

Maybe outsiders don\'t know what kind of person an officer is, but these guards know very well.

As a veteran who followed Kelvin all the way from his hometown, he was deeply trusted. Otherwise, he would not take the important task of guarding a city hall. In theory, unless the tyrant was killed, he would not choose to betray even if he was afraid of death.

Because once betrayed, it not only means that the generous treatment and rewards will be confiscated, but also relatives and friends will be involved.

But it\'s such a guy who can\'t betray anyway. He doesn\'t hesitate to surrender to a naked woman. People with a little brain will feel abnormal.


This was the first thought that came to mind after their shock.

I\'m afraid only magic full of mystery and said to be able to do anything can control and change a person\'s thinking and ideas.

At the thought of these, the guards who survived by luck could not help shivering. Without saying a word, they immediately turned around and ran away.

At this moment, no duty, no courage, no punishment can compare with the fear of the unknown.

When they got home, they took their belongings and relatives with them and chose to run away, far away from the city where 80% of the major events would happen.


At the same time, the women, led by the officers, soon came to a room full of letters and papers.

Several clerks in gowns or robes are busy copying and approving documents with their heads down, dealing with all kinds of complicated taxes and financial expenses.

Due to the very good sound insulation effect, they were not aware of what had just happened outside.

Especially the old man with a short beard sitting on the throne gives people a sense of dignity and ability. He is the actual ruler of the city under his feet, the mayor and honorary Lord of Kelvin.

He obviously didn\'t realize the danger. He still asked without raising his head: "does anyone want to see me?"


The officer bowed his head and said nothing.

It was not that he didn\'t want to speak, but that his voice seemed to be stuck by something and couldn\'t speak at all.

Without even looking at the officer, the woman took two steps alone and asked in a seductive voice, "tell me, where did you get the accurate information about the dark church?"

"Hmm?" the old man suddenly hit a clever, raised his head and looked at the strange woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, subconsciously frowning. "Who are you and why are you in my office?"

"Oh? Can resist my hint magic!"

The woman raised her eyebrows in surprise, but even if she grabbed each other\'s collar and relied on the strong physical quality given by the holy sword, she forcibly pulled the adult male weighing more than 70 kilograms from the chair and still on the ground with a bang.

"Say! Who gave you the news about the dark church!"

"Damn it! How dare you?! guard! Catch this madman!" the old man was undoubtedly irritated. The whole man blushed and shouted at his throat.

But it was a pity that after several minutes, there was not even a guard except the officer who stood still.

At this moment, even the most stupid people will realize that the city hall has been occupied, and the guards on duty outside have either been killed, escaped or rebelled.

Thinking of this, his face suddenly became gloomy: "who are you? The head of the dark church? I warn you, you\'d better not mess around, or your majesty Kelvin will not let you go."

"Kelvin? Your majesty? Ha ha!" the woman raised her mouth and laughed, laughing and sarcastic: "Idiot! You don\'t know that he is just a piece thrown by a powerful existence to the front desk, right? A puppet who has nothing without the support of his master is not qualified to be a king. Well, put away your boring threats and tell me what I want to know."

"No! Never! Come on! Kill me! Your majesty will avenge me!" the old man raised his chin proudly without any intention of flinching.

Of course, it\'s not that he doesn\'t cherish his life, but that he will never cherish the life of his family again.

In order to ensure his loyalty, Kerwin arranged the families of all important bureaucrats to live in his own city. If anyone dared to betray, his family would be slaughtered inhumanely.

"Fear! I read fear in your eyes! You are afraid! It doesn\'t matter. Even if you don\'t say it, I can get the information I want from others."

Then the woman turned and surrendered her eyes to the trembling clerks: "Now let\'s play a game. I\'ll ask and you can answer. Add one point to each question. Those who get one point can leave here safely. Those who get two points can not only leave, but also get a reward of 1000 gold coins, while those who get three points can get a magic ring, which can make you invisible in a short time."

There is no doubt that coercion and inducement is always the simplest and most violent way to break the psychological defense line.

Anyway, the clerk\'s family was not taken away by Kerwin. Naturally, they wouldn\'t mind using the information at hand to exchange a large amount of money and fly away.

Looking at the expectation and eagerness on their faces, the woman glanced at the old man who was stunned in place and said calmly: "first question! Where did you learn about the dark church and the location of our secret meeting?"

"I! I know! It\'s a letter!" a man who looked less than 30 responded the fastest and grabbed the precious first point.