All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1119

"Master, you are back."

As soon as Zhang Cheng returned to the magic tower, Ellens said, "the enemy? No, no, no, as a dark hero, I need her to be the enemy of all the countries on this continent. A mere Kelvin is just the first stumbling block on her way forward." Zhang Cheng bluntly said his intention to abandon his first agent.

Kelvin\'s pattern is too small, coupled with too much care, there is no need to continue to stay.

For such a guy who doesn\'t know his position, he always drains the last trace of utilization value and then serves as a test for latecomers.

Religion and belief can never be forged in a peaceful environment.

To be exact, all beliefs must be baptized with blood, killing and death. Only in this way can we refine the purest and selfless fanatical worship without distractions.

These beliefs will become the nourishment for the awakening of the dark god ruva, and will reshape his consciousness and soul from the inside out.

"I see! I\'ll arrange it right away."

Without saying a word, after a salute, Allen excitedly performed the transmission magic and disappeared in place.


About a few hours later, in almost all areas where the dark God Church secretly operated, the local rulers received an anonymous letter, which described a cult organization hiding in the dark with alarmist words, and said frankly that they had seriously threatened the stability of social order. If they could not be eradicated as soon as possible, it would inevitably lead to disastrous consequences.

In the next three or five days, a large number of strongholds of secret gatherings were slaughtered, and the priests who were hard trained were slaughtered one after another.

For a moment, it was a good situation, as if it fell directly from heaven to hell.

Looking at the help letters piled up on the table, the woman sat in the chair with a gloomy face, emitting a terrible smell all over her.

Needless to ask, she was obviously angered, and the madness that had been suppressed by reason in her heart began to prevail.

In about two or three minutes, she suddenly got up, went straight to the stable in the backyard, rode on one of the strong male horses, and ran in the direction of the city hall without saying a word.

No matter what dares to block the road along the way, she will pull out the holy sword without thinking and directly split it in half.

Obviously, this wanton destruction and killing soon attracted a large number of guards, and some even had spears specially used to deal with horses.

But before they started, they were drained of their vitality by the terrible power of the holy sword and turned into a shriveled corpse, like a mummy stored for thousands of years.

"Damn it! Stop her! Stop her! At all costs!"

The officer in charge of guarding the city hall shouted at his voice and personally took the lead in blocking the only way.

He knew that once the other party broke through the defense and entered the city hall, he might lose his head.

After all, the aristocrat doesn\'t care how powerful the enemy he faces. He only knows that his life is threatened and will pull out the responsible person to make an example