All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1118

"I... I don\'t know."

The young man obviously hesitated for a few seconds, but soon shook his head at a loss.

To be exact, he didn\'t even know what kind of God and doctrine ruva was. He just wanted to find a reliable organization to ensure that he would not be bullied.

You know, Wang Du is not a place where anyone can survive casually.

Especially for the humble bottom residents like him, almost every day they hear that a young and beautiful girl in the neighbor\'s house suddenly disappears, and then a few weeks or months later, the naked rotten body is found in the moat or by the sea.

In addition, criminal gangs such as a large number of people abduction and trafficking and forcing children to engage in pickpocketing emerge one after another.

If you don\'t join a strong enough organization, you can\'t live well alone.

Law has always been a tool used by the ruling class to maintain their own interests.

Therefore, as long as there is no direct threat to the interests of the ruling class, they will not seriously implement those formulated laws, nor waste a lot of time, money and energy to care about how many people at the bottom are missing every day, and how many people are threatened and oppressed by local ruffians and hooligans.

Only when something causes widespread chaos and riots will these guys begin to pay attention to it and use political intervention to calm the people\'s anger in the name of so-called "justice" and "safeguarding the dignity of the law".

Anyone who has a little contact with those greedy bureaucrats will deeply understand a cruel truth. Most nobles are not credible. They will not take the life and death of civilians as one thing at all.

The pastor in charge of preaching clearly knew the current situation of the bottom residents of the city, raised his arm and patted each other on the shoulder, comforting him: "Needless to say, I understand. Don\'t worry, unlike those churches that serve false gods, we don\'t force any brothers and sisters to do what they don\'t want to do, and we don\'t rank them according to the amount of donations. Ruva is a true God. He doesn\'t care about secular rights and wealth, but only about whether your faith is pious. Come on, young man, tell me what you need What kind of help do you want? "

"You... Would you like to help me? Help a stranger for free?" the young man stared, as if he couldn\'t believe what he heard.

"Strangers? No, from the moment you are willing to offer your faith, we are no longer strangers, but the people of the great God of darkness."

The priest is like a well-informed and persuasive, and through a few words, he opens the other party\'s psychological defense line.

There is no empty talk

And didn\'t use too much inflammatory language

But he makes people have an impulse to talk and become close friends with him.

There is no doubt that this is a perfect missionary, a priest who can not only spread faith to gods, but also win the respect of mortals.

Standing in the woods, Zhang Cheng silently observed this small-scale secret gathering, especially the priest\'s seemingly magical power, pursed his mouth and showed a playful smile: "Interesting! Even if you haven\'t awakened, have you begun to unconsciously give divination? I hope this dark god doesn\'t disappoint me too much. He is an indispensable and important role in the future plan."

The voice just fell!

A sudden sound of horse hoofs broke the silence of midnight.

"Damn it! It\'s the Rangers patrolling Wangdu at night!"

A masked woman suddenly stood up and stared nervously at the torch snake, which was getting brighter and brighter from far to near.

Although there are only about 20 lights, no one will take it lightly.

You know, for these unarmed and almost unarmed ordinary people, the light cavalry is simply the sickle of death. They can\'t run away if they want to run. They can only watch the sharp saber flash past and fall into a pool of blood to die.

"Shh! Keep quiet! There\'s no light here. They shouldn\'t find us." the priest calmly raised his hand and motioned everyone to keep calm and quiet.

Unfortunately, wishes are always good, but reality is always cruel.

After a while, the cavalry came straight to the grove through a distance of hundreds of meters.

Obviously, they probably got some news in advance to arrest or destroy this small church hidden in the king\'s capital.

Just when the priest planned to use his cards to completely close the area with the magic darkness that could not be distinguished by the naked eye, a dazzling thunder suddenly fell from the sky and directly hit the unlucky guy in front.

Without any accident, he was electrocuted into coke on the spot

That\'s not over!

The electric snake flickering with dazzling white light was like a life. It kept jumping around the bodies of one Ranger after another. Every time, it would kill people and horses together. In just a few seconds, more than half of the 20 Rangers fell.

The people behind quickly turned the horse\'s head, avoided the jumping white lightning, and shouted at the top of their voice, "no! There are casters! There is a powerful caster among them! Retreat! Retreat! Tell the captain the news!"

Unfortunately, just as he shouted, another four or five companions died on the spot.

As for the rest, I turned around without saying a word, and the speed was even faster than when I came here. I didn\'t care whether such a high-speed running would lead to the death of the war horse.

Seeing these Rangers come and go more suddenly, the priest\'s eyes twinkle with the same light. After a while, he turned and tried to reach out to the woods "Unknown sir, thank you for helping me and the people of the dark god at the critical moment. If you don\'t mind, can you come out and meet us so that we can express our gratitude?"

"No, no, I like to keep a sense of mystery. Continue to do what you should do. I have other things to do, so I won\'t bother. Finally, I wish you can wake up the dark god ruva as soon as possible."

After saying these meaningful words, Zhang Cheng immediately displayed his transmission magic and disappeared in situ.

Feeling the cool night breeze blowing gently across his cheek, the priest soon realized that the stranger who helped him had gone, smiled bitterly, sighed, and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "Great God of darkness, is this your pious reward for me? Or is it just the arrangement of fate? No matter what happens, I will unswervingly walk on the road of faith until you come to this world."

"Reverend, that was..." a believer finally recovered from the shock and couldn\'t help asking.

"Don\'t ask! I don\'t know! Maybe it\'s the friends of the church or the arrangement of the gods. In short, we can get out of danger safely. Moreover, from the reaction of the cavalry, it should be that someone found the meeting place. We should change another place next time..."