All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1117

"It\'s a wonderful prelude, isn\'t it?"

Listening to the loud cheers and shouts of the surrounding people, Zhang Cheng rarely showed a relaxed and happy smile on his face, and even had a sense of satisfaction to personally promote the progress of civilization and the times.

Of course, these feelings are derived from a part of his universality that has not yet completely faded, which is a false deception generated by memory.

What\'s more, the fate of the indigenous people of this planet has long been arranged. No matter what changes occur, they will eventually become chaotic people. They can\'t even enter the interstellar era like the civilizations of other planets, but will evolve in killing each other until they reach a critical point one day.

However, this kind of behavior with a little entertainment has brought some speed to Zhang Cheng. He is even interested in walking into an insignificant tavern, ordering some drinks and food, sitting in the corner and listening to people excited about the public punishment just now.

While he was tasting the slightly bitter ale and the ordinary barbecue, he suddenly found that two mysterious corners were hiding not far away, arguing in a low voice.

Out of curiosity, he used his own strength a little, and immediately heard one of the men\'s fast persuasion: "my friend, what are you still thinking about? Join us! As long as you believe in the great God of Darkness online and wake him from his deep sleep, you can not only get money, power and fame, but also go to the country of gods and enjoy a better life after death."

"But... But that\'s the God of darkness! Just listening to the name makes my hair stand on end!" the other man obviously struggled and looked hesitant.

"Idiot! Ruva is the only true God in the world! Look at the false gods enshrined in the temples, as well as the greedy priests and priests, who will give believers such support and protection like our church? Especially the lady, who has never misappropriated any church property, but donated all her savings In order to make those poor believers have a hot meal, she is a saint and a great man willing to sacrifice for faith, like those who love vanity and enjoy in other churches. "

The man before waved his arm, and his tone was full of fanatical longing and worship.

I\'m afraid he will never know that the saints in his mouth once threw the terrible magic plague into densely populated cities to create a terrible massacre just to complete the Commission.

"OK... OK! I agree to join! But you have to take me to a secret meeting first. I need to see with my own eyes and listen with my own ears." the latter clenched his fist and made a condition.

"No problem! We happen to have a ceremony in the woods outside the city at midnight today. You can attend. Remember, you must come alone. You must arrive before midnight and can\'t carry any lighting tools." the man warned seriously.

"I see!"

"Let\'s see you at midnight. May the great God of darkness bless you!"

"See you or leave!"


After a short conversation, they left the tavern one after another and quickly got into the dark alley.

Seeing them leave, Zhang Cheng smiled and muttered to himself, "the God of darkness? It seems that the woman is quite capable. She has quietly infiltrated into the kingdom so soon. Dark hero, dark faith, let me see if you can make the fragrant dark flowers bloom."

The voice just fell!

He directly dropped some gold coins made by Alchemy, left the tavern without looking back, and walked to the place where the secret meeting was held outside the city.

Although as a master, he can directly cross time and space and go directly to the moment of the event.

But in order to increase interest, he chose to arrive at his destination in the most traditional way and waited patiently for the time to pass.

When the midnight bell rang in Wangdu, masked guys walked out of their hiding places and walked to a huge black rock.

No sound!

And no one has done anything meaningless!

Like ghosts, they stood still.

After a quarter of an hour, the leader stood up and recited loudly: "praise you, the great dark god ruva. You are the protector of the night and the only true God in the world. Please listen to our prayers and comfort our hearts..."

"Praise you! Ruva of the God of darkness!"

"May you wake up from your deep sleep soon!"


The crowd repeated the praise recited in advance over and over again, and the original strange atmosphere gradually became fanatical.

After all, religion, whether supported by gods or not, is a kind of brainwashing to some extent, which makes people gradually lose themselves, lose their sense and independent thinking ability, and finally trust everything to "God" to complete it instead of themselves.

In particular, the group effect is most obvious in religious activities. Some guys are different in participating in activities and not participating in activities.

Needless to say, these dark believers have completed their hypnosis. If someone jumps out and asks them to commit suicide to prove their faith in the gods, I\'m afraid someone will do it without hesitation.

The leader was obviously quite satisfied with the current atmosphere, raised his hands and said loudly: "My dear brothers and sisters! Thank you for listening to the call of the dark god ruva again and offering pure faith at this special moment. Some people may have heard about the legend of the dark god, but there are also some new partners who don\'t know much. Today, let me talk about the ancient history of the birth of the dark god."

"Reverend, before you start telling the story, I\'d like you to hold an acceptance ceremony for a new brother." the man who preached in the tavern stood up and took off his mask.

In fact, these people here know each other. Wearing masks is not so much to hide their identity as to increase the sense of mystery and ritual.

In addition, it also plays a role in dispersing and escaping after being found, so as to prevent being caught up by patrols near the capital.

"Oh? Who is it?" the man called the priest glanced around.

"It\'s me."

Another man took the initiative and took off his face.

They looked at each other for about ten seconds. The priest finally asked, "tell me, young man, why do you believe in the God of darkness? Why do you join us?"