All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1116

With the fall of tilsburg, the nobles who launched the rebellion were cleaned up in less than half a month. All those who participated in or were involved were slaughtered by the mysterious army who first appeared on the stage.

When Taser returned to the king\'s capital with prisoners and a string of heads, the residents of the city burst into unprecedented enthusiasm.

Especially when they heard that the rebels blocked the river, many people were worried that it would lead to widespread famine, and food prices rose three times a day, which would exceed the affordability of the people at the bottom.

But now, the Queen\'s army actually killed all the rebels occupying the strong military fortress in just a few days. Even the two main criminals became prisoners, and the dark clouds shrouded in their hearts disappeared without a trace. Without exception, those profiteers and nobles who tried to raise food prices in an attempt to make a fortune in the country lost a lot of money.

More importantly, this time, the queen showed her strongest side and vowed never to pardon even a rebel. Even the nobles will be ruthlessly punished as civilians if they violate the laws of the kingdom with their blood and heads.

Kill the nobles!

What an incredible scene!

From the founding of the kingdom to now, there are only a few nobles who have been beheaded because of violating the law. Most of them have finally paid the atonement money, making it a big and small matter.

Therefore, for a moment, around the guillotine square, it was crowded with people who came to see the excitement.

Among them, there are not only the bottom people with excitement and expectation, but also the aristocrats with livid faces and angry flames in their eyes.

At this moment, the fierce contradictions between the exploiting class and the exploited class have been completely opposed under the incitement of intentional people.

The nobles thought that if these Dalits dared to insult themselves in such a way, they should all be executed.

The common people feel that the nobles have enjoyed their privileges from above for too long. It is time to give up some rights and land so that the talented people at the lower level can also have the opportunity to change their fate.

Feeling the surging public opinion below, Victoria, sitting on the high platform, slightly pursed the corners of her mouth, smiled and said without looking back: "See? This is the power that has been ignored by the nobles! The power from the humble mole ants! Although each of them is so weak, even cowardly, as long as they are gathered together with one hand, they can form a flood that can destroy the nobles. A new era has begun, but it\'s a pity that there are still one of those who half step into the grave I don\'t know. "

"My majesty, the nobility cannot be completely replaced at present. You\'d better keep calm and don\'t be dazzled by victory," isolt warned in a low voice.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m not so stupid. Radicalization is an undesirable behavior. It will cause too much damage to the original system, which I have read in books. I need to keep the Kingdom stable and complete centralization and reform as smoothly as possible. It\'s necessary to suppress the nobles bit by bit to prevent them from being forced into a dead corner and making some crazy actions."

When she said these words again, Victoria did not avoid several confidants who had been promoted from the bottom by herself, including Tesser.

"Your Majesty, I would like to be the sword in your hand, turn into the most ferocious hound, and eradicate all the enemies on your way." the old general bent down and bowed deeply.

Hearing the loyal queen say "centralization", "reform" and other extremely sensitive words, he felt that his aging heart suddenly began to beat strongly, as if he had suddenly returned to the young and middle-aged, and his head was full of the dream of making achievements and becoming a hero respected by thousands of people.

"Very good! I\'m looking forward to your performance. It\'s time for the executioner to start executing, or my people should be impatient."

After that, Victoria took off a lace shirt and gloves and waved to the strong man with a black cloth headgear on his head.

The latter understood and saluted, without saying a word, raised his sharp decapitation axe, clicked twice, and cut off the head of the first criminal.

The scarlet blood arrows suddenly spewed out several meters away, which made the onlookers scream, and some timid women were stunned.

"Damn it! This vicious woman! How dare you treat us like this!" a middle-aged man covered in a gray cloak could not help but curse in a low voice.

Needless to ask, he must be a noble, and his title is not low.

Another man beside him laughed bitterly and said to himself: "Haven\'t you found out yet? The nobles are superior to the law not because of how noble our blood is, but because we have a large number of land and population. With land, we can produce food, and with population, we have enough soldiers. In the past, one quarter of the Royal Army in the whole kingdom was controlled by the royal family, and the other two quarters were controlled by us , the last quarter is owned by businessmen and free people. To some extent, the nobles who occupy half of the land and population resources are the real masters of the country. Even the royal family must join hands with us to rule the country. But now, the new queen no longer depends on the traditional army. She has enough power to maintain her rule and suppress rebellion. We are naturally proud Then you will lose your previous position. "

"He\'s right! Unless you can find a way to defeat viria\'s army, we have no ability to resist." the short man hiding against the wall in the corner echoed.

"So... Our decline is inevitable?" the man who spoke first raised his head and showed an angry and distorted face.

"Otherwise? You can see the end of the rebellion. This time, we don\'t have a chance to be pardoned by paying atonement. Times have changed. My friend, either follow the trend and make changes, or be swallowed up by this torrent and disappear into the long river of history. Change is the best way for a family to continue. What\'s more, we still have one of the greatest advantages That\'s the way to master knowledge and cultivate talents. Stop fighting tenaciously. The sooner you make changes, the more benefits you will get. That\'s all. It\'s your business to listen or not. Anyway, I won\'t attend such meaningless parties again. "

With these words, the short man turned directly and disappeared into the dark alley without giving the other party a chance to retain himself.

Similarly, in the next minute or so, several people also left again and again, unwilling to continue to joke about their own and their family\'s lives.

It has to be said that bloody and cruel killing is always the simplest, most direct, most brutal and most effective way to end resistance. All the so-called courage, integrity, righteousness, ambition and desire are not worth mentioning in front of it.

As long as the butcher\'s knife keeps falling, human beings will soon follow their biological instincts and choose to live. Until one day the ruler\'s butcher\'s knife can no longer be waved, the fierce resistance will rise again