All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1115

An hour later, when the last resister fell in a pool of blood, the short and efficient siege had come to an end.

Looking at those loyal family knights and soldiers who were brutally killed by the enemy one by one, Baron Meles, who served as a senior official of the Royal Army, trembled slightly all over.

Of course, he felt not because of fear, but because of reluctance, anger and shame.

He originally believed that the reason why the enemy did not attack immediately was that he was not sure to win the heavily defended military fortress in a short time, so he adopted the strategy of encircling but not attacking.

But now, Tesser took practical action to whip him a big mouth, and his face was about to swell.

Before, his self righteous targeted defense strategy was as ridiculous as a clown in the eyes of his opponents.

But these are not the most important. The most important thing is that he understands that the family that has been inherited for more than 300 years will end in his own generation.

From the ruthless killing of those strange soldiers, it is not difficult to judge that there will never be any aristocratic privilege this time, let alone allow the payment of fines to pardon the crime of death.

"Ah, good afternoon, Baron. I\'m afraid you didn\'t expect us to meet so soon?"

Isorte walked into the room on the red carpet soaked with blood, and his tone was full of ridicule and irony.

Although he was not very interested in politics, and he only participated in it to serve his master, unconsciously, he began to like the feeling of manipulating the fate of others, especially those self righteous guys from the cloud into the abyss.

"It\'s you! It\'s you again! What on earth do you and Victoria want to do? Are they going to kill all our nobles?"

Before Baron Meles could speak, the court nobles who were about to be frightened and incontinent could not help jumping out and scolding loudly.

Although he has been trying to show his aristocratic style in the face of danger, his two trembling legs betrayed his most real state of mind at the moment.

No one is afraid of death!

Not many people will remain calm in the face of death!

Those who can do this either have great ideals, severe retaliation and strong character so that they will not be moved by any foreign things.

Obviously, the court nobles are far from being able to do this, so the posturing looks very funny.

"Kill all the nobles? No, she and I just want to take back some of the privileges of the nobles. What really came to this stage has always been your greed for land, wealth and power. In the more than 700 years since the establishment of the Kingdom, you have been used to your high position and forgotten why your ancestors started the army and laid the foundation This rich land. Your majesty just made a little reform to lead the country out of difficulties, you couldn\'t help jumping out, and even united with foreign forces to try to subvert the monarchy. Excuse me, if you were the king, what would you do to such a traitor? "

Isorte did not show mercy at all. He directly tore his face and pointed to the core of the contradiction between the two sides.

"No! It\'s not us! It\'s you! If you didn\'t send that woman to the throne, the whole country would still be the same." the court aristocrat roared angrily.

"Hahaha! If I hadn\'t put Vilia on the throne, the kingdom would have perished. You so-called nobles will be uprooted by Kerwin and killed. Your land will be confiscated, your property will be rewarded to those madmen who have made meritorious contributions, and your wives, lovers and daughters will become tools for them to vent their desires. Remember, idiot, The times have changed. Everything is no longer slow as before. Before long, the continent will fall into endless war. Either adapt to the new rules or be eliminated by the rolling torrent. Now, I declare that you have been eliminated. Come and send them back to the king\'s capital. Her Majesty needs a public punishment to announce to the world that the era of nobility is over "What happened..."

After that, isorte waved to the spirit soldiers waiting on the side.

Without saying a word, the latter rushed up directly, broke the hands and feet of the court aristocrat, and forcibly removed his chin to prevent him from committing suicide halfway through humiliation.

In contrast, Baron Meles was much more calm, raised his head and asked in a self mocking tone, "our families will be arrested and executed one by one, right?"

"Yes! Do you have any last words to say?" Tesser replied with a complicated look.

Because they both came from the army, they had a lot of experience working together and even appreciated each other, so he didn\'t speak ill of each other.

"No, No. since I have failed, I have to bear the responsibility for failure. The winner is not wrong, but the loser. This truth has been understood since the first year I entered the army. Don\'t worry, I won\'t commit suicide, let alone make any stupid actions. I am a realistic person and am willing to accept the arrangement of fate."

Baron Meles was quite single. He took off his sword on the spot, threw it aside and stood in place waiting to be taken away by the spirit soldiers.

"Interesting! If I remember correctly, your accomplishments in the military field seem to be excellent. Why should you give up your bright future and participate in this insurgency that can\'t be won?" isolt asked with interest.

Baron Marles smiled and said, "no way! I can\'t help it! You should know where my family fief is, and have allied with those rebellious families for generations. If I refuse to join, they will force me through various means. From the beginning, I had no choice. What else can I do but fight hard?"

"Involuntarily? That\'s a good description. To tell you the truth, I\'m beginning to feel sorry for you. If you hadn\'t planned to capture tyrsburg and cut off the water transportation line of Wangdu, I might have a chance for you. But now..."

Speaking of this, isorte shook his head reluctantly, and the implication was self-evident.

As mentioned just now, someone must be responsible for the war. Since the winner can\'t make mistakes, the loser must bear all the responsibilities for it.

Neither of the two masterminds can be pardoned.

Viria needs to use their heads to explain to the people who are out of food in the capital, as well as to warn the great nobles who are still holding a wait-and-see attitude.

"It\'s really a pity! I look forward to seeing it with my own eyes, even participating in the endless war in the future, and leaving my name in history with victory after victory. Unfortunately, there is no if in the world, maybe it\'s a good choice to die like this. Promise me to kill my family quickly and don\'t let them suffer too much..."