All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1114

Although many people say that failure is the mother of success, we can learn from failure and finally lead to success.

But in fact, if there is such a little chance of success, I believe no one will like to taste the bitter fruit of failure.

Moreover, the above tricks of self consolation and self deception are just an excuse for losers to appease and cover up their ugliness.

Baron Meles is obviously unwilling to accept the fate of failure and wants to make the last desperate fight with all available resources at hand.

Unfortunately, he is only a commander temporarily elected by the aristocratic alliance. He has neither enough prestige to convince the public nor corresponding rights. The result is self-evident.

None of the nobles were willing to contribute their carefully trained spellcasters. Instead, they sent letters home through various birds to let their wives and children escape with valuable property.

As for a very few, they have begun to connect secretly, intend to secretly betray their allies, fight back at the critical moment, and strive for leniency.

After all, the so-called aristocratic alliance is originally a loose interest group. They will gather together because of their interests and become enemies because of their interests.

Especially when there is no hope of victory, the despicable side of human nature will be incisively and vividly displayed.


Time passed day by day, and three days passed in a flash.

Although Tesser kept trying not to give an attack order, he was not idle these days. He constantly used the reinforcements from all directions to test the soldiers between the entity and the spirit. As a result, he found that ordinary swords could not really hurt them.

In only three days, at least 2000 scattered private noble troops were slaughtered. The bodies and heads were still in front of the city gate for the soldiers guarding the city wall to watch, which greatly hurt the already low morale.

At present, tyrsburg not only failed to cut off the river as planned and stabbed into the Queen\'s heart like a sharp dagger, but was besieged by three layers inside and outside. In addition to occasionally exchanging limited information with the outside world through domesticated birds, it is basically deaf and blind.

All those who know something about war know how terrible it would be if they lost their sources of intelligence.

Not to mention anything else, just those unlucky people who have been wiped out will climb out of the world of the dead and shout out the word "injustice".

You should know that the news they got before is all right, otherwise they won\'t hurry to join the army, for fear that if they come late, they will be excluded from the booty sharing meeting after the victory.

Unfortunately, the plan never changes fast.

Who would have thought that the anti rebel army, which has been blocked in the Everglades, would come to the gate of the fortress overnight and block contact with the outside world.

Holding the frightened expression of the garrison at the head of the city, the veteran soldier did not turn back and asked, "master, three days have come. Can I start issuing attack orders?"

"Of course! Just don\'t forget, when the battle is over, I don\'t want to see a third living man after removing the two first offenders." isolt reminded coldly.

"All? Even servants and merchants?" Tesser subconsciously frowned.

Isorte calmly smiled and asked: "Do you think the servants and businessmen who remain inside at this time will stand on our side? No! They are all with rebels! Those who are truly loyal to the queen and finally the Kingdom have returned to the king\'s capital to inform the king at the first time. Don\'t worry and do it boldly. Your Majesty the queen will become your strongest backing. And you yourself will become a hero of the Kingdom and in the eyes of the enemy A cruel executioner. "

"I see!" Tesser nodded gently, pulled out the sword symbolizing power hanging at his waist, and shouted to the standing army: "for the queen! For the kingdom! Attack! Kill all the rebels! Bring their leaders to me!"


Tens of thousands of soldiers with faint light turned into entities, slammed their weapons into the ground and made a loud noise.

Next second

Once again, they turned into spirit bodies, crossed the wall directly at an unimaginable speed, and appeared beside the defenders out of thin air.

This sudden attack obviously exceeded the expectations of the demoralized garrison. They couldn\'t believe it in their dreams. The wall that they had high hopes for was useless at all. The enemy even directly regarded it as air and decoration.


"No! Don\'t kill me! I don\'t want to die!"

"Surrender! I surrender!"


Less than five minutes after the full-scale attack, the defenders on the wall collapsed thousands of miles. Countless soldiers threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground, trying to escape death in this way.

But the spirit soldiers did not pay any attention, and still strictly implemented the killing order issued by the commander, even if the other party knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, constantly telling that he still had his family and starving children.

In the blink of an eye, blood, stumps, wanton flowing fields and internal organs dyed the walls of tyrsburg red. No one, whether aristocrats or ordinary soldiers, was lucky to escape.

Not to mention them, even a few cooks responsible for cooking on fire and female prisoners arrested as tools to vent their desires have become cold bodies without exception.




These creatures created with the rules of death and mortal soul fully show what is the ultimate killing efficiency.

They are different from those souls who hate living creatures and only rush up in disorder. They not only have the ability to think independently, but also know the formation and cooperation.

Thousands of defenders were dying and injured in less than ten minutes, and only a few elite retreated to the top of the castle to fight tenaciously.

"Damn it! What the hell is this monster? My sword! My sword can\'t hurt them!" a knight shouted angrily, waving a long sword and shield and retreating.

The original strong armor on his body has been cut several times, and the shield is almost deformed.

But the helpless thing is that no matter how superb his martial arts are, if he hits the other party several times, he will end up like stabbing into the air, with no effect at all.


Real despair!

Even brave people will inevitably fall into panic in the face of an enemy who can\'t be killed. If they don\'t know that the other party won\'t leave prisoners at all, I believe they will be willing to throw down their weapons and choose to surrender, rather than dying like now, just to live a few more minutes, or even a few seconds