All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1113

"Butcher city..."

Hearing this familiar and unfamiliar word, Tesser couldn\'t help shivering, and the dusty memories in her mind began to emerge one after another.

As a veteran who climbed up from the bottom, he personally participated in many slaughterhouses.

Some of them are the experience of being a mercenary when they were young, and others are the experience of becoming an officer at the bottom of the kingdom.

Whatever it is, it will always torture your conscience and soul like a nightmare.

Perhaps at the beginning, unscrupulous venting of the dark and evil desires in your heart will bring a strong sense of satisfaction.

But after gradually calming down, each participant will more or less feel guilty, uneasy, frightened, and even constantly ask himself why he lost his mind like a beast.

What he never expected was that the queen he was loyal to would issue such an order one day!

"What, are you afraid?"

Isolde was obviously aware of something, and a playful expression appeared on his face.

Tesser quickly shook his head: "No! I\'m not afraid! I think of some bad things. Are you sure you want to destroy all the defenders in tilsburg and kill them all? You know, many of them are also the children of the Kingdom and are just coerced by the nobles who launched the rebellion. If I can, I hope to persuade some of them to commit crimes and meritorious deeds with blood and merit Wash away guilt. "

"Hahaha! General, your innocence amused me. Please remember, this is not a war in the ordinary sense, but to make all the nobles in the kingdom who still have some small thoughts clearly realize that their poor power is like a castle piled with sand in front of the queen, and the tide will collapse with a gentle rush. In addition, the kingdom is no longer As before, they can be allowed to use their privileges again and again to escape punishment. Both nobles and civilians are equal before the law. "

"Equality? Nobles and civilians are treated equally?" Tesser stared, as if he couldn\'t believe his ears.

There is no doubt that isorte\'s remarks directly subvert the world outlook and values he has established for a long time.

Because from childhood, his parents instilled in him the idea that nobility is higher than civilians, and nobility is independent of the legal system. For many things that may lose their head for civilians, in the eyes of the nobility, they can easily escape the sanctions of the law by apologizing and even compensating a little property.

But now, a Court chief mage, a powerful caster who personally sent the princess to the throne, told him that the nobles of the kingdom would no longer enjoy any privileges like civilians.

This undoubtedly gave him a great shock!

you \'re right!

It\'s shock!

Tesser felt for the first time what her majesty really wanted to do!

What will happen to the future of the kingdom!

"That\'s right! Equality! Don\'t you feel it? Is her Majesty the queen suppressing the nobility and promoting people of civilian origin like you?" isolt directly lifted the last layer of fig leaf.

Although many politically sensitive guys have long felt this tendency, it\'s the first time to say it in public.

"I see..." Tesser\'s face showed an expression of enlightenment, followed by a deep bow with one hand touching his chest. "Thank you very much for your reminder. It\'s the supreme honor of my life to be loyal to such her majesty. Please rest assured that I will deal with these rebels for her majesty and warn everyone with their blood about the end of betrayal."

Isorte nodded with satisfaction: "very good! I\'m glad you have such awareness. Now go and do what you should do. I\'ll enjoy the wonderful performance here. "

"Then I can start giving orders to attack the city now?" Tesser turned and stared at the mysterious army that had been motionless since it appeared.

As a general, he is eager to try the weight of these seemingly tough soldiers.

"Don\'t worry, wait. Don\'t you find that our enemies have begun to panic? Give them more time to immerse them in tension, so that when destruction and despair come, they will have the best deterrent effect." isolt calmly gave advice.

Anyway, these special soldiers between spirit and entity don\'t need to eat, rest and sleep at all.

It is the extreme emotions of life that provide energy for their actions.

Especially on the battlefield, all the enemy\'s fears, excitement, courage, sadness, excitement and so on will be transformed into the strength of this corps.

"I see! Then we\'ll wait three days and attack the city in three days." Tesser took the suggestion thoughtfully.

He is not a fool. He understands that since the chief mage of the court dares to give such suggestions, he must have strong confidence in the Legion. In addition, his own side is enough to crush each other in both quantity and quality, so there is no need to worry too much.


Just as the mysterious army with faint light methodically blocked all the exits of the fortress, Baron Malles, hiding inside the strong castle, frowned and complained to his closest friend, "Damn it! I think we\'re in big trouble this time. Caster, I need some casters to fight those strange enemies outside."

"Casters? Are you kidding? Every caster is a talent carefully trained by various families! They are either the direct children of the family or the most loyal guy among the feudal ministers for generations. Such people, let alone command, can\'t even let them come to the front." the court mage rolled his eyes angrily.

After all, soldiers are only cannon fodder. No matter how many they die, they can continue to be recruited if their foundation is still there.

But the caster is different!

Not to mention that training needs to cost a lot of gold coins, magic talent alone is enough to keep many people out of the door.

Therefore, the nobles looked at the casters of their family like babies, and their status was second only to the family owner and the first heir in order.

"No! It\'s different this time! Didn\'t you find out? Victoria used a card she had never used before! This means that she won\'t care about the face of the so-called nobility and will uproot us all. We have no way back! No matter what the price, we must guard the castle and ensure that no ship can pass."

Baron Marles is like a gambler who is about to lose all his property, roaring loudly with red eyes