All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1110

"Do you know what eternity is?"

Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t answer the other party\'s question immediately, but threw out an interesting topic.

The definition of eternity is completely different in different times and for different intelligent lives.

For example, the relatively short-lived human beings on earth have been very long in their eyes for hundreds of years or even thousands of years, and can be given the word eternity.

But for some long-lived races that can easily live one or two thousand years, eternity is a more lasting, even rising to the level of spirit and soul.

But these are far from the essence of eternity.

Because time itself does not exist in the high-dimensional universe, it is only a measure of the three-dimensional universe from the big bang to the present.

However, in fact, the universe has never been a celestial body born from the big bang, slowly spreading around and finally dying, as many people think.

On the contrary, it is a cycle, a continuous process from expansion to compression and then to expansion.

However, for some lower civilizations in the three-dimensional universe, it is impossible to observe the changes in the high-dimensional universe, so the wrong concept of time is used as a standard to measure eternity.

Gru is a master. Naturally, he will not make such a low-level mistake.

He stood there and pondered for a moment, and soon replied in a strange tone: "Eternity is a state, something that cannot be destroyed or erased, and can always exist no matter what happens. There is no doubt that we are the only masters who can be called eternity in this universe except the ubiquitous rules. Even the gods who claim to hold all kinds of extraordinary powers are just under the rules "Ants."

"So your view is that eternity is an indelible state. It represents a supreme power to some extent, doesn\'t it?" Zhang Cheng concluded with a smile.

"That\'s right! Although your understanding is slightly different from what I want to express, it\'s no problem in general." Gru nodded seriously.

"I\'m afraid my view is somewhat different from yours. I think eternity is not so much a state of objective existence as a psychological change. For example, every master firmly believes in his heart that only he can really understand the true meaning of the universe and never have feelings of self doubt. Just imagine, if you start one day Self doubt, self denial, constantly thinking about what you have done before, can you still guarantee your eternal state? "Zhang Cheng\'s eyes glittered with a strange light and carelessly put forward a hypothesis.

Indeed, one of the most important reasons why the master can stand at the end of all life evolution is to integrate with the main string and become a part of the supporting structure of the whole universe.

But the secret that really keeps them eternal is never this, but a state of mind, a self affirmation that obtains the power to control the rules from the main string.

Only when we firmly believe that we are right and all other masters are wrong can we form an absolute field centered on ourselves, a field that resists all external changes.

And this field completely isolated from the outside world happens to be the real secret of eternity.

In other words, if the masters begin to doubt themselves, the fields around their body and even soul will slowly weaken until they completely disappear, and consciousness will be forced to expel bit by bit from the main string.

At this time, the master can be killed.

Gru undoubtedly heard such a novel theory for the first time. His mood obviously began to fluctuate violently. It took several minutes to suppress it. He asked in an uncertain tone, "this is the result of the research? Disintegrate a master\'s will from his heart and kill him?"

Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "no, there\'s no need to be so nervous. I\'m not going to kill anyone, at least I don\'t have this plan at present. What\'s more, now this theory is just a speculation, far from being put into practical action. I need time to push forward the experiment to prove that this theory is right. What, are you interested in joining?"

"You don\'t want to use me as an experiment?" Gru asked meaningfully.

"Hahaha! How could it be! We are allies and friends with some common hobbies. Don\'t worry, I won\'t start with you, but I\'m going to find the guy who has been hiding in the dark and staring at me."

After that, Zhang Cheng looked up at the sky outside the balcony window, as if he were staring at something.

"I know it\'s no use persuading you at this time, so just let go. Remember, don\'t be too arrogant. I admit you have extraordinary potential, but the master is not so easy to deal with." Gru released a barrier to isolate the whole magic tower from the outside world.

Caution has always been his style of conduct, but he doesn\'t want to leak the news at this critical moment and cause a series of great changes.

"Ah! I\'ve been fully prepared for this. Have you seen the chaotic tree that continuously absorbs the core energy of the planet? When it blooms and bears fruit, the bastard who likes to spy on other people\'s privacy will jump out. At that time, I promise I\'ll give him a great surprise..."

As the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng\'s pupil suddenly burst out a faint light like a star, and one of his hands gently pressed on a book on the table.

Unlike most books, it is made of pieces of unknown metal. When your fingers touch it, silver lines continue to flow on the surface of the page.

Staring at this strange book, Gru suddenly realized that the young generation in front of him was fully prepared and would not stop anyway.

After a little silence, he couldn\'t help comforting: "you\'d better be careful. If you can, you\'d better not kill our compatriots, even if he shows some hostility."

"Kill? No, no, no, how can I be willing to destroy such precious experimental materials? I will seal them and put them on the planing table to break them into pieces. I will touch and feel the blood vessels, nerves and internal organs with my own hands. If conditions permit, I will try to control them and turn them into obedient puppets and slaves. As you said before, the universe Zhou has been silent for too long. It\'s time to make a noise and tell all civilizations that an unprecedented turbulence is about to begin... "

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng no longer covered up the surging darkness and madness in his mind