All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1111

Gru left, just like when he came, without disturbing anyone, quietly without making a sound.

But Zhang Cheng knows that this shape is like the master of the big beetle. He will never keep a secret for himself.

Before long, his crazy plan will be known by the masters of those chaotic factions, and these masters will take action, either stop or support.

In any case, he personally started the prelude to the war, making the already dangerous universe more dangerous.

But he did not regret, and even forgot what it was like to regret a long time ago.

With the constant self affirmation on the way forward, like most masters, he has become an absolute conceit. Even if he is wrong, he should make a mistake to the end, kill all the right people, and then he is right.

you \'re right!

Does it sound a bit like Bismarck\'s famous saying that truth is always within the range of artillery?

But in fact, dominance is such a special life between objective and supervisor.

They not only represent some ultimate consciousness of the universe, but also transform the universe with the help of supreme power in order to maintain this continuous cycle.

This means that if a master can kill all other masters and tamper with the rules bit by bit, he can impose his "wrong" will on the whole universe.

Sometimes, Zhang Cheng even feels that the reason why masters exist is not to maintain the status quo, but to compete fiercely with each other until the strongest one is determined to become the supreme dominator of the whole universe.

But now, I don\'t know why, the masters seem to have reached a microsecond peace agreement, even a total ban on studying ways to kill each other.

This is neither in line with the law of biological evolution nor with the inevitable result that even if there are only two left in intelligent life, we should distinguish the primary and secondary.

Needless to ask, Zhang Cheng is a person who hates peace. He is eager for war, killing and hearing the roar or scream of despair at the moment of death.

From the depths of his soul, he exudes the most primitive and deepest darkness, as if integrated with the Dark Universe.


Just when Zhang Cheng was lost in thought alone again, 40 kilometers away from the tyrsburg River, the old general had led a large army to the shore. He frowned and looked at the river blocked by sunken ships and stones. In a heavy tone, he asked, "how long does it take to clean up these garbage?"

"The damn traitor has sunk at least 50 ships, and the stones will have to be cleaned up for weeks. Moreover, we don\'t have tools with us, and we can\'t finish it in two or three months with our hands alone." an adjutant gave a dejected answer.

There\'s no way not to lose heart!

Look at the soldiers standing on the Bank of the river and staring at the marshes full of water and grass in a daze. You can see how heavy a blow this sinister move has brought to the originally high morale army.

In their expectation, like the mob gathered by nobles, they can quickly capture the castle even if they stick to the castle for up to two or three days, and then there is the favorite legal robbery time.

In particular, the private property of rebellious nobles is no longer protected by law. Valuable property such as land, castles and gold coins naturally have to be turned over to the state treasury, but silver coins, cloth, statues and decorations can all be divided privately by soldiers.

But now it\'s better. Before reaching the destination, the other party has blocked the convenient waterway first.

No accident, the only thing they can go next is the dangerous swamp.

Staring at the protruding stones on the Bank of the river, the old general sighed helplessly: "Alas! Across the swamp, we will lose at least one-third of our soldiers, even those powerful steel puppets. But if we stay and wait for the river to be cleaned up, we will undoubtedly lose the opportunity of the war and let the enemy make arrangements calmly."

"You are right! Now please make a decision. In any case, we will continue to fulfill our accusations and bring a brilliant victory to her majesty." the adjutant patted her chest and solemnly saluted.

Just as the old general hesitated to give the order to cross the swamp, a portal suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Next second

Isorte came out from the other side with a staff.

He first observed the situation around him, and then said in a half joking tone: "Dear general, I think you must be worried about how to get to your destination now, right?"

"Of course, dear chief court mage. What, do you have any good ideas?" the old general\'s face showed a strong expectation.

After all, the caster is always mysterious and powerful, and magic can do things that countless normal people can\'t do.

"What can I do? No, I don\'t have a very good way. It takes quite a long time to clean up so many wrecks and stones at one time, even if it takes a caster\'s army. However, if I can\'t clean up the river, it doesn\'t mean I can\'t fight in the city. If you don\'t mind, I hope I can talk to you alone." as he said, isolte glanced at the adjutant close at hand.

The latter was quite witty. Without saying a word, he immediately bowed and turned away.

After he completely went away, isorte explained with a smile: "In fact, you don\'t have to worry about marching. Your majesty has already prepared a large army for you, which can appear directly in front of the gate of tyrsburg at any time. At present, the only thing you have to do is to destroy the growing confidence of the rebels with me. Let them know how miserable the fate of the rebels is."

"There\'s another army? How come I\'ve never heard of it!" the old general was stunned.

You should know that he is one of the few confidants of the young queen, and almost knows the mobilization and stationing of every army in the kingdom.

"Ha ha! This army is a little special! Only the queen and I know that it is a sharp blade that can hit the enemy\'s vital points at any time in the whole kingdom. It will not be taken out unless we have to. Come on, come with me, I will show you how different this army is. Believe me, you will like them..."

After that, isorte took each other\'s arms, quickly and loudly chanted the spell, and slowly disappeared in place under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes.

When the old general recovered from the dizziness brought by the transmission, he suddenly found that he was in front of the strong wall and gate of tyrsburg