All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1109

"Chaos! Conspiracy! Turbulence! Struggle!"

"I don\'t understand. You can clean the planet in the most direct way and transform it according to your own will. Why is it so complicated?"

With a familiar voice, master Gru appeared again in the room on the top of the magic tower.

I don\'t know if it is because he has crossed the dimension too many times. There are dangerous and mysterious rules around his body, constantly tearing the three-dimensional world, tearing time and space.

"Complicated? No, my friend, it\'s not complicated at all, and it can make himself less boring by the way." Zhang Cheng smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "You know, before I got immortality, I always felt that immortality was an extremely beautiful thing. It could give me enough time to study and explore until I went beyond everything and stood at the top of the path of life evolution. But now, I found myself wrong. Immortality is not as beautiful as I thought. It means that I have no sense of urgency and easy to slack off. Now, I am a person with Interesting experiments to see if the master can lose eternity and become like an ordinary life, aging and dying. "

"What?! you... You\'re doing the same thing as him!" Gru\'s Beetle like body shook obviously.

"The same thing? Who is he? Could it be another me?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin and asked with interest.

"That\'s right! To some extent, he is also looking for a way to kill the master. But unlike you, he pursues complete destruction, the disappearance of the essence of spirit, body and soul."

Up to now, Gru didn\'t intend to hide any more. He said everything he knew.

In his view, whether it is to let the master lose eternity or to completely destroy from the root, all are taboos in taboos.

What\'s more terrible is that these two madmen with very similar essence have taken the first step resolutely, and they don\'t care how serious the consequences will be.

"Oh? It sounds interesting. It seems that we really have a heart to heart relationship, don\'t we?" Zhang Cheng smiled indifferently.

He was not surprised by the news.

Because from the first contact, he knew that the initiator was extremely eager to kill the murderer who destroyed his home. The purest and hottest flame of hatred could not be covered up by any conspiracy.

"So, you know, he kept a fragment from your soul?" Gru asked solemnly, waving insect like limbs.

"Ah, you mean the fragment hidden in the soul of my ex girlfriend, right?" Zhang chengmingxian hasn\'t forgotten it, but he doesn\'t care too much.

In his opinion, that piece of soul fragment has been separated from himself for too long. In addition, after many times of life form evolution, a mere piece of mortal soul fragment is nothing at all.

But Gru didn\'t think so. Shaking his semicircular head, he explained: "Yes! That\'s it! Don\'t underestimate it! The soul is the most mysterious rule in the whole universe, which is also the most difficult to understand and use. It gives life independent consciousness and wisdom, so that life can surpass itself in continuous evolution. In particular, the soul fragment of a master can have unimaginable chain reaction as long as it is used properly."

"Please continue, I\'m listening." Zhang Cheng slightly straightened his sitting posture and put away his previous careless attitude.

"Although your soul fragment was cut off when you were a mortal, it still keeps close contact with you. Imagine what would happen if someone used this soul fragment as a medium to resonate with your soul?" Gru said with a trembling from his heart.

"What will happen?" a dignified look appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face when he realized that the situation was bad.

"It\'s very simple! This will make you have a collision from consciousness to thought with the resonance object! Then Fusion! You and he will eventually become one! Merge from two independent consciousness into one consciousness. I don\'t know whether the end result will be one devouring the other, or whether you will all lose part of yourself and produce a new subjective consciousness, but one thing is certain Recognize that you will bring unimaginable disasters to the universe. "

Gru didn\'t use any exaggerated adjectives, nor did he create a panic atmosphere with the help of cadence. He just described what he thought might happen.

There is no doubt that he does not want to see such a result, let alone bring irreversible damage to the whole universe.

"So... He hasn\'t given up his plan to devour me? Hehe, very good, very good. Should I say it\'s really worthy of being another me?"

Hearing the initiator\'s plan is still so crazy, Zhang Cheng\'s eyes burst out with strong excitement and expectation.

"Tell me! What\'s the matter with your so-called losing immortality to the master?" Gru was obviously not interested in mixing the resentment and contradiction between the two people. He turned the topic and began to carefully test the topics he was interested in.

You should know that domination is not life in the ordinary sense, and it is not even sure whether you can apply the word life.

First of all, although the master also has entities, he has jumped out of all dimensions, just like an observer standing outside the box called "universe". Any means in the box is invalid for them.

Secondly, if a master destroys the body of another master, the latter\'s body will soon be reshaped with the help of the main string. In this process, all attacks and interference can not prevent this rebirth process. In other words, even the master can\'t really kill the master.

Finally, and most importantly, masters have been integrated with maintaining the "main string" of the multi-dimensional universe. They themselves are equivalent to the main string. Once there is a problem with the main string, the universe in the region will completely collapse and form something 10000 times more terrible than a black hole.

In distant times, there was a collapse of the main string.

No one knows what happened, only that at the end of that area, an absolute restricted area has been formed. Anything trying to get close, whether celestial bodies or masters, will disappear without a trace, as if it had never existed.

Except for the master, other living beings will not even have corresponding memories, and even time nodes will not be retained.

It is precisely because of this that it becomes taboo to study the method of killing masters. Even the craziest guy will not easily cross the minefield