All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1108

"Asshole! What the hell do these damn guys want to do? Do you think I really dare not do anything to them, so I have no fear?"

As soon as the parliament was dissolved and returned to her bedroom, Victoria couldn\'t help venting her uncontrollable anger.

However, she does have enough reason to be angry, especially those who keep saying that they think of the interests of the Kingdom, but in fact they are constantly digging the foundation of the country, trying to control power for generations through blood and huge network of relations, and do not give the lower class a chance to stand out at all.

What is more frightening is that in order to ensure that future generations can inherit rights like themselves, they do not hesitate to exonerate the rebels who should have been executed under the pretext of high sounding, trying to pardon some of them, just to prevent more and more rights from being concentrated.

Sometimes, the young Queen really envies her enemy and competitor.

At least Kelvin, who established absolute ruling authority through terror, violence and massacre, never had to worry about these internal struggles.

The reason is very simple. Those who dare to resist or secretly engage in sabotage have long been chopped into meat mud and fed to dogs together with the whole family.

Under this naked threat of violence and death, the administrative system under the tyrant maintains unimaginable honesty and efficiency.

Of course, this does not mean that those who rely on military merit are honest, but there are too many ways to obtain a lot of wealth in a short time, such as killing all the male heirs of the enemy, and then occupying their land, family property, and even those young and beautiful female members.

In short, having tasted the wealth surge brought by near zero cost plunder, they have long been indifferent to the benefits obtained by embezzlement, bribery and misappropriation of materials.

What\'s more, it may offend the increasingly moody tyrant. It\'s far better to wait for the next war and kill the enemy.

Killing and plundering, to some extent, are like drugs. People can\'t help being intoxicated. They know there are problems in doing so, but they still can\'t control themselves at the moment.

Isorte obviously quite understood Vilia\'s mood at the moment and calmly comforted: "Calm down, boy, this little thing is not worth your anger, let alone losing your mind. Don\'t forget that no matter what the nobles want to do, they must first get your consent. At least in name, you are still their monarch, which is irreplaceable in law and in the hearts of the people."

"Irreplaceable? I bet! Those nobles must be trying to meet my father alone. They hate me, and I hate them too. Maybe what the book said is right. The backward way of relying on the enfeoffment of nobles to ensure the stability of the country will be swept into the garbage of history one day. But now, I can\'t help them for the time being. Talents, I need more From the bottom of the talent. "Victoria clenched her fist, gnashing her teeth and saying what she really thought.

As a royal born woman, it is naturally impossible for her to really follow Kelvin\'s example, slaughtering all the nobles who resist her, leaving those who are frightened and only know obedience, and then promoting some slightly capable people from the bottom to help manage the country, so as to ensure the efficiency and integrity of the administrative organization with the help of naked threats and intimidation.

Because she knows that relying on terror and violence to maintain rule can not last long. After a generation at most, it will trigger a tsunami like rebound with the death of the tyrant.

She longed for her country to be sustainable for a long time, at least not to disappear after her death.

"Talent training is never something that can be done in a short time. I\'ve sent someone to deal with it. Don\'t worry, you\'re still young and have enough time. Maybe ten, twenty or thirty years later, you can always slowly cut off the connection between these hereditary nobles and land and rights. However, at present, you\'d better think more about how to deal with the rebels. According to the information, the enemy Your commander is very cunning. He blocked the river with ships and stones. I\'m afraid your general will be trapped in the swamp and can\'t walk, "isolt reminded meaningfully.

"Hum! They want to delay and watch the residents of the whole city starve. Finally, driven by hunger, riots broke out, so as to shake my legal ruling position. Unfortunately, they don\'t know that I still have a card." Vilia pursed her mouth and showed a sneer.

"Cards? Which one do you mean?" asked Isolde with a smile.

"Of course, you brought back the mysterious army between spirit and entity! I believe they should not be trapped in the swamp, should they?"

As she spoke, there was a frightening light in her eyes.

As a saying goes, power is like the most terrible poison. It can erode one\'s heart and soul.

As she became a queen for a long time, Victoria gradually lost her innocence and kindness and thought from the perspective of a queen.

The so-called kingship is essentially to compete for power and suppress those who try to seize power from their hands.

Too kind and too kind monarchs will lead the country into chaos, and the aristocrats who lack awe will take the opportunity to fight with each other wantonly, and even violent military conflict will eventually lead to the division of the country.

Therefore, she never used the means of tenderness, differentiation and solicitation as her father did.

On the contrary, she should show her strongest side. Only in this way can she frighten the other party and make them dare not underestimate themselves.

Politics has never been very friendly to women, especially in places where patriarchy is prevalent.

The crafty isorte undoubtedly knew how difficult it was for Vilia to come to this step. He nodded seriously: "no problem! As long as you need, this army can appear where it should appear at any time."

"Great! Then please go yourself and bring me back a brilliant victory to ensure that no rebels can escape. I will tell all nobles with blood that this is the end of betraying me and the kingdom."

In saying these words, Victoria showed an extremely cold expression.

At this moment, she began to have the momentum of an iron king, a strong monarch who dared to fight to the death with all the enemies.

"Ha ha! No problem! I promise that none of the people involved in the rebellion will get away with it. But before I leave, there is another thing I must do, that is to catch the rats infiltrating these days and detain the prince who claims to be extraordinary as an excuse..."