All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1107

"Your majesty! Your majesty! It\'s a bad thing! Those damn bastards! They gathered together to launch a rebellion and captured tyrsburg. According to the news sent by the escaped businessmen, almost all the food and necessities destined for the capital were forcibly detained. After the news came back, I guessed that within half a day, the price of all the food soared twice, and at this rate, it would be less than three times One day the whole city will be in famine. "

A bureaucrat promoted from the bottom rushed into the court in a panic and shouted out of breath.

He looked so nervous at the moment, as if the sky was falling and the end of the world was coming.

However, it is no wonder that after all, he, who was born at the bottom of society, knows more than any aristocrat how terrible things will happen once he falls into famine.

At that time, driven by hunger and death, all desperate civilians will rise up, either killed by heavily armed soldiers or rush into all places where they think there is food.

In contrast, those nobles who looked on coldly were particularly calm, as if they had paid no attention to the crisis.

We should know that for the aristocrats who remain neutral temporarily, whether the rebellion is successful or not, they can get enough benefits from it.

If they fail, they can complete a bloodless expansion by devouring the wealth and land accumulated by those rebellious families for generations or even decades.

But if they get away with it, they can overthrow the queen who sits on the throne and does not represent their own interests, and return to the beautiful era of the former joint rule of the royal family and the nobility.

As for the dead point, the Dalits at the bottom are like rats. No matter how many they die, they will increase rapidly as the situation stabilizes.

Looking at the ugly faces of these vassals, Vilia had been sneering at the bottom of her heart.

After a while, she deliberately pretended to be careless and asked, "Oh, rebellion? Haven\'t those guys voluntarily given up their titles and territories to take refuge in foreign monarchs? Have they suddenly changed their mind?"

"Your Majesty, as usual, the royal family should quickly send envoys to ask what happened," an aristocrat stood up and offered.

You don\'t have to ask. He\'s trying to buy time for the rebels.

"Emissary? A group of civilians attacked my land and tried to cut off the food supply in the Kingdom\'s capital, but you still want me to send an emissary?" Victoria\'s tone suddenly changed, and her eyes burst out like a knife.

"Wan... I\'m very sorry! I forget they are no longer aristocrats!" the man with a goatee trembled and bowed to hide his real intention.

Villea is not a fool. She knows that she has stood against all nobles since the day she plans to centralize power.

These guys standing in the palace hall are not so much vassals as potential enemies and moths that must be cleaned up in the future.

After understanding this, she ordered without thinking: "immediately mobilize a large army and recapture tyrsburg for me within three days. Remember, all participants and their families should be punished for treason. The principal criminals and male heirs should be hanged, all property confiscated, and all female members exiled."


"Your will is our command!" the old man standing on the right side of the hall stood up and slapped the strong breastplate.

As one of the few generals in the army who climbed up from the bottom bit by bit, he knew very well that his queen needed a brilliant victory to prove himself. By the way, he showed the enemies hidden in the dark that the kingdom was already that powerful kingdom.

Therefore, there must be no difference in this war. Not only can there be no difference, but also the victory should be fast and stable, so as to deter everyone.

Of course, after personally experiencing the post-war subjugation not long ago, he also had full confidence in his army. He didn\'t think that a mere mob could resist the positive crushing of the iron puppet army.

Not much, as long as there is a battle in the open terrain, the soldiers at the bottom will flee because of the collapse of morale.

"Very good! Go, my general, and bring back the leaders of the rebels. I will cut off their heads and hang them at the head of the city so that every subject can see what will happen if they dare to provoke me." after that, Victoria stood up, pulled out her sword, took it as a symbol of military power and handed it over to the old man.

Without saying a word, the latter knelt on one knee and took the king\'s sword inlaid with gold, silver and jewelry with both hands.

From the beginning to the end, they ignored the great nobles with countless titles, including the Duke of bronhilda, who has been the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces for a long time

Fortunately, the Duke\'s self-restraint was good, at least there was no contempt or contempt on the surface.

When the lucky man who watched the soldier climb to the general step by step left the court to summon the army, another Duke finally couldn\'t help asking, "Your Majesty, are you sure to let a guy who has only commanded two local battles lead the army alone?"

"Why, is there a problem? Or do you think my army is not enough to destroy and destroy the rebels?" Victoria narrowed her eyes and asked with a smile.

Her attitude was obviously angry, angry with the whole aristocracy.

If she didn\'t have enough talents to manage the country, she would definitely let these bastards with the concept of family interests first go as far as possible.

"No, I mean, you should send at least a few nobles with you. You know, the best way is to break up an alliance from the inside. Just a few nobles as lobbyists and promise benefits to some of them who are willing to go astray, and you can calm the rebellion at the least cost." the Duke undoubtedly felt the disgust, But he still explained calmly.

He understood that the rebellion made the young queen hostile to the whole aristocracy.

But what can happen?

Look at those civilians promoted from the bottom. How many can replace the nobility in important positions?

So far, none.

you \'re right!

This is the reality!

Cruel reality!

Even if the young queen knows it, there is nothing she can do!

It doesn\'t matter if you have any complaints. You\'ll be fine when you find a time to vent.

Anyway, with the growth of age, impulsive young people will always become stable, gradually realize the irreplaceable importance of nobility, and finally reach some cooperation agreement.

When the powerful Queen dies, everything will return to its original state