All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1106

Tyrsburg is an important military town located in the important river transportation hub in the kingdom.

At first, when the country was in the stage of expansion, its main role was to defend against the invasion from the water surface. Later, with the continuous expansion of the land area, it gradually became a pure logistics transit station. The wharf warehouse covering a huge area hoarded a large number of goods traded by businessmen from the north of the South China Sea.

In particular, grain, vegetables, meat and eggs shipped to the capital need to be loaded for several hours every day just to meet the consumption of a large number of urban residents who are not engaged in agricultural production.

Therefore, if an army suddenly occupies here, they can not only cut off the food supply of the most important cities in the Kingdom, but also get logistics supplies for at least half a year to a year free of charge.

In addition, the castle is repaired every year and still maintains the unique strong defense of the original military fortress. It can be firmly defended even in the face of more than ten times the siege of the enemy.

As the military commander who launched the rebellion, Baron Meles saw this, so he launched a surprise attack at night and took all the few garrison soldiers at one stroke.

Looking at the pile up like a mountain hand in the warehouse, he was preparing to send food and merchandise to the capital. He could not help but slightly raise his mouth and satirize with a full of ridicule. "Without enough food, I see what you have done to those hungry people, dear princess."

Obviously, as the most staunch conservative supporter, he has never recognized Victoria as his queen, only that the other party has royal blood, that is, the identity of princess.

"How do you think she will react when she learns that this place is occupied by us?"

The court nobles stood on the upper floor of the tall castle and looked down at the businessmen who cried and shouted after the confiscated goods. They showed no sympathy at all.

Because the vast majority of these businessmen are low-income peddlers, who earn the price difference by reselling low-profit daily necessities. Behind them, there is neither the support of powerful aristocratic forces nor any forces that can not be provoked. So almost every time a war breaks out, the first unlucky ones are always these guys.

Lucky ones lose goods and a lot of money at most. Unlucky ones may even lose their lives.

After all, the weak is the original sin. The weak is doomed to be exploited and enslaved by the strong. No matter what era, what system, or the essence of things will not change.

The only change is the definition of exploitation and oppression, which is the propaganda carried out by the ruling class in order to eliminate the resistance consciousness of the bottom people to the greatest extent.

The so-called lie repeated a thousand times is the truth!

When you have been preaching a set of theories through various expressions and hints since you were born, you will naturally accept it and even regard it as the supreme truth. Even if someone puts the facts in front of you, you may not be willing to believe it.

The influence of preconception is so great that almost all countries on the earth have strengthened their control over information dissemination after entering the information age.

Many people believe that freedom of speech has never really existed. It did not exist before, does not exist now and will never exist in the future.

As long as there are classes in intelligent life, the gap between the rich and the poor, the inequality in education, and the level of genes and IQ, the exploitation and domination of the strong over the weak will always exist, even if the material civilization develops to almost be distributed according to needs.

In fact, what the bottom people demand has never been equality or freedom of speech, but an upward channel to change their own class.

Not much. As long as this channel can accommodate 10-15% of the bottom of society, the whole society will present a good environment full of positive, hopeful and fighting spirit.

But on the contrary, when too many talented people are pressed down, it will not take long to form a bottom-up resistance.

When the critical point is reached, this contradiction will suddenly break out and complete the transfer of rights in the most intense and bloody way.

If the original ruling class wins, the rebels will undoubtedly be brutally purged, which will kill and injure those talented people at the bottom, and there will not be enough strength to launch the next resistance in a short time.

But if the rebels win, they will also launch a massacre against the existing vested interest groups, completely destroy the original political structure, make room for their own people, and then turn into a new ruling class.

As for the slogan of launching a rebellion to win the support of the people at the bottom, it is unlikely to be fulfilled.

Anyway, no matter who finally wins, the weak will always be the weak and the bottom of exploitation and oppression.

Unless one day a few of them suddenly wake up and start thinking from the perspective of the strong and learn from the style of the strong, they will have the opportunity to change their fate.

Unfortunately, most of the indigenous people on this planet do not have such awareness. After being looted, most businessmen dare not even protest and choose to leave.

After all, this is a country ruled by nobles!

When they were sensible, they accepted the idea that nobles were born noble to rule their humble civilians. Any form of resistance is a provocation to traditional forces and will lead to the most tragic repression.

Over time, they were used to the reckless actions of the nobles, and they were used to paying tolls every time they passed through the territory of an aristocrat.

However, these small businessmen were really stupid. After secretly asking why the army suddenly occupied tyrsburg, they immediately fled to the capital of the kingdom by boat overnight, intending to quickly inform the young queen.

Of course, this issue is all part of Baron Marles\'s plan.

Seeing the small businessmen rush down in small boats, he immediately sneered and ordered, "fill the ships we have captured with stones immediately, and then scuttle them 40 kilometers downstream. Remember, at all costs, make sure that the warships docked in the capital harbor can\'t pass."

"I see! I promise that even if Victoria comes with her steel puppets, they will all be trapped in the bottomless black swamp." another noble officer slapped his chest with a proud smile on his face.

Forty kilometers away from the dock, it is just a swamp with lush water and grass. Not to mention the hidden monsters inside, the black mud alone can make the incoming enemy suffer.

Losing the advantage of waterway, it is almost impossible to bring a well-equipped army to tyrsburg.

Baron Meles\'s strategy is also very simple. He implements the word "drag", and the residents in the capital can no longer bear hunger and riot. His political and military goals have been achieved