All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1093

"How do you like this adventure team? Especially the woman."

Standing in the deepest part of the underground ruins, while observing each other\'s every move through remote monitoring magic, Zhang Cheng asked the ghost standing behind him, or the special life created with death rules and energy.

"She has great potential, master," replied the ghost in a voice like the deepest part of the twisted void.

After all, the reason why he was created is to maintain the normal operation of the whole huge maze, select the right person to enter the bottom and pull out the holy sword inserted in the stone.

Zhang Cheng smiled and sighed: "Yes, she has great potential. I\'m amazed at her calmness, even coldness, especially after an emergency. You should understand that ordinary people are easily influenced by emotions and impulses. Most of the time, they simply can\'t keep calm and make impulsive behaviors that are bad for themselves. That\'s why people who can control their emotions often It\'s easier to succeed. But what makes me curious is that this team seems to have its own code of conduct and guidelines. "

"According to the information I collected these days, this is a quite famous team. They call themselves dark believers, which means crazy people who are willing to do anything for power and money. Undoubtedly, the most impressive thing is that they accepted an avenger and spread the plague in a harbor city a few years ago, which directly led to the death and injury of the whole city and completely reduced to a sea The gathering place of the dead. "The ghost directly said all he knew.

You know, as a manager, he can not only control all the mechanisms, traps and puzzles, but also control the monsters placed here.

Therefore, he copied and stored all the memories stolen by the skinners in case of need.

"Dark believers? It sounds like they believe in some evil god." Zhang Cheng touched his chin with an interested expression.

After all, there are so many stories praising the bright hero that he is tired of it. Maybe it\'s time to cultivate a dark hero and bring a little change to the world in another way.

The ghost obviously did not have complex emotions, and responded in a cold voice: "no, master, there is no God in this world. At least so far, I have not found the existence of gods. The essence of all the statues enshrined in the temple is just the imagination of mortals for their incomprehensible power."

"Hehe, God is not necessarily a powerful life with some supernatural power, but also a collection of consciousness with countless desires and obsessions. In many myths and legends, mortals are created by gods, but the truth is that many gods are created by their fanatical believers. Faith is a complex thing, which some people interpret as For the transaction between mortals and gods, others think it is an energy and a power. But I think God is actually just mortals\' fantasy of their most perfect image. He is powerful, but also weak; he can be crazy, but also rational; he can be kind, or cold. In particular, creating a dark god is far more important than creating a dark god It\'s easier to be a god of justice. After all, it\'s an extremely difficult road to cross the darkness to the light, but it\'s very easy to abandon the light and fall into the darkness... "

When saying these words, Zhang Cheng revealed a little excitement in his tone.

The more he observed, the more he found that the target he chose had an unspeakable unique charm, as if it exuded a dark fragrance from the depths of his soul.

This woman is neither a completely selfish evil generation nor a rebellious girl. Anyone who violates mainstream values and morality will feel very cool and willing to try it himself.

On the contrary, she knows what is kindness, what is love and what is positive emotion, but she resolutely chooses to abandon the former and embark on the dark road.

"So what kind of test do you want to give her?"

The ghost obviously won\'t go against the intention of its creator. He began to plan to give a little special care after the trial participant entered the ruins.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Cheng quickly casually ordered: "Let\'s play the game of friendship and betrayal. Anything is always valuable only if she has sacrifice and dedication. Let her choose between strength and teammates and see whether she is willing to sacrifice her teammates for the holy sword or for her teammates. If it is the former, I think she is qualified to become a dark believer, isn\'t it?"

"As you wish! I will let her understand what kind of enlightenment it takes to become a true believer in darkness."

After that, the ghost bent down and bowed deeply. Then the whole body quickly became transparent and finally dissipated in the air.


Meanwhile, in the woods far from the entrance of the relic, a killing of identity exchange between hunters and prey is taking place.

As a Skinner who has ravaged this land for a long time, this time he finally met a difficult opponent. In less than half an hour, at least three unlucky people fell into the trap and were rushed out by the members of the adventure team waiting on the side and killed with stones and blunt tools.

Although hard skin can help them resist sharp swords, the violent impact of blunt tools can directly damage the brain and internal organs.

As a result, no matter how strong the Skinner is, he will hate it on the spot.

With the lethal power of blunt weapons, the number of skinners who were not many soon died and injured more than half, and fled the woods full of traps with fear.

There is no doubt that this is the first time since their birth that they have tasted what failure is. It is also the first time that they realize that their camouflage ability is not omnipotent.

As long as the opponent keeps the spirit and specifies an effective battle plan, it can cause very heavy casualties.

Seeing the Skinner show its original shape and run away like a monkey, the woman couldn\'t help but close her mouth, sneered and said sarcastically: "this is the terrible monster that wiped out countless adventure teams? It doesn\'t seem to be a big deal! Let\'s go. It\'s time to enter the ruins and find the treasure we really expect."

"As you wish, my lady." the shooter bent down and bowed deeply.

However, it is not difficult to judge from his awed eyes that he is actually a little afraid of the only caster and female member of the team.

Because the skinners were all hidden, the team arrived at the magnificent but slightly broken ruins entrance at the cost of reducing one staff.

Without saying a word, the woman walking in front directly walked through the dark steps to the larger underground part