All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1094

"Here... It\'s spectacular!"

As soon as she came to the huge underground relic entrance, the woman was firmly attracted by the huge mossy stone pillars in front of her.

Although the surface of the stone pillar has been covered with a large number of green moss and mushrooms, the exquisite carving and the energy attached to it can still be observed.

As a caster, she can feel that each stone pillar is connected by a strange magical force to form a close protection.

It is precisely because of this that after the collapse of more than half of the stone columns, the ruins have not collapsed in a large area and maintain the original infrastructure.

In contrast, the shooter was more concerned about the possible mechanisms, traps and monsters around him. He bent down and carefully looked at the footprints on the ground. Finally, he warned in a very dignified tone: "we\'d better be careful! Only those footprints go in, but none of them come out. This means that everyone who goes in can\'t leave alive in the end."

"This is not just a proof that the treasure should belong to us. It is still intact for the time being." the woman\'s eyes burst out a creepy light.

She is so hungry and thirsty, just like a spider entrenched in the web, with a unique smell of predators all over her.

There is no doubt that this is the true face of her dark believer, a madman who dares to do anything for strength and wealth.

"Alas, I hope not too many people will die this time."

The shooter sighed slightly and glanced sympathetically at the new teammates who knew nothing about their future tragic fate.

You should know that the dark believer team is not an ordinary adventure team, but a legendary team with almost 100% task completion rate. As long as it can successfully live until the end of the task, it will certainly get a considerable reward.

In particular, they dare to accept the evil tasks that ordinary adventurers dare not touch at all, which makes them the most perfect knife in the eyes of some interested people, and can complete some dark intrigues.

It is precisely because of this that no matter how many people the team loses, it will not be too difficult to supplement.

After all, most adventurers know that being a member of the dark believers, although very dangerous, can also make a lot of money.

But what they don\'t know is that this danger often comes not from the outside, but from the inside, from a woman who never claims to be the leader, but always firmly holds the supreme power.

Of course, as in the past, his concerns soon became a reality.

When passing an invisible bridge, the woman took the two teammates as cannon fodder without thinking to detect whether there was a trap in the middle.

As a result, not surprisingly, when one of the unlucky people was about to reach the other side, he suddenly fell into the Wanzheng abyss and lost his life on the spot.

In this regard, instead of showing a little sad expression, the woman urged the rest of the people to move on.

The deeper she went into the maze, the more she could feel a strong call, as if something was waiting for her in the deepest part of the ruins.


At the same time, another adventure team separated by several channels also successfully passed many tests and stood in front of a black metal gate.

Headed by a handsome young man wearing armor and short blond hair.

He nodded to the four scarred teammates behind him, then stepped forward and put his hands on the pull ring.


The closed big slowly opened a gap, and an illusory dark shadow fell from the sky, making a deep and hoarse voice in his mouth: "Welcome, adventurers from afar. First of all, I would like to congratulate you on being able to stand out in the test. But I also want to remind you that the closer you are to the holy sword, the stronger your opponents and enemies will be. In order to praise your performance, now I give you a choice, a choice that you can retreat with wealth and strength."

As the last word blurted out, the shadow suddenly opened his arms and summoned a large box full of gold, silver, jewelry and magic items out of thin air.

Pointing to the valuable things in the box, he continued without being busy: "You can give up looking for the holy sword, choose to take all the things in this box and return to your own world safely. You can join in and choose to move on, then all the treasures will be missed by you. After all, the world has never been perfect, and you must pay a price if you want to get anything. Tell me, what\'s your choice?"

"Do you need to ask? Of course we should choose the holy sword!" the young man wiped his hair wet with sweat and grinned with excitement.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! My companions and I are not for money or wealth. We are to become bright heroes who defeat evil and are respected by the world, just as bards sing all kinds of songs."

"Well said!"

"We must find the holy sword and kill the evil tyrant."

"For the glory of the kingdom!"

The young people\'s impassioned emotion undoubtedly infected the whole team, so no one was confused by the valuable treasure in front of them.

Compared with an artifact, only gold and silver treasures and magic items are obviously not enough.

The essence of any intelligent creature is greed and endless demand for desire.

If there is no such essence, they can not develop bit by bit from the primitive era and finally enter the palace of civilization.

Knowing that they are only one step away from the best, most people will not choose to step back. Even knowing that there is a great danger ahead, they will take a step without hesitation.

It\'s easy to say that self-knowledge and courage to retreat in a hurry, but few can really do it.

Looking at these adventurers who didn\'t waver a bit in front, the shadow nodded gently: "OK. Since this is your choice, come in. Remember, from now on, you will face not only monsters, mechanisms, traps and puzzles, but also adventurers who enter the last part like you. Everyone will have a life and death contest in a fair environment, and the final winner will be eligible to enter the room where the holy sword is located."

"You mean... We have to kill each other?" the blonde stared with incredible expression on his face.

"Yes! Not only kill each other, but also make some of the most difficult decisions in your life. Believe me, most people can\'t bear the pain and despair..."