All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1092

"What is this?"

The barbarian soldiers picked up the medicine falling at their feet, pulled out the plug, carefully put it under their nose and sniffed. Their eyes were so cautious that they were not as out of control as they were just now.

"Don\'t ask so much! You still have thirty days!" the woman gave an ultimatum without thinking.

Her attitude is so firm that one hand flashes the halo generated by the accumulation of magical energy. Maybe she will start singing a deadly spell the next second.

You should know that once the spell singing starts, there is no way to stop halfway, otherwise the caster will not only suffer serious spell backfire, but also lead to a series of unpredictable consequences.

As time goes by

At the end of the thirty second countdown!

The barbarian soldiers suddenly threw away the potion in their hands and charged with lightning speed, trying to solve the woman who posed the greatest threat to them first.

But before he rushed out a few steps, the waiting Archer took the lead in pulling open the bow string and shot out a cold arrow.




With a scream, his left eye was hit directly by the arrow. The severe pain made him fall to the ground on the spot, and his skin quickly cracked at the speed visible to the naked eye, revealing his black body hidden inside.

without doubt!

This is a Skinner!

Although wearing human skin has a strong defense like armor, this defense can not cover the eyes.

"Damn it! I knew it!" the woman cursed in a low voice and quickly completed the spell at hand.

Next second

A pungent acid liquid was directly emitted and hit the Skinner\'s face.

Although the damage of magic acid is far from fatal, it forces the Skinner to give up the idea of rushing forward. Like a flexible monkey, he jumps directly onto the tree trunk and disappears in the boundless night.

Looking at the human skin discarded on the ground, the shooter\'s face suddenly became dignified and asked without looking back: "what are we going to do now?"

"Don\'t do anything! Stay here honestly! Don\'t you find out? The monster\'s skin is so hard that it\'s difficult for ordinary weapons to really hurt it? As for the fool who rushed out, the body must have been lying in a corner of the forest. I have repeatedly stressed that this adventure is extraordinary, and we must be extremely vigilant. But some people are always simple minded The idiot with one limb thinks that the sword in his hand can defeat all enemies. "

After that, the woman flashed a trace of disdain in her eyes, turned back to the campfire in the tree hole, closed her eyes according to the trunk and continued to sleep.

For her, the more dangerous the environment is, the more she should ensure a good rest, otherwise she can\'t concentrate on releasing spells at the critical moment, which will lead to the failure of a battle that could have been won.

The cost of failure often means death, even something more terrible than death.

But just because she can sleep doesn\'t mean the rest of the team can sleep.

The sleepiness of the remaining members, including the shooter, has long disappeared, replaced by boredom and depression.

They couldn\'t believe that the skilled barbarian soldiers rushed into the darkness and were killed by the terrible monster within a few minutes, and their skin was peeled off.

In this way, with a strong fear of the unknown and death, the party just stayed up all night without closing their eyes.

When the sun rose again the next morning, bringing light and warmth to the world, the people finally breathed a little relieved, took their weapons and equipment, left the cave and searched the surrounding trees with great vigilance.

About twenty minutes later, I suddenly saw a bloody skinnless body hanging on the trunk of a tree.

There was a sharp arrow in the body\'s eyes.

You don\'t have to ask. It was a good thing done by the injured Skinner last night.

In this way, it is challenging the members of the adventure team, hoping that the other party will lose his mind and chase himself like crazy.

In this way, it can break each other with the help of its familiarity with the terrain, then put on each other\'s skin, and play this adventure team to mental collapse like playing with other adventure teams.

But unfortunately, this team is obviously different from the previous teams, and there is no close relationship between the players.

After carefully examining the body, the shooter who is good at observation and tracking quickly explained: "the cause of death is a heavy blow to the head! The monster\'s power is obviously very strong. It was so strong that he knocked down a powerful barbarian warrior in an instant, and then knocked him out quickly. But what I care more about is the peeling technique."

"Peeling technique?" the woman raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"That\'s right! Look at these exposed muscle tissues! When the monster peels, it hardly hurts any subcutaneous tissue and even has little blood flow. This means that it is by no means the first time to do such a thing. I even suspect that its purpose of peeling is to put on human skin and disguise as the dead." the shooter explained without being busy.

"I see! That monster can kill a person, then put on human skin and pretend to be a victim. Maybe it can perfectly imitate sounds, actions and habits." a thoughtful expression appeared on the woman\'s face.

The shooter nodded seriously: "your inference is very close to the truth! Now, we must find a way to get rid of these monsters once and for all. I don\'t want to sleep with one eye open every night, and I don\'t want to find that my team friends have been replaced by monsters."

"So what do you think we should do?" the woman\'s eyes flashed dangerously.

"It\'s very simple! Since those monsters treat us as prey, why don\'t we set a trap to let them understand that hunters and prey are not always the same in this wasteland. Sometimes, prey may become hunters, and hunters will be killed by prey." the shooter narrowed his eyes and showed a cruel smile.

Although on the surface, he still remained absolutely calm, the flames of anger and hatred were revealed in his pupils.

"Now that you have a plan, let go. Don\'t forget the motto of the team. We won\'t deliberately revenge for anyone, but we won\'t easily let go of any enemy who kills his companions. Death is not terrible, but it\'s terrible to become insensitive."

With these meaningful words, the woman winked at the rest of her companions and began to search the surrounding woods in pairs until the potential dangers were completely eliminated