All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1091

"Old friend, do you feel it? Those damn monsters have taken me as prey." the shooter sneered and said to the barbarian soldier who leaned against the tree trunk and kept drinking soup with a bowl.

The latter put down the empty wooden bowl, pulled out the big sword with cold hands and responded without thinking: "it doesn\'t matter! Anyway, no matter what tricks they play, just kill all the guys who dare to approach. I\'m too lazy to distinguish between true and false."

"Ha ha! You are as simple and rough as before. But this time, your simplicity and rudeness may help us solve our current problems."

After that, the archer suddenly stood up, took out an arrow from the quiver, directly pulled a full bow, aimed at the rear of the forest and shot out.


With the sound of arrows piercing the air, a scream suddenly rang through the night sky.


"Hey, hey! Your archery is still as terrible as before. Especially at night, you can always find hidden enemies." the barbarian soldier grinned and praised without stinginess.

You know, it\'s two completely different concepts to hit everything during the day and at night.

The former only needs enough exercise and experience, plus a little talent, which is not difficult.

But the latter is simply appalling!

No one knows why the shooter can do it, not even the team members who have risked together for many years.

But one thing they know very well is that once the archer pulls his bow and shoots an arrow, the enemy is almost impossible to escape.

Interestingly, however, the shooter could not see the joy of hurting the enemy on his face. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and stared at the distance. After a full minute, he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No, I didn\'t shoot it, at least I didn\'t hurt it. The scream just now is a kind of disguise, trying to lure us out of the tree hole. It seems that the sinister and cunning of these monsters are far beyond our estimation. I even suspect that they are smarter than us."

"What? Missed!"

The soldier stood up in surprise, walked out of the tree hole, wrinkled his nose and sniffed in the air.

As a barbarian who came out of the mountains, his sense of smell is far from seriously degraded as his cousin. He can smell blood from a long distance.

In other words, this time he did not find the smell of blood around him.

In order to make sure he was right, he suddenly took a big step and rushed to the place where the arrow had just been shot. He acted quickly and urgently, and didn\'t give his teammates time to react at all.

When the archer came back and shouted to stop, the soldier had been completely swallowed by the darkness.

About two or three minutes later, the barbarian soldier held up the arrow just shot out and said in an incredible tone, "guess what I found? There is a rolling blade at the end of the arrow after impact. Your arrow hit the other party 100%, but it just hit the shield or armor."

"Damn it! Stop! Stand where you are! Don\'t get close!" the shooter\'s attention was obviously not on the arrow, and his tone was full of tension and vigilance.

Although the soldier had just disappeared for a few minutes and there was no sound of fighting, he always felt that something terrible had happened.

"What do you mean? Do you suspect that I was disguised by a monster?" the barbarian soldier stared with angry expression.

But the shooter didn\'t mean to be accommodating at all, and directly replied: "That\'s right! I suspect you\'re a monster disguise! Remember the rules we made a few hours ago? No matter what happened, you\'re never allowed to act alone. But you ran out alone and completely disappeared from my sight. Now, I can\'t confirm whether you\'re still you. Sorry, my friend, you must stay outside the tree hole tonight."

"Shit! Just because of that two or three minutes? Are you crazy! What monster can kill a powerful soldier like me silently in two or three minutes? Even if it is a giant dragon, it will take some effort to get rid of me." the soldier roared angrily.

"I never doubt your combat effectiveness! But the problem is that you violated the rules. I must exclude the danger from the team. If you have heard of it, sit down immediately and throw away the weapon in your hand." the shooter dissuaded and drew another arrow again.

If the soldier dares to take another step forward, he will directly let the arrow in his hand run through the other party\'s knee.

As an experienced adventurer, he is not emotional. He jokes about his life for the sake of the so-called shit companionship.

Real adventurer groups either have common goals or pursue wealth, fame and status.

The latter, in particular, accounts for the vast majority of adventurers.

They have only one reason to go out for adventure!

Make money, make more money, so that you can enjoy the luxury life in the second half of your life.

Needless to say, for such people, maintaining good friendship is only to obtain wealth faster and better, and will not sacrifice for their companions.

"No!!!!! I\'m going in! Don\'t stop me! Otherwise I\'m not polite!" the barbarian soldier roared madly.

"I refuse! I will never allow you to approach the tree hole until you confirm your identity again." the shooter gave a decisive negative answer.

Just as they were holding each other nervously, several people who were dreaming in the tree cave were finally awakened.

The woman rubbed her dry eyes and asked in an uncertain tone, "what happened? Are you going to kill each other?"

"Of course not! It\'s this guy! He broke the established rules and left my sight for several minutes without authorization. I can\'t confirm whether he was himself or a monster.

"What?! he left your sight for a few minutes?" the woman suddenly lost her sleepiness and opened her mouth in surprise.

She could not imagine why someone would be stupid enough to know what was wrong, but still want to go to the end.

"No way! He rushed out directly. It was too late for me to come back. You said, what should we do now? How to confirm that he was the person we knew, or did the monster pretend to be him." the shooter grabbed his hair and almost didn\'t pull off his hair.

"Damn it! That\'s what I hate those mindless soldiers! Their actions are always full of accidents." the woman clenched her teeth and cursed while opening her luggage and rummaging inside.

After a long time, she took out a bottle of potion emitting purple light, threw it directly to the soldiers in the distance, and shouted, "drink it! Now! Now! If you don\'t drink it in a minute, I\'ll think you\'re a monster..."