All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1090

As a strong man with a height of more than two meters and arms thicker than ordinary people\'s thighs, the movements of barbarian soldiers will not be too gentle.

He pulled out the cork of the medicine bottle, roughly squeezed open the mouth of one of the prisoners, poured it in, and then shook the other party vigorously: "Hey! Wake up! Tell me what happened to you?"

"Cough cough!!!"

With the violent cough caused by choking, the tired man finally slowly opened his eyes, covered his mouth and threw up on the ground.

The potion obviously stimulated the nerves and internal organs, so it seemed that the whole person was trembling slightly, and the wound on his body was constantly bleeding out.

There is no doubt that he has almost exhausted all his vitality. Now it is just the last reflection. He will swallow his last breath in about ten minutes.

It is impossible for adventurers who linger on the edge of death all year round not to know what it means to arrive so early.

Therefore, the barbarian soldiers did not talk nonsense and asked straightforwardly and loudly, "why do you kill each other? What kind of monster did you encounter in the ruins?"

"Ruins? Ha ha!" the scarred man struggled to stand up and laughed wildly, laughing and talking to himself: "No! We didn\'t even go into the ruins. Those monsters! They can disguise as your most familiar friends, cheat your trust, and then push the whole team down the abyss one by one. Run! Run! Don\'t get close! Otherwise you will die!"

Finish the last word!

His mouth suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground on his back, and his eyes quickly lost their look.

"Damn it! He died before he said everything he knew!" the barbarian soldier complained helplessly.

But just as he was going to continue to wake up the next prisoner, the woman who couldn\'t see her age suddenly stopped and said, "enough! Let them sleep. We already know enough."

"What do you mean?" the soldier blinked.

"Well, if your brain can be half done, not 1/3, or even 1/4, that\'s great." the shooter could not help but make complaints about it.

The woman looked at them angrily and took the initiative to explain: "it\'s very simple! He just mentioned that there is a monster who is good at deception and camouflage. This means that the killing of each other we saw not long ago is actually the collapse of their internal trust. No one knows whether the other party is disguised by a monster."

"Well... According to you, we have to leave some marks on each other. If we find suspicious behavior or behavior, we can use these marks to confirm each other?" the barbarian soldier scratched his head and said the countermeasures he thought of.

"Idiot! If it\'s so easy to distinguish, how do you think these rotten bodies on the ground come from? Obviously, this monster disguises not only appearance, but also memory and habits." the woman clenched the wooden stick in her hand and analyzed it very carefully.

"Very likely! From now on, we\'d better not separate, let alone act alone. Even if it\'s convenient, at least make sure that we work in groups of two."

Speaking of this, the shooter suddenly paused, turned around and looked at Zhang Cheng, who was always standing there without saying a word: "Sir, could you please explain how you walked through the dangerous wasteland alone?"

"Hehe, why, are you doubting me?" Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing.

He didn\'t remember the last time he was questioned, especially when these guys were just ordinary people who needed to move their fingers to destroy all from body to soul.

"No, I just want to try to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. After all, we are in a slightly dangerous position now, so it is necessary to be vigilant." the shooter obviously doesn\'t know what a dangerous and terrible creature he is talking to. One hand holds the bow tightly, and the other hand is on the quiver, ready to shoot at the fastest speed.

"I appreciate your vigilance and courage, but forget the explanation. I never like to disclose my privacy to strangers. Since you think I have a problem, I\'ll leave alone. Finally, I wish you good luck."

With these meaningful words, Zhang Cheng tightened his hood again and walked alone towards the ruins he had built himself.

He had a hunch that the adventure team would soon pass the first test and enter the depths of underground ruins to obtain the buried treasures.


Staring at Zhang Cheng\'s fading back, the shooter was a little relieved and said to several other companions, "this man must have a problem! His reaction is too calm. I don\'t believe a traveler can be indifferent to the scene just now."

"Maybe it\'s self-confidence? You should understand that from his dress and performance, he is probably a caster. As long as the caster is strong enough to a certain extent, he has some means to deal with a group of monsters who are good at camouflage and deception." the woman put forward different opinions.

"There\'s no harm in being careful anyway." the shooter shrugged his shoulders and didn\'t try to refute anything.

Being alert to strangers is the first and most important rule of the adventurer\'s code.

Because you will never know whether the little girl with a lovely smile on the side of the road is a terrible killer secretly, let alone whether those seemingly poor beggars will suddenly take out a sharp blade and directly pierce your heart.

Trust is a solid connection that can be established through long-term observation and coexistence.

Any adventurer with a little brain will not easily believe that he meets strangers for the first time, especially in a dangerous environment.

These experienced adventurers did not pay attention to the short episode. After briefly formulating a series of countermeasures, they abandoned the sleeping prisoners, walked forward for a distance and set up a camp in a tree hole that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

They are very smart. Instead of being impatient to get close to the entrance of the ruins like most foreigners who arrive here, they choose a far away place to have a good rest for a night.

As night fell, most of the team members had been lying by the campfire, closed their eyes and began to rest. Only two people stood at the door, watching the movement outside with vigilance on their faces.

Especially the shooter, his nerves are very tight from beginning to end.

As a person with a strong sense of danger, he can detect that several pairs of eyes in the forest are always hiding in the dark to observe, each full of naked malice