All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1089

Watching the vigorous soldier run to him, Zhang Cheng immediately pretended to be confused and asked, "are you calling me?"

"Of course! You\'re the only one here. Who else can it be if you\'re not you." the strong man took off his helmet and wiped his sweat soaked forehead.

I have to say that his physical quality is really very good. Even if he exercises violently in such a muggy environment, he still doesn\'t have even a little fatigue. Instead, he looks energetic.

"What\'s up?" Zhang Cheng raised his head slightly, revealing his eyes hidden under his hood.


Every member of the adventure team was stunned!

Because they can\'t describe how special those eyes like bright stars are, like a bottomless lake to suck them all in.


This state did not last too long. Soon the barbarian soldiers recovered and shook their heads. It took a full minute to ask, "damn! What did you do to me just now?"

"No, I didn\'t do anything, but your spirit is too weak to bear the energy I inadvertently emitted. Remember, don\'t stare into my eyes, or your soul will be affected." Zhang Cheng tightened his hood again and explained half true and half false.

With the deeper understanding of the rules, the power in his body began to expand at an unprecedented speed. The most typical feature is that his eyes will release a little energy to the outside world.

Perhaps for the vast universe, this slight release can\'t even splash water, but for these mortals, even a little contact is enough to cause extremely terrible and serious consequences.

"Who the hell are you?"

In the procession, a woman dressed as a spellcaster in a traveling robe stood up and tried very carefully.

Unlike those companions who only know how to use violence to solve problems, she can clearly feel the strong magical energy surrounded by the mysterious man in front of her, and better understand that the ordinary adventurer will never have this power.

"Me? I\'m just a traveler. I heard that there are ancient relics here, so I came to see if there is something I\'m interested in." after saying that, Zhang Cheng turned his head and looked straight ahead.

Just when the woman wanted to say something, there was a sad cry in the distance.

"Ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Damn monster! Die!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! As long as I kill all of you, I can survive!"


As the sound became clearer from far to near, several figures soon appeared on the horizon.

I saw them like crazy, killing each other with weapons, and their ferocity was amazing.

Although the members of the adventure team are still confused and don\'t understand what happened, Zhang Cheng sees everything that just happened.

Obviously, it is the conspiracy and disguise of the Skinner that makes these people fall into crazy suspicion and confusion of thinking. They think that everyone except themselves is a monster covered with human skin.

But they don\'t know that the skinners who caused this incident are hiding in the dark, laughing at their stupidity, and even betting on who can be the final winner.

However, the end of the final winner is not to successfully escape the danger, but to become a dinner for the skinners.



Take pleasure in killing and playing with prey!

This is the monster created by twisting the soul!

Although they are very, very smart and can constantly acquire knowledge, memory and various skills by swallowing the source of the soul, they have no sense of awe and compassion.

They are clowns who like pranks, cunning hunters and fierce butchers.

Even the creator\'s Zhang Cheng did not expect that they had created their own unique social structure and multiplied rapidly in such a short time.

"My God! What are those guys doing? Are they evil? Or is it the function of some kind of charm spell?" a archer with a long bow opened his mouth and couldn\'t help shouting.

"No! It\'s not a spell! They\'re not affected by any spell." the woman cast a detection spell, quickly shook her head and gave a negative answer.

"If it wasn\'t for magic, why would they kill each other like crazy?" the barbarian soldier subconsciously frowned.

Because of his origin, his knowledge of magic was limited to a small number of healing spells offered by the tribe and some Summoning Magic.

The woman turned her eyes angrily: "the ghost knows what\'s going on! Maybe it\'s because of the uneven distribution of stolen goods. It\'s also possible that she met some terrible monster and broke down."

"Don\'t forget, the man who sold us the news said that it was very evil here. Almost all the adventurers who came near couldn\'t leave alive in the end. Even if they took it out alive, the whole person would become nervous or immersed in fear." the shooter hurriedly added.

"Yes! Look at those rotten bodies on the ground. There\'s definitely something wrong with this place. Let\'s go. We\'d better stop them and inquire about intelligence while those lunatics are still alive."

After that, the barbarian soldiers rushed up at a very fast speed without saying a word, waved their big swords, knocked off several people\'s weapons three or three times, and knocked the unlucky people who had little physical strength to the ground with their fists. The whole process went on and on, and the opportunity brought me the right benefits.

After he took out a hemp rope and trapped the prisoners one by one, he opened the water bag and poured a little water on each face.

Unfortunately, these people were obviously exhausted. Instead of waking up, they closed their eyes and slept. The snoring could be heard clearly dozens of meters away.

"Shit! Wake up! Wake up! You want to sleep. Don\'t sleep until you answer my question."

The barbarian soldiers grabbed one of them by the collar and shook it hard, trying to wake him up from his sleep.

Unfortunately, all this is in vain. Fatigue makes several survivors sleep very dead and are not affected by the outside world at all.

In desperation, he had to come back to Zhang Cheng and tried very carefully: "do you have any way to wake them up?"

"Very simple! Give them this and they will wake up within a minute at most. But I need to remind you that this medicine has a fatal side effect, that is, it will seriously damage a person\'s spirit and even turn a neurasthenic person into an idiot."

"It doesn\'t matter! Anyway, I don\'t know them well. What does their life or death have to do with me? I just want to ask some useful information."

The barbarian soldiers grabbed the potion and poured it on one of them without hesitation.