All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1088

"Master, this is the latest time. You asked to investigate the situation of the island kingdom. I have collected and sorted it out." Ellens carefully put a piece of paper full of magic symbols on the table.

His voice was so soft that he was afraid of accidentally interrupting the master\'s thoughts.

"Well done!"

Zhang Cheng picked up the paper, quickly took his attention back from the depths of the universe and glanced at it.

Since the location was exposed, he can already perceive that several eyes are always observing his every move in the dark, but the problem is that the other party is too good to track.

Needless to ask, masters are trying to interpret his character, behavior and ability through such observation.

More interestingly, these guys are not a group. They are interfering with each other and setting obstacles to each other. Even one of them deliberately disrupts the rules, making snooping more and more complex and difficult.

Since the masters are almost immortal, time is meaningless to them. Everyone\'s patience is surprisingly good. They still have no intention to show up. It\'s absolutely not too much to describe it with an old Yin ratio.

There is no doubt that one of Zhang Cheng\'s strengths is that he is good at planning intrigues, but in front of these bastards who implement the shrinking strategy, any intrigues are useless.

In desperation, he had to secretly raise his vigilance and promote the plan in an orderly manner. While using the indigenous people on the planet to do experiments, he cultivated the chaotic tree that continuously absorbed the core energy of the planet.

He did not believe that when the planet was completely transformed into a chaotic planet, the masters of those order factions and neutral factions could still sit down.

We should know that spreading chaos is an irreversible process. A successful example means that it can be copied indefinitely.

When more than half of the planets in the universe become chaotic planets, order will naturally be compressed to the verge of collapse, which is not only a serious violation of the idea of order factions, but also inconsistent with the neutral view of maintaining the balance of the universe.

To some extent, Zhang Cheng is provoking the bottom line of the other two factions at the same time, making them understand that they are a monster who goes crazy and doesn\'t consider the consequences at all.

Only in this way, those powerful old masters will choose restraint rather than taking the initiative to find trouble.

It is undoubtedly a terrorist act to frighten the enemy through reckless behavior.

It is like those terrorists on earth who force governments to give in by launching suicide attacks and even directly killing civilians.

Especially in modern times, the Jews who first used terrorist attacks successfully established a country in this way, and one of the planners finally became the Prime Minister of the new country.

Not only successfully whitewash themselves, but also forget to discredit opponents who try to use the same means.

In contrast, other organizations that launch terrorist attacks are much more sad. Instead of achieving their goals, they have become rats shouted and beaten by everyone.

The root cause is not their wrong means, but their inability to continue to cause irreparable losses to the enemy.

In short, there is not enough deterrence.

Think about it. If a bearded man is killed, he can continue to cause huge losses to those important cities, and even assassinate and kidnap some important politicians, consortium and family members, will there be a subsequent invasion war?

The answer is 100% no!

When you don\'t have enough strength to deter the enemy, but you keep verbal provocation and shouting, which is undoubtedly the stupidest and most idiotic behavior.

But Zhang Cheng is different. What he pursues is to say less cruel words and do things directly.

A hundred verbal threats are not more direct and impressive than the last action.

Ellens obviously didn\'t know what his master was thinking, and still described himself: "I found that since the civil strife in this country, all the residents have become very strange. They neither communicate with each other nor participate in any recreational activities. Every day is to work, work, work again, and then eat and sleep. I used to use camouflage magic to integrate into it, but it was suddenly broken down."

"Hehe, there\'s nothing to make a fuss about. The residents of this kingdom have been completely occupied by a parasitic creature. They can communicate with each other through their hearts, so no matter what kind of camouflage magic is useless." Zhang Cheng casually lit the paper and threw it into the air to burn it to ashes.

"Parasitism?!" Ellens stared with unbelievable expression.

Zhang Cheng nodded gently: "yes! If you kill one of the residents and dissect his body, you will find the secret hidden inside. But be careful, once it penetrates into your body, you will also be controlled."

"Thank you for your reminder! I\'ll catch one now!"

Without saying a word, Allen immediately cast his transmission magic and disappeared in place.

Under the influence of chaotic forces, his behavior began to become more and more chaotic, and his sense of morality and responsibility were rapidly lost. Instead, he acted recklessly.

You know, a few months ago, he was a young man with not too bad heart, but now he has become a murderous devil.

From the mountain of corpses piled up in the basement, it is not difficult to judge that his soul has long been completely degenerated, and even enjoyed the pain and cry of the dead.

Seeing the test body he created leave, Zhang Cheng also stood up from his seat, directly opened a portal, and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "While I still have some leisure time, I\'d better relax a little and see where the game between the demon king and the brave is going. I hope the brave selected this time will not be a white haired old man or a strong man with simple mind and developed limbs."

The voice just fell!

He immediately passed through the portal and appeared in the wilderness about ten kilometers away from the entrance of the underground ruins.

Because of the peeling monster, there are corpses everywhere. You can see rotten and smelly corpses, discarded weapons and armor without walking a distance.

From the beginning of the game to now, at least 300 adventurers have fallen on this dangerous land forever. Only a few have the opportunity to enter the depths of the tomb.

Just as Zhang Cheng was about to change his appearance and body shape, he suddenly heard someone shouting, "Hey! Wait!"


He subconsciously turned around and saw that an adventure team composed of seven people was running towards this side.

The leader is a tall and strong man. It is not difficult to judge from the colorful paint on his face that he is a barbarian soldier from the desolate mountains in the northwest. Behind him is a two handed giant sword with a length of one meter and five.