All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1084

Because Kelvin deliberately revealed a lot of internal information, Harrison finally agreed to conclude a covenant and give priority to Victoria, which seemed to be the most threatening.

However, in exchange, the former must announce his engagement to his daughter and introduce himself to the mysterious man at the right time.

It can be said that both sides feel that they have got what they want from this covenant.

However, because of the information asymmetry, one party is unknowingly used by the other party.

When Harrison and his entourage left the dirty tavern and came to the main road of the border town, the princess, who had always been very ugly, finally couldn\'t help but ask, "father, are you really going to marry me to that dirty and ugly guy? Don\'t forget, he is a shameless betrayer, with neither boastful honor nor historical precipitation."

"Why, you despise him?" Harrison stopped and looked at his daughter with interest.

"That\'s right! I despise him! Spit on him! I\'d rather go to the monastery and be a priest serving the gods than marry such rubbish." the princess didn\'t hesitate to use strong tone words to express her deep anger and dissatisfaction.

She always felt that her future husband, if not a handsome prince, at least a mature and stable king or Archduke, could give her the love and care she longed for.

But the cruel reality broke all her fantasies and made her realize that the person she was going to marry was not only handsome, but also ferocious and ugly. She could almost be her own father in terms of age alone.

Most importantly, the other party\'s reputation has almost smelled to the extreme. At the thought of sharing a bed with such a person, or even spending the rest of her life, she has an impulse to commit suicide.

Unfortunately, Harrison\'s idea was just the opposite of his daughter\'s. He explained with a smile: "No, honey, you only see the surface, not the essence. I admit that Kelvin\'s appearance is not good-looking, but he is far from as bad as you describe. On the contrary, he rose from a remote town and is better than the monarchs of most countries now. He knows how to protect his rights. But it\'s not that I put you The reason why I married him, my real purpose is to let you give birth to a legal heir for him, and then inherit all the land and property after his death. "

"Do you want to use me to take everything he has? Just like you did to those two countries, let my son become a puppet?" the princess was obviously very angry, clenched her fist and stared at her father.

She will never forget how her two sisters became victims of politics and how they could not even protect their sons. She could only watch them controlled and even have no freedom.

What\'s more terrible is that the only thing they can do in the future is obedience to the arrangement. Anyone who shows a little sense of resistance will be severely punished immediately.

If he doesn\'t know how to be funny, Harrison will never mind having an accident with his grandson and then changing to a more obedient one.

Family affection, for a king who is determined to expand his territory and make achievements, has never been a necessity, but a seasoning for life. Nature is better, and it doesn\'t matter if it doesn\'t.

Especially when the current one conflicts with the target, the first one to be sacrificed is family affection.

"No, how could it be. I\'m thinking about you. You know, Kelvin doesn\'t have a huge family support, or even decent relatives. Once you marry him and give birth to a legal heir, you can get half of the land of the Kingdom and a crown. Believe me, you\'ll understand me when you see his legendary army with your own eyes Good intentions. Besides, I\'m very interested in the mysterious man he mentioned. "

Harrison wisely avoided the sharpest part of the contradiction between the two and took the initiative to change the topic.

As a person with very high EQ, he knows that he must not stimulate his daughter\'s sensitive nerves at this time, but try to appease as much as possible to ensure that his plan will not happen.

"Think for me? Ha! This is the funniest joke I\'ve ever heard in my life! When did you think for us? You just used us as tools, tools for you to achieve your ambition." the princess\'s obvious burst out and ruthlessly broke through her father\'s hypocritical mask.

It was the first time she was so angry when she was growing up. At the same time, she also understood why none of her brothers and sisters thought this man was a qualified father.

"Honey, calm down. I\'m your father. Why don\'t I think of my beloved daughter? But you children will inevitably enter a period of rebellion and can\'t understand my good intentions. After all, nothing in the world is more important than power and wealth. All I do is help you get it."

When he said these words, Harrison\'s tone was full of sincerity, and his eyes showed the kindness that his father should have.

But unfortunately, his acting skills did not deceive the young princess. The latter just sneered, and then turned away alone.

Looking at her daughter\'s fading back, Harrison couldn\'t help laughing and sighing: "she\'s not the first child to resist my decision, and I believe she won\'t be the last. It doesn\'t matter. I\'ve been used to it for a long time. What do you say?"

"Your Majesty, you\'ve really gone too far this time. I don\'t think it\'s necessary to marry Kelvin. He doesn\'t deserve royal blood, let alone a young and beautiful princess." an old guard whispered his opinion.

"No, you don\'t understand. Kelvin is not as simple as you think. I have a hunch that the mysterious man he just mentioned must be very, very powerful. If we establish friendship or covenant with each other, then we can become the supreme overlord on this continent. Think about it. When I give an order, no country dares to disobey, it will be What kind of Huihong great cause? "

Harrison opened his arms and his eyes burst with longing.

Similar to Kelvin, he is also a true careerist.

The only difference is that he was born in a royal family, with noble blood and inheritance, so what he did would be no different from Kelvin.

More interestingly, with the passage of time, he felt more and more that Kelvin was just another himself. Dealing with such people would make the powerful monarch feel inexplicably happy.

Although it is difficult for him to describe his psychological feelings, he enjoys the whole process very much, as if he were looking at himself in the early years