All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1085

The marriage between the top nobles is always a matter worthy of everyone\'s attention.

Because this means a new covenant, the breaking of the existing balance and the redistribution of interests.

Especially for a famous monarch like Harrison, who his daughter wants to marry is like a magnitude 12 earthquake, which quickly spread all over the surrounding countries.

Although it was only an engagement, the object of marriage was Kerwin, a notorious tyrant recently.

You know, more than 90% of the nobles don\'t like this guy who starts a rebellion by undermining the existing order, and they don\'t want their vassals to have similar ideas.

Therefore, it is no accident that Kelvin has become the object of everyone\'s spitting and cursing, but a kind of suppression of the challenger by the original vested interest groups.

Unfortunately, the challenger\'s hard power is so strong that they don\'t dare to use force easily. They just stop at verbal condemnation. The bolder ones can secretly support the rebel organization and create a little confusion.

In addition, no one dares to really stimulate the tyrant\'s sensitive nerves, otherwise it will be himself.

But interestingly, when the news reached the Kingdom, instead of being as flustered as those so-called "important ministers", Victoria couldn\'t help laughing: "ha ha! He\'s afraid! He\'s afraid of me!"

"Fear?" a court nobleman subconsciously frowned.

He didn\'t understand why the queen on the throne laughed and why he thought the damn traitor was afraid.

"That\'s right!" Victoria nodded confidently. "Kelvin is not the kind of guy who will choose to form an alliance with another careerist when he has the best advantage. On the contrary, his humble origin leads to the instability of his foundation. If it is not a last resort, he will never allow anyone to reach into his territory, let alone marriage. The lion of OROS is not an ordinary monarch, but anyone who is not an idiot can feel it, His strong desire to become the overlord of the mainland. "

"Your Majesty, I need to remind you that if these two people marry, our neighboring countries may all change their attitude into hostility, and they will be isolated and helpless, whether in strategy or diplomacy." the court aristocrat solemnly said the result he was most worried about.

After all, in his impression, the previous confrontation between countries is essentially a combination of military power and diplomacy.

Although the military power of the kingdom is extremely powerful, even a little incredible, if diplomacy falls into passivity, it will inevitably lead to siege.

But villea didn\'t show a worried expression. She just responded carelessly: "alone? No, you don\'t understand. They\'re the ones who are alone."

"I don\'t understand what you mean..." the eyes of the court nobles were full of doubt and confusion.

Not only him, but almost everyone in the hall reacted the same.

"Don\'t ask if you don\'t understand! That will make you look silly! Remember, do what you should do and make decisions. Let the queen do it by herself." isolt scolded the other party mercilessly.


The court nobles choked and blushed, but at the thought of the powerful magic power the old man had, he finally didn\'t say the insulting words in the second half.

But his restraint does not mean that the other side will exercise restraint.

Isolde stood up and walked down the steps, with a faint light in his eyes that was not easy to detect.

Next second!

The court nobles felt a strong sense of oppression that could not be described in words. It was like they were stared at by a terrible dragon. The whole person immediately fell to his knees with a thump, trembling uncontrollably all over, and screamed loudly: "ah ah ah! Help! Somebody help me!"

"Hum! What a cowardly idiot! Your majesty, I think you should change a consultant." a contemptuous smile appeared on the old man\'s face.

"Damn it! How dare you use magic against an aristocrat in this sacred place?"

Seeing that his colleagues were humiliated, another man immediately stood up and tried to maintain the dignity and pride of the nobility.

Since the new queen ascended the throne, their status and power have been getting worse day by day. At present, they only have the right to provide advice, and their inner dissatisfaction and resentment have been boiling for a long time.

Had it not been for the loss of the largest dependent army, I am afraid it would have set off a rebellion, helped the original old king to the throne and restored to the ideal state of CO governance of the royal family and the great nobility.

Of course, this practice can only stay in mind at present, and no one dares to really put it into practical action.

And even if they had such an intention, the old king would not agree. Especially now that the kingdom is booming, it has begun to reverse its disadvantages and embark on the stage of history with a new attitude.

"Magic? Why do you say I used magic? What\'s the evidence? Framing is not a small crime. I even have good reason to invite you to duel." Isolde threatened meaningfully.

He is not joking, but wants to really teach these nobles some lessons, so that they can understand that the times have changed, and they are no longer slow as before. It often takes generations of efforts to climb to a high position.

On the contrary, in this era of drastic changes, as long as you have talent, you will soon be appreciated and promoted.

Take the current kingdom as an example. In the war that broke out not long ago, a large number of civilian officers were promoted from the grass-roots level, while those aristocratic children with mixed qualifications and lack of ability were brutally eliminated, which disgraced many families.

Before long, these officers will squeeze the living space of the aristocrats bit by bit, so as to achieve the goal of centralization and complete control of the whole country.

Victoria read the book about how to centralize power and transform a country into a military Empire, so she didn\'t stop the old man from humiliating the nobility. She held her chin in one hand and enjoyed the good play with great interest.

In contrast, the nobles in the hall felt a strong chill.

They are not fools. They understand how disadvantageous the current situation is for themselves. They also understand that the loss of this right will become more and more serious with the Queen\'s reign.

For a moment, the atmosphere began to become strange.

Although no second nobleman spoke, they all stood behind the court nobles, including many dukes.

Obviously, a sudden palace contradiction broke out at this special moment