All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1083

The court is always a place full of conspiracy and calculation.

Especially in this continent with blood lineage and feudal system as the main ruling structure, wives can often enjoy part of the rights from their sons and husbands.

Some powerful women can also seize power and financial power from their sons and husbands, and eventually turn the former into their own puppets or string puppets, while others are more direct, abolishing their husbands and sons and stepping on the stage in person.

Especially when the wife\'s family has great political influence or comes from the royal family of a powerful country, the probability of this kind of situation is almost more than 50%.

To some extent, marriage is not only a political and military alliance, but also a game between two allies. Finally, the dominant party even has the opportunity to annex the weak party.

However, in the eyes of most nobles, this kind of merging of blood and blood is acceptable.

However, it is a pity that Kelvin, who is ambitious and born in a humble family, doesn\'t want to be annexed at all, let alone part of his power.

Because he knows very well that although he has an absolute and crushing advantage in the military, he is still too weak in the political aspect. Even if the people in the controlled areas do not recognize him as the actual ruler, he still insists on claiming to be the people of the kingdom. It is estimated that it will not be possible to reverse without a generation or two.

In this environment, not to mention marrying a powerful monarch with a great reputation is tantamount to attracting wolves into the house.

Although Kelvin doesn\'t think a young princess can take much power from her, the problem is that there will be many guys who are still waiting and hesitating, preferring to be loyal to her rather than to themselves.

Over time, the strength gathered around the legitimate wife will be more and more. No matter whether she has that idea or not, she will be forced to get involved in the power struggle.

"Do you know what it means to refuse me?" Harrison narrowed his eyes and said a threat.

He has not met anyone who dares to refuse him for a long time, whether the other party is a monarch or a general who has made great achievements under his command.

"Why, are you going to lead the army to declare war on me? Or just verbally denounce me as a traitor and tyrant? No, you are a completely mercenary king and won\'t do such stupid things. On the contrary, your greatest threat is Vilia, who has an orthodox and righteous name. No matter what, you will conclude a covenant with me. At least solve our common problems Before the same enemy, there will be no conflict between us. "Kelvin pursed his mouth slightly and showed a proud expression.

This is the main reason why he is willing to come at great risk.

Obviously, before finding out Zhang Cheng\'s real idea, he doesn\'t dare to act rashly. The only way is to find one that can be abandoned at any time. Or stab the cannon fodder in the back and complete the temptation for yourself.

But Harrison didn\'t know this. Instead, he felt that he was the leader and the dominant party.

So he pondered for a moment and immediately pretended to laugh: "Ha ha! Good! Good! You are one of the few people in the world who dare to talk to me like this. I appreciate your ambition. But marriage is marriage. You must promise this before I can give you what you want. If you think it will be risky to marry my daughter, you can choose to get engaged first and hold the wedding when I\'m dying. You know, there\'s nothing like blood Pulse fusion can make people feel more at ease. "

"Since you have all said this, wouldn\'t it be unkind for me to refuse. Well, I agree with your request. Now, can we talk specifically about how you plan to deal with Victoria? After all, she is no longer the innocent Lord before, but an extremely dangerous opponent." Kelvin did not intend to dwell on this issue for too long and resolutely went straight to the point.

As for marriage and what kind of woman to marry, he never cared from beginning to end.

The opposite sex, for him, is not so much a partner as a tool to vent desire and reproduce, as long as it is beautiful and healthy enough.

"I heard you once captured her? Why did you release her later?" Harrison did not directly give his plan, but took the initiative to ask a very key question.

Needless to ask, like many people, he was curious about what had happened. A princess with the name of a vase suddenly changed herself overnight. He not only launched a coup to replace his father, but also annexed a nearby principality with lightning speed.

"Sorry, this is a private matter between us. I can\'t tell you in detail. You just need to know that she has been funded by a powerful existence. Fortunately, this powerful existence won\'t directly intervene in the struggle between ordinary people, so you don\'t need to worry too much about what trouble she will encounter after getting rid of Victoria." Kelvin gave the answer half true and half false.

In fact, even he was not sure how Zhang Cheng would react if Vilia was killed or ousted.

"Oh? You mean... There\'s a mysterious guy hiding behind?"

Harrison raised his eyebrows and looked into each other\'s eyes, trying to find some unusual information.

As an old hand in politics and conspiracy, it is not difficult to guess from his IQ that Kelvin has also been funded by this mysterious man to rise so rapidly.

But the question is, why did the mysterious man choose to support the Kingdom on the verge of extinction?

What happened between him and Kelvin?

What kind of secret or conspiracy is hidden behind everything?

Kelvin noticed this silent temptation and pretended to sigh helplessly: "Alas... I didn\'t give you an accurate answer, but I can give you a little hint. He is different from us, let alone try to infer his motivation with his own thinking. In his eyes, all the rights, wealth, beauty and glory in the secular world are worthless."

"It seems that you are very familiar with this mysterious man. I wonder if you can introduce me?" Harrison offered a request.

"Hehe, you seem to have misunderstood something. You know? Neither I nor Vilia are qualified to ask him to do anything, but he directly gives us orders, and we should complete them to the letter. Otherwise... This man will pay for his arrogance and stupidity."

As he said this, an imperceptible regret flashed through Kelvin\'s eyes.

He knew that the rise of Vilia was precisely because he was complacent and had the wrong idea, so isorte left him for fear of being accidentally implicated.