All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1082

Similar to most pubs in the slums, it is also filled with all kinds of pungent sour smell, and the cheap perfume smell of women in special service industries.

Those drunkards who have little money are crazy drinking bad wine added with unknown things in their mouth. Others are drunk. They throw up in the corner from time to time and turn around to talk and laugh with other drunkards.

In the dark corridor, there are even two or three pairs of men and women who have negotiated a good price. They are hugging each other and doing some healthy sports.

It can be said that anyone with a little identity will never allow himself to enter such a rubbish place.

But interestingly, there are several guys who are out of tune with the surrounding environment on the second floor of the tavern.

In particular, the man with beard in the head exudes an upper atmosphere all over his body, so that even rogue gangsters who like to make trouble don\'t dare to get close easily.

As for the reason, it was very simple. Next to him, there was a hand cut off on the ground, lying on the ground with dazzling red blood.

According to the amount of bleeding and the medical and health conditions enjoyed by the bottom residents of the world, the possibility of surviving will never exceed 10%.

After carefully observing these people, Kelvin stepped closer, smiled and said, "good evening, dear friends. If I guessed right, you should be waiting for someone, aren\'t you?"

"That\'s right! We\'re waiting for you, and it\'s you." the bearded man slightly opened his hood and showed a slightly old but dignified face.

He is no one else, but the Supreme Master of the land under his feet. He is known as king Harrison, the lion of OROS.

I\'m afraid the whole continent will not think that a powerful monarch with great prestige and great achievements who once led his country to open up territory will meet privately with a notorious tyrant in a tavern in a slum.

"Good afternoon, your majesty. It\'s a great honor to be recognized by you. I\'m afraid there are few monarchs in this continent that you can see." Kelvin sat down, picked up his glass and drank all the wine.

I don\'t know why, he obviously received strict etiquette training, but at this moment he put on a rude appearance, which made a female guard frown.

But Harrison didn\'t care. He nodded with a smile: "You\'re right. I\'m a proud man and also a stern and harsh king. In my eyes, those mediocre monarchs who inherited their parents\' efforts to lay down the country don\'t deserve to stand with me. But unlike you, I\'m also surprised and frightened by your surging ambition. Besides you, the young queen is also a very powerful figure, who can\'t believe it Can forcibly save the country from the brink of extinction. "

"Are you praising me?" Kelvin put down his glass and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Praise? No! I\'m just stating a fact. You and she threaten me, and the threat is not small. Of course, her threat is a little greater than you. After all, the power of that weapon has been proved on the battlefield, and I really can\'t think of any way to resist such a terrible thing. What, are you interested in working with me to find a way I know that you have always been eager to change your humble origin, so as long as you agree, I am willing to marry my beloved daughter to you as a wife, and even support you to be crowned king. "

The wily Harrison turned his eyes to the young and beautiful women around him, calmly offered the conditions, and showed an undisguised temptation between the lines.

In contrast, the young girl with long blond hair and silver decorative rather than practical armor had a livid face and her eyes burst out anger enough to devour people.

Needless to ask, she didn\'t get any information in advance, let alone that the purpose of her trip was to get married.

Of course, the most important thing is not marriage, but that the marriage object does not accord with her inner vision for her husband.

Although Kelvin is not ugly, he is not good-looking. At most, he can only be regarded as a middle and lower level. In addition, his greedy, lustful and unscrupulous behavior for power doesn\'t seem to be a person worth trusting for life.

Unfortunately, as a princess of the royal family, she simply can not have the right to freely choose marriage. The only value is to marry a person with courting value when her father needs it, and offer her youth and beauty in exchange for an alliance with each other.

"Are you going to marry the princess to me?!" Kelvin raised his eyebrows in surprise and glanced at the princess who was a little out of control.

Harrison nodded seriously and responded calmly: "Yes! As long as you agree to marry my daughter and establish the first born baby boy as the heir, I will fulfill all my commitments. From then on, your country will be closely linked with my country, whether by blood, politics and military. I believe you should understand what it means once you have my support?"

Kelvin smiled and sighed: "How can I not know! You are the lion of oroth. You defeated the Three Kingdoms by yourself. You attacked them together, even defeated them, took a large area of land from them, and finally turned it into your own vassal. Your political and military achievements are like a textbook for kings. I have been working hard for you and can help you Getting your favor is definitely the happiest thing in my life. "

"Ha ha ha! You\'re good at talking! So what\'s your answer?" Harrison\'s eyes revealed strong expectation.

It is estimated that in his opinion, the probability of the other party choosing the same is almost 100%, and there is no reason to refuse.

"I am sorry, my answer is to refuse. Because your promise seems to have taken a big advantage, but you actually put your hand in my inner part. I am a very sensitive person. I will never allow anyone to share it. The princess may be young and beautiful, giving away the temptation that men can not refuse, but the temptation of right is even greater for me. When I die one day, I will be very happy to marry your daughter, but as long as you are alive, I will not marry you. That is equivalent to letting you hold a dagger in my heart. "

When he said these words, Kerwin didn\'t hesitate or hesitate at all. At the same time, he exuded the cruelty and tyranny of the tyrant