All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1075

There is no doubt that gambling on luck is an absolutely fair way to escape.

Because no one knows who the terrible skinning monster will choose as his prey, everyone has a 75% chance to escape, and the chance of being caught up is only 25%.

As a common problem of intelligent life, they also have an instinct of self deception, only believe in the parts that are good for themselves, and subconsciously shield the parts that are bad for themselves.

Each team member thinks he will be one of the three lucky ones. He doesn\'t think he will be unlucky enough to "win the prize" with only a quarter of the probability.

So, after simply assigning the escape direction, the four rushed out in four directions at the same time.

No hesitation and hesitation!

The only thing they want to do is escape from this nightmare, and then give up the dangerous career of adventurer, and find a peaceful place to spend the rest of their life with the money exchanged for their life and blood.

After all, this encounter is like a dark cloud hanging over their heads. They may not forget it for a lifetime, and even have nightmares when they go to bed every night.

In particular, the bloody human skin and the bodies constantly twitched by the stripped skin greatly stimulated the senses and brain, leaving deep scars in the deepest memory.




Although the lungs began to produce an indescribable burning sensation due to strenuous exercise, none of the four fugitives stopped.

They desperately opened their mouths and sucked in oxygen to provide sufficient power for the muscles, just to run faster and farther than the other three people

However, according to everyone\'s talent and the degree of exercise acquired, endurance is different after all.

In about ten minutes, the first person to start slowing down appeared.

She is a woman, looks quite young, her face looks particularly pale because of the massive loss of physical strength, and her breathing becomes more and more disordered. She doesn\'t forget to run while looking back at the dark woods.

Suddenly, her feet seemed to trip over something. The whole person fell directly and the dog ate the mud. She rolled for several meters on the uneven ground before she barely stopped.

But before she struggled to get up from the ground, a shadow slowly came out of the darkness and joked in a smiling tone: "ah! My dear friends, where do you want to leave me?"

"You... Are you karans?! no! No! Karans is dead! You are the skinned monster!" the woman suddenly changed her face, quickly pulled out her weapon and was ready to fight to the death.

But it is not difficult to judge from those desperate eyes that she has actually determined in her heart that she is doomed. The only thing she can do is to buy time for the other three people.

"Monster? It\'s not polite to use this word to describe me. You know? My life form is actually much higher than yours. I can even get memory and knowledge by swallowing your soul, and evolve from a beast who doesn\'t understand anything to what it is now in a short time. Look, I can speak your language, understand your thoughts, and even finish Disguise beauty. "The shadow raised his hands and showed off proudly.

"Bah! You deserve to claim to be superior to us? No! You\'re just a crazy monster at best. Wait and see, some adventurer will cut off your head one day." the woman spat fiercely and cursed loudly.

"Ha ha! You have more backbone than I thought, and you are a good prey. At least a hundred times better than those guys who begged before they died. But I hope you won\'t make too much noise when I peel off your skin later, otherwise I will be very disappointed. If I become disappointed, the peeling speed will slow down." the shadow laughed and threatened.

This time, instead of fighting back with words, the woman pulled out a dagger from her belt and threw it out with all her strength, trying to hurt the other party before the battle began.

Even if not injured, it can cause some interference and create opportunities for the next attack.

"Overestimate your strength!"

The shadow didn\'t even use any weapons. It just blocked the sharp blade with its arm.

When the dagger collided with the skin, it made a sound like a metal collision.

"Go to hell! Monster!" the woman roared and launched a decisive charge.

As the saying goes, it is better to start first. In battle, the attacking side always has the initiative and can gain many advantages. As long as the defensive side makes a little mistake, it will cause irreparable consequences.

Unfortunately, this set of rules obviously does not apply to shadow.

The skin on his body was just like armor. When ordinary weapons were cut down, they left at most a white mark, which was basically less than the body wrapped under the skin.

After several attacks, the woman finally realized the insurmountable gap between herself and the other party, stopped the attack with a decadent face, put the weapon on her neck and stabbed it without thinking.

Needless to ask, she wants to use suicide to relieve the next pain and suffering.

In some special moments, death is not only the end of life, but also a kind of liberation.

But before the sharp blade with cold light stabbed down, the shadow suddenly rushed forward at a speed that could not be distinguished by the naked eye, grabbed the weapon, threw it away, and said with a grim smile: "You want to commit suicide? Delusion! This is my hunting, and you are my prey. You are not qualified to commit suicide before you get my permission. Now, it\'s time to start the final ceremony. Don\'t worry, I\'ll get rid of your remaining companions in a short time."


With the scream of tearing heart and lungs echoing in the dark, terrible things finally happened.

Hearing this sound, the other three survivors, without exception, gathered their strength again and ran all the way, fearing that they would become the next victim.

But they didn\'t notice it at all. In fact, there was not only one shadow, but one behind each of them.

The escape plan lasted less than 20 minutes from the beginning to the end, and the whole adventure team was destroyed.

After their bloody bodies were dragged together for burial, these monsters who had put on human skin had sat around and began to communicate with each other in a very special way.

After a while, they used the tools and weapons left by the adventure team to completely disguise themselves, and even set up a small camp to wait for the next batch of victims