All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1074

"You mean... Something terrible came out of the entrance?" the leader narrowed his eyes and showed a solemn expression.

You know, to some extent, the real adventure hasn\'t started yet, but the team lost a third of its people overnight. It\'s a complete nightmare.

If it weren\'t for the legendary holy sword lying inside, he would definitely leave without hesitation with the rest of the people.

But there is a saying that people die for money and birds die for food.

When there is the temptation of great interests, most lives will become particularly stupid. Many times, knowing the danger, they still choose to take a risk.

Gambler spirit, in fact, exists in everyone\'s heart.

The young man in leather armor bent down, picked up a human skin with his dagger and explained in a deep voice, "that\'s right! Please look at the peeled skin! What do you think it is used for? "

"Camouflage?!" the leader suddenly woke up, shaking uncontrollably all over the body, and swept the rest of the people with his eyes. "That monster! It\'s hidden among us!"


"You mean, it disguised itself as one of us with its stripped human skin?"

"Damn it! Who is it? Get the fuck out of here!"


With the roar mixed with fear and anger, each team member pulled out their weapons and stared nervously at his companions. The original atmosphere of unity and harmony suddenly became tense.

For a moment, the feeling of antagonism and uneasiness spread rapidly, just like a pile of dry firewood was poured with gasoline. Now only a little spark is needed, and a huge fire will start immediately.

As a special group licking blood, adventurers are not those submissive tenant farmers. After years of fighting and traveling, they are particularly efficient in killing. Small-scale group fights are even much more powerful than most professional soldiers, which has always been an unstable factor in society.

Especially in big cities where adventurers gather, you can hear that a certain adventure team clashed with local law enforcement agencies every three or five times, and even killed some guards and ran away.

So when their lives are threatened, God knows what extraordinary things they can do.

"Damn it! Put your fucking weapons away! What do you want? Do you want to kill each other before you find the monster?" the team leader found that the situation was bad, immediately stood up and yelled, trying to prevent the situation from getting worse.

Unfortunately, when everyone carefully retreated to a safe distance and planned to obey the order, a scream suddenly came from the woods.

"Ah!!!!!! get out! Get out of your monster!"

"It\'s Merson! God! The monster is on his side!" without saying a word, a woman holding a short bow turned and rushed to the place where the sound was made.

The rest of the people reacted and followed.

After running for about three or four minutes, they finally saw a young man who looked only about 18 years old falling in a pool of blood. The skin on his left face had been cut open, revealing the bright red flesh and blood inside.

Although strictly speaking, this kind of injury is far from serious. As long as it does not induce infection and inflammation, it will stutter within a few days, but the visual effect is terrible.

"Merson! Tell me! Where\'s the monster? Where\'s the monster that attacked you? Who\'s it disguised?" the leader asked quickly as he motioned for someone to simply bandage his wound.

The young man called Merson showed a frightened look, raised his arm and pointed to the depths of the forest: "it ran over there disguised as card!"

"Chase! Don\'t let that guy run anyway." the leader then ordered, and then the first one took the lead and rushed out.

You should know that camouflage and deception have always been the most terrible things. It can disintegrate the strongest fortress from the inside. It can also reach a person\'s psychological defense line and make him lose his vigilance unconsciously.

If a monster can pretend to be the most familiar and trusted person at any time and anywhere, the threat it brings is even more frightening than meeting a giant dragon.

Therefore, even in order to maintain the stability of the whole team, it must be solved as soon as possible.

But these flustered adventurers didn\'t find it at all. Just as they turned around to track the so-called "monster", the young man who fell in a pool of blood suddenly showed a strange smile, followed by quickly getting up from the ground and following one of his lonely companions.

About seven or eight minutes later, another scream echoed in the woods.

With unspeakable deception and disguise, the unknown shadow killed 90% of the members of the adventure team in less than a day.

When the sun set again, the team leader and the last Sanming team members gave up their meaningless hunting behavior and kept patrolling around with frightened eyes.

Especially the human skin that is deliberately hung high can stimulate the nerves that are about to collapse.


Although they have experienced many dangers, there has never been such a case that everyone exudes cold from the inside out.

What\'s more, even the last few people don\'t dare to give each other 100% trust.

Because they don\'t know whether the monster has put on a new human skin and hidden around them.

Dare not rest!

Dare not sleep!

I dare not go out alone!

The team leader doesn\'t know how long he can hold on. He only knows that if he can\'t hold out this night, the whole adventure team will be destroyed and become the first victims.

Just when everyone was silent, the woman holding the short bow suddenly said excitedly, "this is not the way! We have to find a way to escape! I don\'t want to die! Let alone peel off my skin!"

"How to escape? It\'s night now! That monster may be watching our every move in the woods." another man asked angrily.

"There is only one monster! We can disperse and escape!" the woman suggested with a strange light in her eyes.

"What?! are you crazy? It will catch up with us and kill us one by one." the last man shook his head without thinking.

But the team leader realized that the woman wanted to express her subtext. He subconsciously held the weapon and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "no! As long as we run fast enough! It can only catch up with one of them at most, and the remaining three can survive. It\'s like drawing lots. No one knows who will win the lot. Everything depends on fate and luck. What do you think?"