All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1076

"A perfect hunt, didn\'t you? When you created these monsters, did you consider that they could evolve from beasts that only know how to kill to monsters with complex thinking and strong ability of camouflage and deception?"

Located on the top floor of the magic tower, Ellens asked with a smile while staring at the influence transmitted by the magic mirror.

Needless to ask, he is full of curiosity about the Skinner, and even feels that this life is more advanced than himself. He does not need to spend a lot of time and energy to learn, nor do he need to accumulate experience bit by bit. As long as he devours the soul of the target and puts on each other\'s skin, he can immediately obtain all memory, experience and knowledge.

Sitting on the throne, Zhang Cheng dragged his chin with one hand and replied carelessly: "It is indeed a perfect hunting. However, you don\'t need to be envious. Although the learning speed of skinners is unmatched by any race, they have a fatal defect, that is, they can only imitate and can\'t create. You should understand that species without creativity have no future."

"I see." Allen nodded thoughtfully, but soon couldn\'t help asking, "since there is no future, why do you create them?"

"There\'s no special reason. I just want to make a try. Now it seems that they don\'t disappoint me. At least they can eliminate a large number of unqualified guys and let those real adventurers enter the entrance to the underground." after that, Zhang Cheng raised his arm and waved.

The magic mirror, which was still presenting images, stopped working and instantly returned to its normal appearance.

There is no doubt that his mind has long been out of these little games used to pass the time, so he doesn\'t seem interested at all.

But unfortunately, Allen was obviously unaware of this and still exclaimed excitedly: "it\'s incredible! Just one attempt, you created such a powerful and interesting monster, which is simply the legendary creator who surpasses the gods. It\'s my supreme honor to serve such a great existence as you."

"No, young man. It\'s not easy to create life, but it\'s not as complicated and difficult as you think. First of all, you need to understand the essence of life and find out what are the preconditions that play a decisive role in the process of creation. Second, you need to solve technical problems. Finally, you need to have your own ideas instead of blindly imitating. Finish Actually, creating life is not achieved overnight, nor is it the craftsmen in the workshop who produce goods. On the contrary, it is an art that is constantly changing and full of surprises. You will realize the feeling of constant surprises when you really understand it. "Zhang Cheng casually explained his experience of creating life to young people.

You know, creating an intelligent race is not too difficult for many powerful creatures.

The real difficulty is to create a species that is incomparably powerful and full of infinite potential in the future.

But on this remote and backward planet, monsters like skinners are strong enough. There is no need to exaggerate. Otherwise, the game will lose fun because of the large gap in strength.

In his eyes, the real adventure should be to encounter powerful but not invincible enemies or monsters.

The Skinner is just such a guard who looks very powerful on the surface, but has several obvious defects.

Unfortunately, the members of the adventure team were frightened and didn\'t pay attention to the hints of deliberately staying. Eventually, the whole army was destroyed and none of them could escape.

"Do you mean... I can be the creator too?!" Ellen began to tremble excitedly, and a hot flame burst out of her eyes.

Zhang Cheng nodded without thinking: "Of course! You can find books on this subject on bookshelf 634 of the library. But I would like to remind you not to be too obsessed, or you will soon encounter your first failure. Creating life, especially creating an ethnic group that can be controlled by yourself, requires repeated and strict experiments. The greatest feature of intelligent life is its independence Personality and thinking ability, they will not blindly worship their creators for a long time, and even more seriously, they will produce fierce resistance and try to kill the creators to prove that they are special. I don\'t want to see you killed by the species created by yourself one day, which is the greatest sorrow of the Creator. "

"Please rest assured that I would rather destroy the lives I created myself than allow them to resist. Strength! As long as there is enough strength, any resistance is futile." Ellen clenched her fist and responded decisively.

"Hehe, you\'re right. To become a creator, you first need to have overwhelming absolute power. If there is anything absolute in this world, it must be power. Only power will not deceive you, and only power will never betray. No matter what happens in the future, it will be your strongest backing. Friends can betray, allies can betray and relatives People can abandon, but strength will accompany you to the end of your life. Go, my servant, do whatever you want. I want to see how far you can go. "

When saying these words, Zhang Cheng\'s tone revealed a strong hint.

He could feel that as the power of chaos began to take root and sprout in the mortal\'s body, the other party\'s life form had changed, like a galloping carriage running towards a road of no return.

No one knows what will happen to the youth in the future, but one thing is certain that he will eventually become less and less like his original self, whether in thought or soul.

"Thank you for your generosity and kindness! I swear, I won\'t let you down." Allen touched his chest with one hand, bent down and bowed deeply.

He was so excited at the moment that he ignored the fleeting thoughts in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes.

Soon, he left the top of the tower, returned to the library below, and began to read books on creating life. After a while, he was trapped in it.

As a caster, he knew for the first time that there were so many and complex information hidden inside the seemingly simple life.

Many professional terms are very difficult to read even through magic. Some words have to be repeated dozens of times to barely understand their meaning.

But instead of being discouraged, Allen became very excited.

Because he felt that such raw and difficult knowledge was in line with the technology of creating life. He didn\'t understand that he had unknowingly become an experiment