All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1067

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! How could he do this to me!"

When the news of the success of the royal court coup spread, Kelvin was like crazy. He hid in the room alone and smashed things crazily. Even if his hands were blurred in the process of waving, he didn\'t mean to stop at all.

As a tyrant and careerist, he always believed that his position was the most important and could not be replaced by anyone.

But what happened?

Just when he began to expand a little, Zhang Cheng gave him a blow in the head.

No threat!

No warning!

No notice!

Just directly supported another agent!

The agent is still the princess of the kingdom he covets, and he also hates his enemies and opponents most.

Kelvin can almost imagine how much negative impact it will have on the original grand plan once Vilia is in power, and it is not clear whether he can get a steady stream of support and funding in the future.

For a moment, the panic spread rapidly in his heart, completely without his arrogance not long ago.

As a saying goes, a person\'s courage and courage are supported by wealth, power and strength.

Once you lose these, your courage and courage will fall like a cliff. Even if you have been in a high position, you will quickly become no different from ordinary people, or even worse.

Just as Kelvin kept venting by smashing, the closed door was suddenly knocked, followed by the voice of an attendant: "Sir, someone wants to see you."

"Who? Who wants to see me? Didn\'t I say I wanted to be alone?" Kelvin quickly put away his irritability and asked in a deep tone.

As a lord, he is undoubtedly very clear that the more unfavorable the situation is, the less he can let his subordinates see his gaffe. Otherwise, once the people below find that the loyal object is panicked, they will also fall into panic, resulting in the rapid collapse of huge forces in a short time.

"Sorry, he won\'t say who he is. He just said he had something very important to interview you." the attendant outside the door carefully explained.

"All right! Take him to the study and I\'ll be there later." after that, Kelvin quickly stuffed the miscellaneous decorations and furniture under the bed and cleaned the blood on the back of his hands with a basin of water.

As for the mashed skin and meat, it has long healed under the strong recovery ability, except that the skin looks a little white and tender.

Having rearranged his hair and hair, he forced himself to return to his normal heart, then beat the people in the bedroom and walked straight towards the study.

Just as he arrived at the door of the study, before waiting to enter, a mysterious man shrouded in his cloak and hood turned around, stroked his chest with one hand, leaned back slightly and said: "Ah, good afternoon, dear Lord Kelvin. No, maybe I should call you your majesty. After all, you have occupied most of the territory of the kingdom. It won\'t be long before you can be crowned king and wear a crown for yourself."

"Who are you? Why are you sneaky?" Kelvin narrowed his eyes subconsciously and looked up and down at each other.

"Hehe, it doesn\'t matter who I am. What matters is that I know you are in a little trouble now. To be exact, you have been abandoned by the master behind you." the mysterious man points out the most outstretched fear and secret hidden in Kelvin\'s heart.


Kelvin\'s face changed greatly. He suddenly pulled out his sword and threatened loudly: "give you ten seconds! Take off your cloak! Let me see your face!"

"No, no, no, this is not a smart person\'s response. Do you think I would be afraid of a sword if I dared to see you alone? If I were you, I wouldn\'t treat a potential ally who might help me." The mysterious man\'s tone revealed an undisguised playfulness, and did not pay attention to the cold magic sword.

"I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about! Leave now! Otherwise, I promise, those knights, monsters and steel puppets outside will rush in and tear you to pieces." Kelvin didn\'t mean to soften his attitude at all and gave the order to leave without hesitation.

Of course, it\'s not that he doesn\'t need help, but that he doesn\'t dare to make too much contact with this guy of unknown origin.

After all, he knows how terrible the power shown by Zhang Cheng is. Therefore, he would never dare to make even a little betrayal in the real sense before me. At most, he would make exploratory small moves in private.

"Well, well, I\'ll go now. But please don\'t forget that my proposal is always valid. You can contact me through this little thing at any time when you want to understand. Goodbye, your future king. I wish you can build a brilliant and powerful empire." After that, the mysterious man bent down and bowed again, followed by the whole person, gradually became transparent and finally dissipated in the air.

Staring at the Red Badge left on the table, Kelvin took a deep breath, picked it up and carefully checked it. His face was full of struggle and hesitation.

On the one hand, he didn\'t know if it was a plot to frame himself, so he instinctively wanted to throw away the badge to prevent being caught.

On the other hand, he is not willing to give up an opportunity like this.

But he didn\'t know that the mysterious man returned to the magic tower in the depths of the forest not long after he left the study.

As soon as he took off his hood, he showed a very young face. It was Allen.

With a contemptuous smile, the young man muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "fool! Don\'t let me down! Otherwise so much effort will be wasted."

"What effort was wasted?"

The voice just fell!

Another voice came from behind.

Ellens quickly turned his head and found that his loyal master had been standing between transmissions, and his pupils revealed a light as bright as stars.

Without time to think more, he immediately bowed his head and replied, "it\'s evidence! Master! It won\'t be long before I can find evidence of Kelvin\'s betrayal. Now with a new agent, I don\'t think it\'s necessary to leave this hidden danger. It\'s time to find an opportunity to eradicate it."

"It\'s not necessary. Kelvin is still useful. You\'d better not do superfluous things, let alone make your own decisions. Remember, chess pieces, even the most garbage chess pieces, can play unexpected roles as long as they are used properly. What\'s more, Kelvin\'s role is much greater than you think..."